1.0 Server Status Thread

Kicked me off, and does not show my ladder or legacy characters. Man oh man this launch.

looks like servers are dead againā€¦STUCK IN QUE THAT ISNT MOVING.

At least now I no longer have any reason to delay workā€¦

Heh. You wanted to play the game you paid for for more than an hour? XD Clearly you are entitled. Oh glorious devs, I will be the knight in shining armor to defend you.

I waited 4 years andā€¦ canā€™t play on the 3rd day

apparently they announced this morning that the game was being taken down for an hour tonight on X. But have done a really shitty job of making that clear to anyone tonight.

So Iā€™m stuck at the main title screen. Is this a known issue? game shutdown?

ā€œMany seem to be connecting and playing without issue but we are investigating reports of players who are unable to login.ā€

Why i have always be in that second group off ppl with issue ? XD


EU West here, stuck at login

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I"m playing AUS. Got queue trying to login and canā€™t connect to offline.

you get a login page before the queue, instead of play online, click play offline and itll take you through to offline :slight_smile:

It crapped out again. US East Coast. At least it was a good ride for a few hours wile it worked.

I do click that but stuck trying to go to offline

This is ridiculous. 2nd night, and I am getting the matchmaking error over and over trying to enter the Majā€™Elkan catacombs. WTF???

I guess these news are old.

If the devs attached a time zone info to their updates, people would actually know when it was postedā€¦

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After watching the Ghazzy and Darth interview (52 minutes in) with Mike from LE talking about how they want their story to be told of how well the launch would go, I thought immediately you may live to regret that!

Same as Taika, canā€™t get into offline either. Australia.

If the last two days are any clue, you can assume theyā€™re between 9-5 PST, because these boys do NOT clock in overtime. Just kidding, they worked until 7pm yesterdayā€¦

Couldnā€™t play yesterday due to que times, I play today get to the first town and get LE-61 error and now cant even log in. Starting to regret even buying it.

I m sorry but I just lost my patient it is 7 am and I can"t play. Weekend is coming and it will be worst.