1.0 Server Status Thread

F offline…

now just stuck in loading screen…

Was just about to write the same… change the STEAM LAUNCH to offline mode and you good to go.

Just stupid, you ruin the game and your reputation with that server upfuck …

Yea try (if you haven’t) going to game properties and set to offline before launching the game. that should work I think. Vs loading the game normally and picking the offline option on the main menu which I believe is currently not working.

Well, let’s see, they haven’t updated the campaign in over a year (it’s at 8 of 12 chapters like it has been since before they started working on multiplayer) so the launch brought new content in the form of leaderboards and an auctionhouse/trade system. OH WAIT THOSE ARE ONLINE FEATURES. Not everyone wants to play ssf offline. And no, they literally said yesterday, at 7pm their time that they were sending the team home for the night, and if you look at update time stamps, they are not providing any updates outside of the standard work day PST. They already delayed THIS launch 3 months to ‘get it right’, which is actually a tradition with this company, who promised their kickstarter supports game keys for it’s release in 2018, so some of us are getting a little tired of their broken promises.
And before anyone says it, no they aren’t a small indie company - they have been a Tencent partner for two years, and no they aren’t just some dudes who like arpgs, their core is former Blizz employees who’ve been peddling ‘just some indie dudes who love arpgs’ through sponsored YT content creators.


then go cry all day about the only person being awake on the team trying to fix an issue that probably requires atleast half the team awake.

Alright boys how do I hack an offline character to endgame?

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am back in and all seems to be working.

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lets get it !!!

I’m in it’s fully working :slight_smile:

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It’s like 10:45 their time and they obviously don’t hit the office until 9am, so I doubt they’re asleep.

Not for me, when I click on Play Online nothing happens

I turned off GoodbyeDPI and it started right away!

I’m here for all the people who have never played the early days of a brand new live service game that have nothing to bring but whining and complaining to just actually stop playing. Big fan. <3

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But do you even have any idea what the situation is in the real world? This is their JOB and it’s their FIRST game launch, do you think they’re not worried about the situation? They are working to the best of their ability because it is in THEIR interest that the situation improves as soon as possible.

I would also add that the last problem-free launch I saw, and an online video game since 1999, was RIFT in 2011. Since then there have ALWAYS been problems, sometimes for hours and other times for days, even with companies that own thousands of employees and thousands more vehicles than them.

We are still talking about a small indie company that has churned out a game that rivals sacred monsters like Diablo, if you’re really interested in the game wait, otherwise do as you like and be prepared to do it for EVERY other online game you buy, because the probability to see you complain about problems on any other game is very high given what happens at every launch.

And, let’s be clear, I don’t wear any armor. I work on it with the contents I create and you understand well that I am losing money and time due to this situation, but it was taken into account given that in over 20 years of activity I have seen plenty of similar problems.


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your assumptions are really weird idk, go touch some grass maybe

lmao people acting like this would be a good solution. In what game that wants a working economy would they EVER do anything like this? Use your head.

and you can go to hell so you can stop telling others what to do…

I’m back in again