1.0 Server Status Thread

best connections and best pcs money can buy. Like most streamers got TWO internet connections not one.

Its more like you buy a hybrid car but its only the petrol engine thats working. Seems like there are alot of people here that would be fine with that…so as I said before. I would love them as customers ^^

if not all the features are working as they should, they shouldnt have called it 1.0 no? :slight_smile:

Not A/C… the Gas pedal bah, gas pedal… Offline is in your garage, online is when the gas works and u are on the road!

Yeah you’re right, you shouldn’t expect everything you paid for in a product. Just 90%. You’re right.
You would genuinely be okay with a new car you bought having things that were advertised as working not working? Seriously?

you have zero evidence of that and the streamers on twitch right now having issues are demonstrative of that. keep yapping though I’m sure you have direct info from the dev team about that “priority access”

this is one of the funniest examples possible because once you drive it off the lot they’ll literally tell you to kick rocks. also it’s called a mechanic and it takes time too

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Still Online Play Unavailable error :frowning:


They are either in end game wich doesnt have as much server load atm or in offline mod :smiley: and i will look like a “pro offline mod guys” even through i love the online feature playing an arpg in SSF offline is very nice too ! + this game actually reward you for SSF

fair point, yes, your comparison makes more sense, but it’s still the same point… you can complain all you want, but the product is still working, just some glitches to be worked out… It might not be what some people were the most excited about but that is up to them…

100,000 people complaining about a dead game smh

Wait a bloody minute, why are all the streamers playing and I get ONLINE PLAY UNAVAILABLE after like 5 seconds of clicking ENTER WORLD? This is weird

Comparing a car (many thousands of dollares) vs a 34 dollar game. Try again.

Guys I got LE 61 Failed to matchmake again everywhere now now, and I’m affraid if I log out I will be in queue…

Its not like the car isnt actually in a garage with a bunch of mechanics engineer trying to give their best to fix the thing with hundred of people behind them insulting them and review bombing them while they are working on it huh ? :smiley:


can i continue playing online after i played the char in full offline mode?

If you’re too stupid to understand an analogy I can’t help you. Try a high school, though I expect that might be too hard for you.

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so 34 dollar is not a product but a car is?

Dont want to complain here, jsut wonder if we have an ETA that I can organize my time and come back when it will be back to normal, cause now I got message: online mode unaviable

Online play unavailable for USEAST, again…