1.0 Server Status Thread

Please tell me that you took snapshots of those VMs before pushing out the 1.0 code release.

Exit the game and get back in. Worked for me.

I still canā€™t play. fix it, come onā€¦

Wow really? That sucks. I got on at 8pm and just got off at 10pm. No issues at all. A few slightly delayed zone transitions, but much improved over last night.

every one/two zones I have to restart cause I get stuck loadingā€¦

Area transitions are very slow (30secs to 4 mins) but itā€™s working so far.

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Iā€™ve been playing for close to 4 hours tonight. EU West.
Apart from the occasional long transition time, everything was smooth.

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Works (mostly) good now. Thanks for putting all the effort and fixing the issues! I hope this game earns its place.

Is there a secret to how people are actually able to get in???, Iā€™ve been stuck on the loading screen since yesterday.

Offline mode

So online mode doesnā€™t work for anyone?

As an FYI. I was having issues being stuck loading the initial play area after creating a character. I read on Discord about turning off VPNā€¦ Well, I use NordVPN and added the Last Epoch exe file to split tunneling (turn off VPN for LE) and what do you know? Able to login right away and play the game just fine.

If you use a VPN, either split tunnel or turn it off while playing LE and see if that fixes your issue.

And i was convinced that you could just start playing offline and then migrate to online when things are more stable. At level 33 i realized im playing all by myself. Forever and everā€¦ That was yesterday. I want to start oveeeeeeeeeeeerā€¦

That bloody worked. Thanks alot! I assume you have reported the ā€œfixā€ somewhere where it belongsā€¦? :slight_smile:

Only reported here. Feel free to spread the word. Glad it worked for you!

HOLYYY F#$*, that actually worked!!

Hey Everyone I had this crazy bug today! Iā€™d love if you guys checked out my short :slight_smile: Maybe leave a comment about any bugs youā€™ve found! Maybe even give it a share! That would mean the world to me! https://youtube.com/shorts/-wfjJcXrc34?feature=share

No thank you

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Could you guys maybe just make an announcement when everything is working? I am tired of testing the game every few hours. Just let us know when its fully cooked.

Okay no problem! Thanks anyways! :wolf: