1.0 Server Status Thread

But then again, you do sound like the type that eats soup with a fork…

You guys are rockstars. Been in and out over the last few days and watching you all tackle what is obviously a monumental challenging hurdle. Well done to the team at EHG and thank you so much for your drive, tenacity and perseverance!


It’s not just live service games. Single-player games are coming out broken and half-complete. Talking about games in general not just live service.

Yeah I agree. And I mean, I get that companies need to do better with releases. I don’t want to just excuse them for bad launch after bad launch.

At the same time, there’s nothing that puts more stress on a game’s backend infrastructure than the massive influx of players that happens on launch day. It’s kind of understandable that issues might happen.

So while we shouldn’t gives these companies a pass, we also should be a little more understanding and not completely flip out.


Totaly agree.
I always try to play on launch day, but I know there will be problems like in every other MMO. I just don’t get upset haha.
Maybe it’s only young players that never went through past launches and rage like crazy.
And yea, ppl who take a free day on launch day deserve a slap xD


After a few tries I managed to enter and start leveling. It seems the game’s performance is awful but at least, half playable.

For things like this I’m NOT into game development. I’m happy programming apps, thank you.
Keep the good work, my leveling tests in 0.9 were a blast compared with the poor performance of 0.5 and 0.6 (dropped the game for a while).

BTW Anybody remembers PoE’s DPS? Desyncs Per Second. That was a recurrent joke back in the day.

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LE is a great game and can be played offline without issues that I know of. I played offline for a while. It’s just that not all but some companies are just doing less than what would be called the bare minimum just to put a game out. Which in turn causes issues for other companies like EHG when something goes wrong people lose it.

When I finally got in had no issues whatsoever

Nah, dude. That’s a lie. For me, there was 1,5hr queue at D4 launch day, then I played until I went to sleep. Sure, there were some rubberbanding issues but nothing as what we saw here (locations trying to load for 10+ minutes and eventually failing to do so). When I woke up on day 2 of D4 launch, I didn’t even have a queue and was able to play right away.
You can hate Blizzard all you want, but they know a lot about handling spike loads, and pretty much all their releases in the last 10 years have been very smooth compared to this shitshow.


I keep hearing about the queue times. What region are you in? Truly just wondering. I have had issues but not that. I have played in the US East and Central.

Recovering from what? Still can’t load in certain spots.

I’m in Europe. But I was talking about D4 launch anyway.

Regarding LE, I was able to play a bit in the morning today (I think it was like 8-9am CET) but when I tried to play yesterday or in the evening today, it was simply impossible to leave town and load into another zone.

It was a shitshow of 17k queue times during three whole days mainly for US players tho.

Here it’s the same, I’ve been able to play all day yesterday while others never could.

Both games have had lucky draws.

Online play unavailable.

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Oh ok. Yea I had wait times in D4 also. I been able to get in here and there for a bit then I get stuck. Yesterday was alot better for me. I was able to play for a few hours without issues besides I did sit at times to load a zone. But not too long. Today is different tho.

Still spending over 2 minutes to change zones

working online us west

Zoning is still ass

hey for me uninstalling and reinstalling the game solved the “cant login problem”

Just don’t you dare leave, you won’t rejoin again! And no queue too, for good measure