1.0 Server Status Thread

Actually, because of scale, Blizzard does face a different class of problems than EHG. When they do a launch, it can be seen from space - as in it makes a detectable difference in overall internet traffic. And back when the original Diablo 2 was in its prime, battle.net was the busiest chat network on the planet.

One thing the EHG and Blizzard have in common is that game development is different than other kinds of software development. I’ve worked at companies where releases could get pushed back because of overruns - once it was so bad the release was close to a year late. With game development, a release date needs to be picked so the marketing hype machine can gear up to build enthusiasm for the launch. Which means the launch date trumps everything else.

A book I liked that mentions this is Pete McBreen’s “Questioning Extreme Programming”.


The simple solution would be to stop trying to play live service games. If you keep doing the same thing and are constantly disappointed in the results, then eventually you need to look in the mirror.

As the old adage goes, “if everywhere you go smells like dog poop, maybe it’s time to check the bottom of your own shoe”.

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It still is. Rubber banding still plagues the game and the game’s optimization is still terrible.

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I’ve been playing Hardcore offline mode and having a blast. D4 or POE don’t even have that option.

Encourage you all to do the same while servers are weird.


This is simply not true. It’s OK to not like something but the vast majority of players experience no issues with D4.

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And you only get 6 tabs max which are all small… ROFL

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What I have never understood about responses like this is that you are taking moral offense to an error, like they did it on purpose. Everyone makes mistakes

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The majority of players DID experience issues with D4. Google is your friend.

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fucking issue is 15 years same content )))

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The good part is that there won’t be many new players coming in the near future due to recent reviews. So, no new competition to login when they manage to rollback to the great state it was yesterday.

Maybe they should add a world boss that spawns every 3 hours and dies in 8 seconds ? People will forgive them then… lol

D4’s launch was pretty much smooth. I was playing through that time. D4 had major problems on the first day for the first big “paid for” beta. I think EHG now wishes to reload a prior save and handle the situation better. I wish them luck (as an old time buyer), but for now the situation looks like 50/50 as to whether they will avoid a Wolcen.


Correct, people did experience some issues at launch but he is trying to state that there is still rubberbanding. That is not the case.

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I don’t need to so a search. I was there! The majority did not have major issues so stop saying that. I do agree that a multi-billion dollar company is an unfair comparison. Blizz also has tons more experience at this kind of thing. Note that I am not bitching about what’s happening here with LE. I have over 1200 hours in the game pre 1.0 launch so I’ve been with this company since the beginning. We can support them while we wait if people want. We don’t need to resort to making things up to support our narrative.


People will call it copium but I’m happy to take mine thicc and drink it with a straw. The reality is this was a fantastic game we all enjoyed in early access, it feels bad to be cut off from it for a couple days for sure (and we hoped for better), but in the end this is par for the course.

Also I didn’t see much of any push for this game by say big YouTubers or streamers until maybe a week before launch? I can only imagine a ton of the sales were late in the development cycle / last minute. I got the game like 5 or 6 days ago.

Easy to see them getting blindsided by a sudden last minute influx of buyers and interest.

Does it suck that this is happening? Sure. But is it almost an industry rite of passage? Regrettably, but yes. But comparisons to D4 or Blizz or anything else are grossly unfounded.

tl;dr – this sucks but it’s just one of those things and I don’t care if people think that’s an excuse. I paid $35 bucks for the game and that’s a fair and honest price. A week from now none of this hardship will hurt and we’ll all be neck deep in uniques and falcon companions.

Keep up the good work, devs!

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skins for horses that costs more than the game itself ))

I hope the items etc get rolled back so everyone who struggled for the last 12 hours to even play loses all their Gg items :joy::joy::joy::joy:. People will smash their keyboards haha

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In general, I just disregard anyone who says the phrase “vast majority” because it’s terribly overused and only ever leveraged when people want to make claims without supporting it.

People still report on the rubber banding and memory leaks to this day. I won’t say it’s a “vast majority,” but if people are consistently reporting on it via the forums and subreddit, then I’m going to safely assume it’s a problem consistent enough to be noticeable.

Secondly, you seem to have the wrong impression of me. I’m quite active on the D4 forums and have been labeled as a fanboy of that game on numerous occasions despite my constant critiques about it and Blizzard. I think D4 is actually quite a decent game, but it’s not without its problems.

So maybe don’t make conclusions on things so quickly.

There are only so many fanbois :slight_smile: . Then again I would love if people who had a bad experience revisit the game at one point and overthink their review no matter if they gave a positve or negative one.

This is the problem. You’re sucking their dicks and saying this is normal? It isn’t!!! And the more you say it is then the less hard teams will optimize games before launch. Quit saying this shit and call them out and say what should be said… “ this is bullshit and they have no idea what to do…” they don’t even know what’s wrong as they are rolling back because they were wrong…