1.0 Server Status Thread

I have not paid 35 or 50… I have paid €70 and I am not dissatisfied at all… Quite the opposite… There is a good atmosphere in the community… everyone wants to help to feel better than anyone else, to be recognized and also there are but few trolls xD I will only add that the game looks spectacular… Nothing that has been seen in BETA before… Lighting, text, music, mini bosses and monster density… For me, you have a 10… without a doubt… As for the problems of the first and second day… Well… (First day 1.0): - 5% Playing - 95% of the time AFK with Problems (Second day 1.0): - 95% Playing - 5% AFK with Problems I’m looking forward to seeing how you handle the weekend, I hope it’s 100% playable even if each portal takes 10 seconds. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for everything and I hope everything improves soon… and the cape you gave away… we hope it helps me, since I wear an XXL

you can voice your opinion and i can voice my opinion about all this whining being hella stupid and wasted energy, devs are working on it nonstop and they are also human beings who just need some sleep. Also you can just block people in the forum :^)

and my opinion was for you to stop telling me how to feel. dont need that crap. and how do I block you so i dont have to read your BS

EHG Simps vs. Angry Gamers. Round 3. Fight!

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It is something about 00:51 AM their time so they are sleeping :stuck_out_tongue:

are servers up its been 6 mins without a reply

Yes, for the last 15-20 minutes

I appreciate this so much.! Ty for all your hard work you are doing so much better then most companies out there would. Take your time to make sure everyone can play an have fun we appreciate it.

What assumptions? They posted their Tencent partnership in these forums. The fact they all worked at Blizz is in their bios. The timestamps of all their updates save the one that was posted at 6:58pm yesterday (the one that on Discord goes on to say they are sending their team home) are all within the 9-5 workday window (and they are, in fairness, often) but complete radio silence outside of office hours. YT content creators have talked about being sponsored by this company. None of those are assumptions, they are facts. But hey, if you don’t have anything to respond, why not say ‘go touch grass’?

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because you really should go touch some grass instead of complaining about people not coming to you as a player and saying “im working rn on this game that you play here i clocked in to you personally” lmao

thanks for keeping us updated, good to see you manage to catch on to some bigger issues in the files. still seems server of EU are unstable atm. keep it up team!

For some reason, the chat in the game stopped working

Yes noticed chat was dead

That’s not at all what I said. THEY said they were sending their team home yesterday on their Discord. THEY have given updates on various public platforms quite often during office hours, but haven’t given any outside of them. I just pointed that out. I don’t expect personal service of any sort. I am amazed that a company is so lackadaisical in handling the bad ‘launch’ of their only product. I haven’t said anything about expecting any personal communication or preference, but you’ve decided to project that onto me. So perhaps I’m not the one that needs some distance and perspective?

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maybe a new issue, twice now when loading into a new map i get a little pop-up screen can’t see the error and game just shurts down? more people having this issue?

its not the can’t load into map error. -61

:joy: you really havent seen lackadaisical launches, they are doing more than the average devs in keeping players updated about downtimes and working on fixes

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Perma dead chat would be a nice 1.01 feature. It’s even worse than WoW general chat back in the days, didn’t think it would be possible.

Again, projecting. You have no idea what games I’ve played on launch day. I simply pointed out things from their own forums, and you once again made a personal assumption about me. I disagree with you, based on what I’ve read from them, in the fact that they only give those updates during classic ‘office hours’. The fact we disagree over that is fine. You may find that to be satisfactory and I don’t. I make no other assumptions about you.
To the second part, I don’t know if they are doing ‘more’ than ‘average’ devs about working on fixes. There’s a lot of subjectiveness to that and a lot of assumptions. Unless either of us have been involved with their actual efforts, I would say neither of us is qualified to say that. I would say we BOTH hope so. But since they delayed that release one final time to ‘get it right’ and the CEO bragged in an interview this week that they were over-prepared and up to the challenge of a smooth launch, my hope is slimmer than yours.
Be well, and watch the assumptions

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Thanks for the updates - they are appreciated.

As this is ongoing over days and there are people around the world reading this it would be beneficial if you could include
a) Time & Date
b) Time Zone


1 hour ago, when I completed the main story quest in the first Epoch and was teleported to the next Epoch I encountered a bug. All monsters there were invisible but their attacks were visible and I were able to attack and kill them and also, I could only see friendly NPC and interact with them.