1.0 Server Status Thread

They should have worked all night. This is stupid.
48 hours into this, i have got over 10 matchmaking error trying to enter the Catacombs. What a bunch of crap. Anyway, they decided to issue refunds?

Ok, i understand, that there can be problems at launching an new game. But after 30 hours not possible to connect, not possible to play stable?
Anytime you go to sleep, you shut the servers of?
Pls, have you free on weekend, or can we assume, that we can at least play on the weekend?

Game was better before launch. Change my mind.


EU West.

Online play and offline play not available.

0630 GMT

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OK refund and uninstall

im truly shocked at how many crybabies exist in this thread. Not a single game has had a truly flawless launch the past year(s) and this is a problem which will be resolved within a few days. Just play solo self found in offline mode until then or wait until its fixed instead of running headfirst into a wall complaining all day about the game not working when devs are working probably 24/7 to get this game going


Servers will literally explode on saturday if they donā€™t find a solution.

How do we block these "white knightsā€™ with their crappy stupid defenses. A lot of games are also crap, so that is ok if this game was crap too. What a bunch of non-sense statements.

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There is no offline mode atm, and stating that not a single game launch has ever had a flawless launch is a pretty broad statement, shall we google to see?

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Iā€™m just doing other things and keeping an eye on this thread while waiting to be able to play again and checking to see if itā€™s working every once in a while. It will get there and things will settle down.

there is lmao i have been playing in it since launch, and it is working flawlessly

Dude 21 feb was launch day. It was 2 days ago. When we can play the game, what you think? One week later? One month later? What you think

you clearly havent played much games in the past years on release which require server capacities. Even big AAA games like WoW have extremly bad launches with waiting 3 hours to get into a server just for the game to crash 10min in repeating that shit

Try logging out and then back in

I wouldnā€™t be worried except it is Dead player hours, When Americans are in bed. Had no issues at all yesterday at this time with more players then steam is saying right now.

Check the discord they just said ā€œAuthentication service is having issue. Iā€™ve been looking at it for the last bit. Currently the majority of the team is asleep. Bare with me sorryā€

Tried it before your suggestion, now it wont even get past the login screen. Whatever they are doing is making it better. NOTā€¦ That is assuming they are doing anything at all at this time, which I very much doubt.

We canĀ“t even play ā€œofflineā€. There is no game, we stuck in the loading screen ā€¦

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I went to menu, my 54 lev char was gone and it put me into the menu of choosing a new charā€¦ if my char is gone it will be the last time iā€™ve played this game. Now i canā€™t even connect and open the menu to check if it was just a bug or the char is really gone. Please if anyone wants to write more weird things about D4 launch, should really shut up, cause since the day 1 of D4 I could enjoy and normally play it.
Last Epoch is the biggest clusterfuck in any game history Iā€™ve ever played.

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game properties and set it to start in full offline mode, i was immediately into the game with my druid @Lankoron