1.0 Server Status Thread

i bought the game yesterday, played for 4 hours, most of those are stuck in a zone trying to enter a town. Already put in a refund request through steam, we’ll see how it goes.

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Not even gonna give an ETA on bringing the servers back online?

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Guys just call Elon for help fith servers

Hey… the forum seems the be running smoother today, so I guess there is that

Maybe the dumbest analogy I’ve ever seen, kudos.


Apparently they will have to launch again…

Here we go again.

Honestly, being relegated to playing offline mode would be fine if it transitioned that same character to the online mode later. I’m old enough to have gone through these issues so many times it’s actually expected anymore. But to have their “fix” be play offline when there’s no way to carry over that progress doesn’t make a lot of sense. In that case, it’s not a fix/workaround, it’s a diversion


I’m not racing so i don’t care, however there’s people playing while others cannot get in, what on earth are you muppets doing lmao how can you not fix the issue after 30 hours


Sad. Looks like online play won’t be suitable until number of players decreased.

Love this game, much love to the devs, but this launch was an absolute objective disaster, one of the worst i’ve seen lol.


I mean, it’s a fuckup but the only way to not fuckup is to do nothing (c)
At this moment it’s time to give it a day or two and come back to play on weekends, where it hopefully will be playable.
I hope there’ll be fewer ppl insulting devs, as usually, those teams work hard AF when this happens. Wonder if they get any sleep during these days :smiley:

so far im really happy with this launch, pretty darn smooth. have had no problems playing

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devs are you gonna do smth `? =))))))


What a fiasco.


4 hour queue just to find out the servers aren’t working… 31 hours into launch come on…


you ralise the game had very little hype until about a month ago and you cannot predict them probably selling 5-10x the volume they originally specced for, and besides do you even understand the complexity of scaling, its not just ‘big another stick of memory in the server’ its about the DB , the physical infrascture, the network, the routing, all that has to e upto scratch
Coudl they of done things better sure… but dont think this is any worse than other major releases, a 75b firm screwed up for 2 days on a game that was 14 years old when WOW classic
came out.


If you think Saturday will be playable when a Thursday afternoon has them overloaded and in shambles… idk how to even respond to that level of naive positivity.


This actually makes me a little nostalgic about game launches in the 2000’s. Before gaming was so mainstream. I also enjoy the comments from people, even if i understand their feelings.

got to lvl 8 had to go back to keepers gate and it wouldnt let me in the waypoint so i had to relog, now i cant get back into the game