1.0 Server Status Thread

So? We gotta log in during working hours to get some game in? Are we gonna have a schedule for when there is the biggest chance their flexible servers will allow us to play?

your point of view is hard to understand. you fanboys will put up with anything. If the launch is garbage, the launch is garbage. And yes, people should make their discontent heard because this is not acceptable, the fact you think this is ā€œnormalā€ because it happened to other games is saddeningā€¦


Meaning they have almost no idea what is going on? Next week review bomb seems to be not too far away from the truth

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Peak times and not peak times are entirely different, if the server capacity is maxed out its maxed out.

As a costumer, youā€™re also free to refund.
See ya

Just curious,

  • Did they do player based stress test of the servers?
  • Why go directly into a cycle/season, especially with all the other games that experience these server issues?
  • With over 1 million copies sold, did they have so little faith in LE as to expect only ~15% of the sale to show up day 1 and not have the capacity to handle 150k

LOL, I knew this was coming. Yesterday was way better than today. I understand not for everyone but me for at least today is terrible. Hours ago you calm you worked on things like social issues with friend requests etc. WHO CARES about that. Get the servers running for online solo then go to the multiplayer and social stuff.

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Server capacity isnā€™t maxed out, theyā€™ve stated that a couple times.

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Seems they have no idea what to fix, wheres problemā€¦ Because 30 hours is really too muchā€¦

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Donā€™t tell me how to dress


Will they also reverse our progress, if we made today?

yeah, right, heā€™s the costumed one

Iā€™m not gonna tell you not to be annoyed or request a refundā€¦ itā€™s completely your choice.

But Iā€™m not able to ignore ā€œcanā€™t pay solid programmersā€ā€¦

If you even knew a tiny bit about networks, communication and servers, youā€™d know this statement is pointlessā€¦
If they have solid programmers or not, this sort of problem is complicated

Iā€™ll just link my post from a while agoā€¦ donā€™t wanna repeat it all againā€¦

Sadly they have no idea what they are doingā€¦ also the more you play this game even with the new graphics the more you realize it looks horrible compared to D4 and the new POE2. I think itā€™s safe to say this is the last straw for 95% of people. The streamers that were hyping the game up have almost all switched back to d4 or POE and all us that were excited are bored and sick of waitingā€¦ they are now reverting things they changed cause they are drowning and lost and have no idea what to do to fix their game. I feel soo bad for people and friends who took vacation off at work to be off for days to play this gameā€¦ itā€™s sad.

I posted links. You can easily do a google search yourself. The majority had major issues for many days after D4 launch. And again, you guys are comparing a $74 Billion company with 4700 employees (Blizzard), with a small Indie company with 80 employees. Give it time, be patient and chill.


How is this okay. I paid money to play this shit game and I canā€™t even play, itā€™s been 2 days now. I donā€™t like the direction video games are going where you pay money to play a game and think its okay to not play

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I hate d4 but it was atleast playable. Ya you lagged a little ya you disconnected a couple times an hour but you could play for 24 hours straight if you wanted tooā€¦ this game is broken and you canā€™t do anythingā€¦ it takes 20 minutes to get to town to talk to someone then leave for 5 mins and try to come back? Also this game only Had 150k playersā€¦ d4 or even d3 back in he day had 2+ Millionā€¦ so donā€™t keep sticking up for companies that should know better now

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It certainly gonna hit over the weekend if the game has online issues by then.

I really donā€™t want a good game like this getting lost due to a bad launch, letā€™s hope for best.

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D4 launch was smoother? Tell me you didnā€™t played at launch without telling me you didnā€™t play at launch. D4 launch was a fckfest. Queues of 10+ hours, random DCā€™s, rubberbanding beyond comprehension for a week, and medium/smaller issues for several weeks. You canā€™t make this sht upā€¦


I played off and on for 24 hours lolā€¦ problems here or there but it workedā€¦ that was with 2mil or more trying to play. Stfu keep sucking the devs dicks on their broken game

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