1.0 Server Status Thread

Dear computer people, would it be possible for them to allow offline characters to eventually migrate to online so we dont lose progress while they figure out their shit?

its playable by going to offline mode while they fix online. so thus its still playable, and you are acting like snowflake, stop crying.

99% of IT is troubleshooting until you find something that works. If you actually think solving server issues is as simple as zeroing in on the problem and producing a 1-1 fix, then itā€™s clear you have no concept or frame of reference as to how IT works.

Not without opening up an exploit where people import cheater characters that they modified offline with editors.


True but offline is a waste of time. Your preorder items will not work and no items you find work with the online side. So if you plan on normally playing online then its a waste of time unless you are just trying out some builds. I understand why the offline canā€™t be online because of players editing files etc but that is the fact. You donā€™t get the trade merchant or the other offline. Again it makes since but still.

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You know you can play full LE on offline, right? I played LE off and on for 24 hours, too. With way less issues than D4. One experience doesnā€™t make the majority, and D4 was WAY worse at launch for the majority of people. Honestly, just refund the game and go back to D4. You gotta prepare for that 60ā‚¬ expansion. Oh, Rod Fergunson is probably waiting for you to kneel and do the ā€œdeedā€, maybe heā€™ll even reward you a free cosmetic from the shop.

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Keep up the good work, some of us are actually adults that can tolerate a less than perfect launch!


and your items are not gonna work with new cycles on online mode.think of offline as a minicycle. so there is an option to play the game but sadly people want to cry and cry. man people now a days sure are sensative.

Iā€™m not upset by it a little irritated yes. But I have owned the game for a few years now. Iā€™m happy to see how it is progressing but that doesnā€™t excuse the fact of the server issues. It is way too common with all games. They come out broken and are fixed along the way. Or like Todd Howard said itā€™s not how to start it is how you finish. That is NOT acceptable. People are getting tired of this route games are going. It sucks its a smaller group of devs, they dont have thousands to help but that is not an excuse.

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thank you for the explanation. personally, iā€™m holding off on playing offline because i feel like iā€™ll lose my progress when i eventually get to play online and make an online character. The only way iā€™d be willing to play offline is if they reset the cycle so we all get a fresh start without the issues

Wishing the Last Epoch team the best! Thank you for pulling long hours trying to get things working. I hope youā€™re all able to rest and celebrate soon!

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Iā€™ve only got 2 hours to play yesterday+today, 50% of that 2 hours was looking at the loading screen lol. Disappointed and frustrated? yes definetly. But still patiently waiting for dev to fix the server. The game really improves A LOT since i tried it in late 2022 and I had a blast while i could during the server was somewhat stable yesterday. Hope they fix it soon as more people get to experience this great game.

After many games continue to come out like this people are tired of it. And the ones defend this practice is part of the problem.


exactly what Im saying. I just started up a thread saying we should get free premium currency to compensate for this, and people are actually trying to refute it XD. Like bro, that doesnā€™t even cost them money to do. I donā€™t understand why people simp for corporations.

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Ya that tells me you werenā€™t there either. That was what was so remarkable. They sold 10 million copies and those of us that were there for the D3 launch expected another shit show. When that didnā€™t happen we were completely shocked. Anyway done talking to bricks so have a good day.

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ya, valid take - Iā€™ve been lucky and the servers have been fine when Iā€™ve been able to play.

Alternatively, using offline to test a bunch of builds before picking one and going fast also works. When you have everything planned out in your head, itā€™s crazy how fast you can go.

Was veeeeery slowly progressing in the game (20 mins to teleport to town, 30 sec to give quest back, 20 mins to leave town).
I got a loading screen that lasted like maybe 30 mins, until I suddenly got kicked out for ā€œinactivityā€. Canā€™t go back in because ā€œOnline Play Unavailableā€ again.
Not gonna lie I would laugh if I wasnā€™t so dissapointed in this launch.


Right years ago games came out there was no day 1 patch or anything like that. Maybe alot of these people are too young to know what it was like. Some games back then still had issues yes but many didnt any nothing like they have today. Because the dev teams spend good money of testing etc and now its a way to cut costs. Also there is the early access today which should help fix 99% of it. That is like testers that pay the companies instead of the other way around. But they still cant get right.

Servers are back online

Keep up the good work! You made an unbeliveable game. Kinda sad servers are broken Atm but i know you all working hard to fix it.