1.0 Server Status Thread

Some great popcorn eating material here. Screw the game, this is the new game.

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LE61 then come here to view the diehards vs. malders…then poke the fire a little for fun.

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Plus - at least in my country - if you buy a car you own it.

With software these days… you can just use it :wink:

Yes they are so fast that even after 30+ hours game is basicly same shit

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Kek @ the people who took the week off.
Get a life, try back later.

I wanted to believe, but all i got was disappointment. Pls fix asap ):

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Telling people who took off work to get a life. Interesting.


Was going to go watch something while waiting for servers to come up after they took them down for LE61. But I think watching this word spew on here is much more entertaining.

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You won’t believe what companies are doing these days to stay on top…

Just ask yourself why? who is capable? and who would benefit? :smiley:

Offline mode is not working for me, I’ve already posted in Technical support so this is not a viable work around.


Are they gonna reset the ladders since online play has been messed up?

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server currently offline ?

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I left early yesterday which was a great idea because I would have wasted time better spent elsewhere. I come on today and see we’re offline only again with no recent update to indicate developers have any clue of what’s going on with their game.

As mentioned yesterday, truly not surprised with how large patches in alpha, beta, and pre-launch often made the game unplayable or miserable to try and do anything from basic story/openworld areas/towns or even monoliths. Fast forward to today, we’re just seeing more of the same from this company/team.

Sadly, having already put 400+ hours into the game prelaunch, purchases far backdated and even recent purchases cannot be refunded due to Steam refund policies. So even though I never got a chance to play the actual launch I am yet again at the sole discretion of the money-making machine.

So tomorrow maybe? I’m not optimistic on that but I’ll just have to come back and check in every once in a while, to supposedly “get my monies worth” until my patience has fallen through the floor. Almost there… not completely… just not super optimistic from all my previous experiences with the development team.


honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised. They were already caught review botting on steam.

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Yeah its called priorities. Did you take off work? :rofl:

TLDR: y’all need to figure out what’s going on or be honest and tell us you don’t know. You have put out many “fixes” but the same issues are still happening to a good portion if not the majority of players.

Games great when you can play it, the thing is that you can’t actually play it. It seems ever “fix” either does nothing or does nothing for the problem and makes new problems. Played the beta and things were if not great 100% of the time they were fine. Since launch I have “played” for about 8 hours and maybe have made an hour to and hour and a half of progress. It seems to be really hit or miss as some people I know have been able to get through the campaign if not painlessly then with considerable more speed while others are stuck near the beginning. initially I thought maybe my computer, which is no beast but still respectable, was the issue but then my friend who plays on a potato was able to get through the campaign in less time then its taken me to get to the start of act 2.

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just reroll back to beta where the game actually worked really well.

Wanted to sign in and say Thank you.

I appreciate all the hard work you have been doing around the clock.

I know from first hand experience that outages are not fun and are very stressful. Remember to take a break and eat a snack.

Thanks again,




when I create the character I can’t get past the first loading screen

if I end the game and restart it the character is present in the list but if I select it and click “enter game” nothing happens

If you’ve spent 400 hour in the game you’ve already gotten your money’s worth. Also it’s too early to assume this is how it’ll always be.