1.0 Server Status Thread

Don’t care about your corporate defense post tbh.

If you put out a product and it’s not working that’s on the Devs and not the customer. Folks spend their hard earned money on it and got every right to complain when they can’t play.


what server works? as mine in eu west do not

Ummm…That sounds like, only a Pigeon would think like that.

Ich habe neben der Arbeit kaum Zeit zu spielen und muss jetzt den zweiten Abend seit release feststellen, dass ich nicht reinkomme. So ein schmutz

not saying we should get p2w, I’m just saying that not because all the other companies does this kind of thing, means its ok to do it, don’t use other companies as an excuse for day one disasters

been with this game for long time, despite how much i love to see them success its sad to see such disaster launch, 1st day server issue is understandable as it happens to all other games, but 2 days straight is bad lol, hope they fix it sooner b4 lose too many players

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Not at all. D4 launch for me was much better, I could play on launch day, had few issues, few lag spikes, played for few hours, went to sleep, next day the same thing. D4 for me was much smoother than this clown fiesta.

I do not see where I am crying, you must be projecting.

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Truth of the matter is, a lot of people want to play this game. There are other companies that sabotage launches by ddos attacks on their servers, and corrupt their files. Give them time, relax, crack open a beer and get ready :wink:

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Devs made a great game, and have been very very communicative over these issues. I also paid for this game but i am an adult who knows next to nothing about how servers work like most of you here. I dont care about a gamers impatience, they are working on it and it will be fixed. Some of you literally need to touch grass.


Nah, pigeons are actually pretty intelligent birds.

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Yeah that’s what really worry me… The game isn’t even playable in the middle of the week, during working hours. This weekend will be terrible


No one should be shamed for this. No one should be reprimanded by anyone for this. No dev should read a comment about how “shit they are at their job”. Those are people with lives and families and dreams and feelings and should be treated as such.

But imagine you took off work for this launch. Imagine you coordinated with friend groups for this. Imagine if you planned to group coop with 3 other people at the very start of the game, a group of friends that hasn’t been able to get together to game since you all started growing up and becoming adults.

Patience is a virtue, but committing to something and being unable to deliver a legitimate product when the time comes isn’t. Thats a failure. Plain and simple. There is no defense for that.

I sincerely hope the devs get to go home and relax at the end of their days too. I sincerel;y hope not a single one of them is being seriously affected by this shit show of a thread. If you are, if you are that one dev, please stop reading. Please take a breath. Its okay.

But at the same time. What the actual fuck team? I just wanna play this game with my boys before my PTO runs out.


yeah, I was giving my benefit of the doubt for a while, but this is just bad. They should at least compensate us with some premium currency. Wouldn’t cost them anything and would make a lot of people feel better for sure.

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As i see you are not playing D4 why ? if It’s that much smoother and better ?

Do you understand written text?
I said “D4 sucks and it had smoother launch”
I was talking solely about the launch being smoother than LE, I even said I do not like D4, that is why I am not playing it.

hell yeah game is great, server situation sucks but like a person grounded in reality I realize this happens w/ every major online game release so… chillin’ until i can play with the homies. managed to get to 45 before online went completely down, need my last spec slot bad :sob:


I just recommended the game to three friends… They bought it! Now they keep calling me swearing! As we say here in Brazil: “I want to see the hollow!” hahahaha

You sound like you’re crying.

D4, 4 days after launch, still having issues:


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Steam reviews have started to tank. Not that close to Mixed yet but who knows what will happen. Gamers are not a forgiving bunch and a couple of more days like this can see the game being review bombed and dipping.


diablo was fixt up in matter of few hours played the hell out of it once i got in did a 72 hours no sleep sesh. Atm got like 1400hours in d4

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