1.0 Server Status Thread

I got in for a few hours earlier slow transition times but honestly got done to like 30 seconds a couple hours in. I’m on NA servers was playing with a couple friends. This game is incredible!!! My buddy is playing the runemaster sooo cool!!

Imagine how high your steam player count would be if your infrastructure person didn’t shit the bid

Disabled NordVPN and got in straight away!

Thanks Marrvelous.

guys is it just me ? my character doenst exist . now i cant get in to character screen

servers down again? can’t log in at all

Same here - stuck at log in screen unfortunately

Same here in EU west

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same,. stuck at log in screen, time to lunch then.

same here. Stuck at login screen

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i think its only eu west

Lol no. It’s all the servers.

yep, apparently EU West is dead

Yeah, same issue in AUS

cant login LE 51 - five one error
EU West

Yep, EU West, login not working

Dang, just had a good hour and change run too. When it’s working, it’s so fun… ah well, I guess offline mode character for a bit. Someday, someday…

US West trying to get into weylan outskirts LE-61

US West here stuck as well at login

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Can’t even access offline mode now

couldnt go from one area to another then left game and character gone. Now in queue to log in. Guess the problems continue. Hope character comes back. Also can’t access offline. WTF is going on.