1.0 Server Status Thread

I think it is so funny people keep saying snowflake. It’s a real problem in the gaming world half baked games and they are launched or don’t work at launch. It is a terrible practice that is destroying the gaming world. If you played games in the 90’s you would know the difference between a complete working game and the stuff that some companies put out now. It is like buying a new car for you to have to return later to get the wheels or engine.


You can try to sell offline gameplay as much as you want you’re only kidding yourself if you think that’s what people want. this thread wouldn’t have this much negative comments if offline play was good enough.


Only people that wanna play offline are the people speed running or hacking. Which is no one right now. People spam when the game is actually working… until then let’s all just go eat a delicious bowl of soup


Just want everyone to know, that its 70 people, that are around the world and most of them have never even done this before. If it was any big corp 70quid triple A game, then should complain. But considering we are getting updates and how fast they are dealing with all these issues. Hats off to them. Patience wins!


that’s not even true. D4s early access launch was horrible af for the first 2 days.
endless queues, DCs, areas not loading, error messages… then it stabilized only to show the same issues again at official launch and the first weekend thereafter… and i think the second weekend was also rough, but not sure about that.

so the D4 reality was:

2 days of early access barely playable with 10 hour queues only to DC again right away… so funny, people startet queuing before they left for work because of this only to DC or get stuck on endless loading screens

official release: problems of the first 2 days of early access are back
1st weekend after official release: old problems came back to say hello
2nd weekend: pretty sure we had issues there as well, but not 100% sure so i am not gonna make that statement…

you can still read the forum posts from back then…

but hey, i am glad that people actually seem to forget really fast


Not to mention D3 that was unplayable for a week with devs saying nothing or wow that breaks ever launch week


Actually the most intelligent take of all.

“I bought the game I should be able to play” yes of course. But hey, shit happens. It doesn’t mean you will never be able to play, ever.

Give it a bit of time, it’s not vital for your health to play RIGHT NOW.

But it’s annoying.

But it’s ultimately just a game.


And do you know what’s funnier? I bet the people who are praising D4 launch here and saying offline is not a thing are the same ones who probably posted on D4 forums crying for having to be online to play D4 and why not have offline mode.

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Ya game is back online but I still can’t enter Keeper’s Camp. I’ll come back in a few days I guess


Gotta put on my chest waters for all the shit we have to listen to in here… soo many white knights… you can like the game and still say this is ridiculous. Stop saying this is normal, stop comparing it to d3/d4. This team made jokes about blizzard launching problems and are doing the same fucking thing. They deserve this because of that. Smart ass dudes on their live streams trying to sound like no it alls but look at them now? You’re having the same Problems. They should be begging other companies to help them if they are that small and dumb and don’t know what to look for and fix to get this shit working.


GG guys, you got this!


Thank you for all your hard work. You doing great and the frequent updates let us follow the journey to a stable game.
I could level to 20 and unlock the mastery today. I had already a blast and looking forward for more.
Ignore the whiny kids that can’t understand such a difficult launch. Most ppl don’t mind when the game will be playable a few days later.


still transitions take long to load or do not load at all

??? “Online Play unavailable” error message when trying to play online… So now the servers don’t work AT ALL??? CAN I GET A REFUND!!!

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How many games in the 90’s were always online live services? I can remember the one game in the 90’s like this that I played, Ultima Online. And it had MASSIVE server issues.

Indeed. It’s just a game. Just play something else or do some other hobby. That’s what I did.
Ppl acting like it’s the end of the world and I can’t wrap my mind around this.

I’m in game right now.

Loading times are close to normal so far.

It’s funny how perspectives change. When D3 came out and no one could play because it had server issues and was online only, everyone was RAGING because how DARE Blizzard make an aRPG online only.

Now we have an aRPG with a fully offline mode and people are like “what you expect me to play offline??? What am I, a savage?!!??”


I can remember buying D4 for one of the EA weekend, and then refunding it because I couldn’t play lol.


to be honest i don’t understand the outrage. i play video games for almost 40 years now - yes i am old :wink: - and i have a real hard time to remember a single mmorpg (or other games that rely heavily on some kind of server infrastructure) which had a smooth start… maybe ultima online back then, because no one could pay for that game with internet being paid per minute XD - but thats too long ago, i can’t remember how the launch actually went… :wink:

there are 2 rules which are almost as ancient as i am:

  1. don’t play these type of games on release day
  • at least not if you have a low tolerance for this stuff happening and get angry easily
    srsly you would think people would know by now…
  1. don’t play on patch day

maybe we should add a third one:

  1. don’t be stupid and take off from work for release day and the next 2 days. take your vacation at least 2 days after release, maybe 3 to be sure… :wink: