1.0 Server Status Thread

Just want to say thank you to the cringey types on here who have made this thread so interesting. Ill be patiently waiting for the servers to be stable and enjoy this great game to its fullest then. Meanwhile, thank you to EHG for the updates and the hardwork you are putting in. Big thank you to the trolls who keep this thread so vibrant., you know who you are.


Is this in real time status?

You sound like somebody hurt you. I promise I will not talk badly about your favourite game anymore :frowning: Do not bad sad
I just said I had better personal experience during D4 launch than during LE launch, I had practically no issues on launch day of D4.
Idk how that can be considered crying friend.

Wayfinder, D4, Lost Ark, New World they all had issues in the beegining and as i said here at least devs post some messages in order to see if it is fixed or no, i didnt get that.

It’s a nice game, developed in the time where we all want to play something new, …

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Oh… but it’s different…
Blizzard can’t just throw money at servers… they’re not as rich as Eleventh Hour Games.

And they’re held back by the world’s current state of server development, unlike Eleventh Hour Games, who’s so rich they’ve brought technologies from the future.

You can’t compare this, man!


Yep, Blizzard is the standard to which all games should be held. No one should try to make their game stable at launch, because Blizzard didn’t do it either. Additionally, no online game has ever come out before, so it is completely impossible to use metric data to estimate server needs based on presales.


because you’re comparing them as though d4’s launch was smooth when your anecdotal experience suggested otherwise. it’s great that you didn’t have an issue, but that has very little bearing on whether D4’s launch was smooth or not for players as a whole.

Servers… bad…like real bad.
Communications from dev-team… Top of class


First you were crying, you were called out on it, and now you’re attempting to insult because you were caught crying? lol… Cute.

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Wait which company bragged about being 100% prepared for launch? Blizz or EHG?
Like they talked about being prepared so much majority of the people who saw that probably expected the game to be playable online at least the 2nd day after launch.

DUE you guys know when the severs are gonig back up cause all my friend are still playing and i cant get online?

Can’t wait to play. Had a great time while it was up.

it hasn’t even been two days LMAO my boy you need to go read a book or nap or somethin damn

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I cannot objectively say what launch was smoother.
I said from my personal experience D4 had much smoother launch and even then it was ridiculed for having dogshit launch, I do not understand why so many people defend LE now when the launch is even worse.

At this rate, my offline character will be 100 before any online character! LOL


I asked multiple times where did I cry.
Show me, please.

hmmmm Here ?

I’m sorry but that is a flat out lie. I play D4 a lot and in fact am currently in a game. I was there since beta as well. D3 launch was a complete mess but the D4 launch was the smoothest I’ve ever seen. On day one I was able to log in and play in fact it played better then than it does sometime now. Don’t make shit up to suit your narrative


I literally did that for the entire day because the game was unplayable, I checked the forums like 10 minutes ago or so.
Idk why you suggest I just bitch here 24/7 instead of doing something else.

Thats what she said.