1.0 Server Status Thread

Anyone wanna play rock, paper, scissors? I’ll go first: paper.

Didn’t complain because my stream was ruined, that was just the closing note.

My issue is they ran into the same problem multiple producers or publishers have experienced in the past, all while stating to the public that they did their due diligence with testing and what not.

My issue was they told us they wouldn’t fail like the others did, and then completely dropped the ball. The stream was minutia ontop of the shit pile, you clown.

If you took the time to read the entire post I said I’ve enjoyed my over-all experience and can’t wait for them to fix it.

Apparently you’re just too dumb to read basic English and you’re saying I’m the type of customer they have to deal with? I shared an opinion on an open/social platform saying it’s bad form to say something isn’t going to happen, and then have it happen.

Sorry that’s too hard or difficult for you to understand, but for me, when a company makes multi-millions off pre-release promises and then fail, yeah, people should call them out, you moron. Jesus christ.


Rock. rip.


Instead of telling the team how much I appreciate their efforts and around the clock updates, the 5 years of dedicated work they have all put in, their constant efforts to actually implement things that the community wants, or the fact that this is a very small team taking on a giant task, I will instead address the general community.

Guys. Chill the fuck out. I am absolutely floored at the amount of negativity in the comments. Yes, the game has been in early access for years. Yes, they fucked up and stressed tested too low. Yes, they didn’t take into account how much the influencer videos would impact player base. And yes to a million other complaints. You are all correct. But damn… have YOU ever made a game? What is 48 hours or a week, or a month of your time, in the grand scheme of things? Let 'em work. It WILL get fixed, eventually, and there you’ll be, farming that 4LP like nothing ever happened.

I guess I just don’t understand why people lash out so much over such a mundane event. Life goes on and you’ll be playing LE soon enough.

Everyone breath. Smile at the closest person to you. Hell, have a fucking Kumbaya, just don’t be an asshole. The team consists of real people too. They are working hard so YOU can play.

Team, we appreciate you, even if some of us don’t.

Patience is a virtue and all that shit. Some people weren’t raised right.

Finally, the simplest of words,

Thank you for a great game and thank you for being a great team.


Just because another company fucked up as well it doesn’t mean LE launch is completely justified. I don’t know about you but I would wish for a future in which we have less issues on game launch, not more. The more you justify and forgive this, the less companies in the future will care and the worse it will all get. This forum being angry about barely being able to play the game more than 24 hours after launch should be the norm


waa waa cry more

Can you guys name 1 game that didnt have trouble on launch day?

At least here we are getting replies to see, that they are working on it!

I’m paying for the service as we all only bought this game because of the online service features as it was stated at the beginning and on crowdfund as well so please stop with this, if I wanted half-product I would say that. I’m not going to be playing offline mode as this is not what I PAID for.

on the other hand, if you don’t hold people accountable, this will keep happening.


Are we? New to the forum and all I see is a bunch of pissed players lol. Who is the admin and where is the update for today? I didn’t login yesterday purposely knowing how launches usually go

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A lot of people don’t understand this they recently bought the game and don’t give a ____ about the 5 years you had good experiences. They care about spending money on a game that is not available to play.

The thing is today is not the launch day anymore.
We were like 14 hours + without any update yesterday.
Like D4 sucks and it had smoother launch than this.
Many games had much better launch than this.

As much as situations like this sucks, it’s not that simple.

There’s always gonna be bottlenecks somewhere… even if you have rented a physical server per player…
There still needs to be “server nodes” some places that has an overall view of most things going on, character info, inventories and so on…

You cannot really prepare for something like this…
Or… I guess you could give a shot… but it’d take a significant chunk of your budget, for a problem that is gonna be there for a short time… hopefully a an hour… hopefully not a week…

I study exactly networks, distributed systems, communication protocols and whatever else is in those sorts of categories… my university alone has several researchers, trying to figure out how to better “manage” these sorts of things… and it’s definatly not the only university doing so.

If it really was that easy, do you really not think Eleventh Hour Games would have done so…?
You think they want the negative feedback and bad first impression on their game, they’ve spent so much time making into an incredible game?

Calm down man…
It SUCKS… but believe me… the devs hate it more than you do…
What was supposed to be celebatory party time, has likely turned into an all nighter, and for some of them they’ve probably not even slept since launch… maybe not even the day before either, from nerves and excitement


yeah because the endless examples of mass review spamming and complaints for every other game this happens w/ has definitely made an impact on future instances in other games :roll_eyes:

my justifcation is working in the industry they are operating in, and seeing the same crap over an over on these forums… fact is as has been pointed out on discord it IS NOTHING to do with server.
They have other issues, this is a b2p game and those of us who have played ANY online game know that release day-week is always choas with update patches, downtimes, server crashes.
Thats the nature of IT , you cannot test, but also those same people whinging, i wonder how many bug reports they put in during beta or if you just bought the game because of the hype, dont blame the hype for causing issues.
I also added it could be better, but the game isn’t off fully, you can still play offline mode happily unlike other fully online games.
for me people have 3 choices
1 - suck it up buttercup and let the guys do their thing – it takes as long as it takes but it will work.
2 - suck it up buttercup and play offline mode and have fun
3 - moan like people do on the forum sit in game and moan more when they cant do things in the game like they would expect from a 10 year old game… oh wait sorry 31 hour old game.


You have a short term memory, or you’re joking. D4 launch was horrible! They didn’t fix their login issues for 3-4 days and even then the game rubber banded and lagged so bad that it sucked balls for weeks after. At least you can play LE once you login. Stop crying and be patient.


are they finally doing server maintenance? or are we back to square 1 with the “online unavailable” again?

I think the issue is, people only see one side. I complained about the botched launch because the day before launch I watched/read an article where the CEO said “We did all our testing, launch day is gonna be fine”

If they hadn’t gone on record and said that, I would agree with your entire post.

The problem is, it’s not always fine. Look at Wolcen (Umbra) no one is talking about OR playing that game anymore, after a horrible launch, and it’s not the only title to be damned by poor conditions at launch.

Diablo 4, which sold a record amount, had a huge publisher behind it, tons of skilled staff and everything, and they dropped over 70% of their concurrent player base, and they are a fucking AAA title and publisher.

Don’t sit here and tell people to relax, when plenty of small and big games, small and big publishers, have literally been RUINED by bad launches and bad experiences felt by the over-all player base.

Are some people over-reacting, sure, are alot of the negative comments unfortunately true? Yes. Yes they are.

Like you said, there’s been over 5 years of development and support, a few hundred people complain on launch day because of failed promises or over-hype by the publisher? Hell yeah.

People blindly support an unfinished product for years, no one bats an eye, the product makes a bunch of promises, fails to deliver, and now that people complain it’s too harsh or too much? Give me a break dude.


I must disagree with smooth launch of D4
( More Diablo 4 Log-In Issues Emerge as Launch Players Flood Servers - IGN )

If you tell me many games, can you tell me which ?

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