1.0 Server Status Thread

it could be worse :smiley:

Still getting LE-61

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What an odd take. Do you think EHG have done this on purpose? Do you think they want their steam reviews to plummet, and hoards of excited twitch followers to see their favourite streamer stuck in loading screens or playing offline? To have lots of refund requests? This is nothing to do with a lack of respect, this is clearly to do with a very complicated issue that none of know the full details of.

This car analogy is ridiculous that keeps being used. If you buy a car from a showroom and it’s broken, they will will repair it at their cost, reducing profit and potentially making the sale loss-making. Do you think any respectable car dealership would knowingly do so?

I too am frustrated, but you can bet EHG are far more frustrated, stressed, and probably devastated to be honest. Go and play something else, play in offline mode, or do something else whilst it is fixed.


Hello as someone who waited 3y for this game i dont mind waiting more for the serv to be up :smiley:

What im saying is The game so far in Offline mod is great ! i hope EHG will find a solution soon ! crossing finger for you guys to play this game


stop licking the devs ass hole, they had 6 years to be ready for this launch and the pissed on it and all the players


I wouldnt have a problem playing offline if there was a way to make that character online after a one time use service i just dont want to level offline and relevel online

I think the technical term for that is “entitlement”, not helped by the oft trotted out statement that “the consumer is always right”, despite, at times, the consumer being a mouth-breathing ####stick.

Does it suck that we can’t access the online servers at peak time? Yes! Did they do it deliberately? Oh hell no! Are they working their collective bits off to get it all to work nicely so we can play their game? Yes. Should some people chill a bit & re-adjust their world view that they are not the absolute centre of the universe for a few days? Probably. And maybe leave off licking the lead-based paint.


There really is no reasoning with people like you, the community will be better off without you, please get a refund and do not return.


In what way does their intent have anything to do with whether or not they delivered a working product? Of course they didn’t intend for this to happen? Where in my reply did I even insinuate this? You should check your reading comprehension. Whether or not they intended for things to break doesn’t change the fact that they did and EHG are doing a poor job of fixing the problem and communicating with their consumer base on when this problem will actually and truly be fixed.

The point of the car analogy, and I’ll spell it out because you clearly lack critical thinking skills, is that you would not respect someone who sold you a faulty product. Would you respect that show room in your own example? Would you go back and get another car even?

I am doing something else, and have been for the last 24 hrs. My point is I have to keep checking this stupid thread because EHG refuses to give any ETA whatsoever on an actual fix.

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Tell me you have ZERO knowledge about software development and IT infracstructure, without telling me you have ZERO knowledge about software development and IT infracstructure,


I expected this to be another bait post but it actually worked first try! Thank you, kind person!

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Me saying a company not delivering the product they promised and not offering an ETA on a fix means that I don’t respect them makes me an entitled mouth-breathing ####stick? How exactly?


didnt last long …

So do you really intend to level and play only one character throughout the entire cycle?
Thats kinda not the point in an ARPG…

Not sure why people are complaining here non stop, obviously there were and are some problems with the servers but it is by far not as bad as some people make it. I am up to level 58 with an online character and for the most time today, servers worked on EU West. Obviously loading times were longer than usually but not a desaster. Having a blast with the game. Keep up the work


I have to say I am really disappointed :frowning:

I love this game but this is not acceptable. Small or big company this kind of issues are the same as they were a year ago whe you had Multiplayer to the game. So if they happened in a smaller scale, they should know that this game would be played by a lot of people and would happened again. Not only they know the number of purchases but also should be prepared for something like this, since all the recent games have this issues upon launch …

For D4 Standards it is the point lmao xD

No the car analogy is bad, and not even remotely close.

If you buy a car and the day you’re supposed to get it you get a call saying “we’ll need 2 more days because there’s an issue with the car, we’re working on it” what you’ll do is absolutely nothing, say “ok I understand”, hang up and wait.

Because that’s the only thing you can do, and it’s not the end of the world, and you’re not going to insult someone IRL either. You’re just barking a lot.


Indeed 2nd day and still f… LE6 Message…