1.0 Server Status Thread

I’m in EU and US servers ping is lower than EU one.
Enuff said.

Seems like most of the streamers are online now :[

Offline play.

I’ve just been on twitch and in the chat they were saying online?

I’ve been playing for the last half hour.

Its a feature thats sold with the game. Cant find any information that its sold as “might work, might not work” feature…

That’s cool, I can get in but I’m just stuck in town and cannot leave it to go to any WP or quests. Off to play something else for another night, GL getting in all :slight_smile:

yeah, transitions are still really slow, which is why I’m posting. I was kind of surprised that y’all didn’t know we were back online. … :laughing: and now I’ve probably screwed myself.

Your dedication is amazing. Ty.

As a customer/playerbase, all we can evaluate EHG on, is their response and communication during this nightmare scenario.

I don’t actually think that’s entirely accurate. I’m being patient and supportive with them, but they can certainly be judged on the outcomes. They went radio silent overnight because they didn’t plan to have support staff overnight. They chose which server hosting service. They are the ones that picked the load testing parameters.

I’ve been through much worse launches with developers who were far worse at their communications, and I even purchased the top-tier supporter pack today specifically because I want LE to continue to develop and be successful.

And all of that being said, the entire situation ultimately hangs on EHG. I think they’re doing the best with what they can, but they desperately needed to take an overly cautious approach, over-staff by as much as they could for support on launch, and they needed to set much, much stronger expectations with their providers.

And you can say “hindsight is 20/20” all you want, but all it takes is learning from other ARPG launches over the last 15 or so years to know that you need to come up with the absolute nightmare scenario ahead of time, and then make plans that account for something twice as bad as anything you can imagine. EHG didn’t do that, and there are real impacts.

And again, I just opened my wallet because I think they’re doing wonderful and will keep supporting them because they deserve it.


Many players will still be going strong and stick with the game, but situations like this is gonna lose them Money & Players.
I knew it, they should have just waited with offixial release another half a year.

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I understand that they are doing there Best an everything, but a whole day later you should be at least able to play, but i cant even log in, thats absolut rediciolous and not acceptable!


Unfortunately, there are dudes like “investors”. And they want the game to come out as soon as possible, so they can start making money faster. Same thing with Cyberpunk, for example. The game really needed another year of development, but they launched it as is, because the money

Daddy is not mad…
Daddy is disappointed.


Okay… After reaching the portal to the end of times three times and getting kicked three times I give up for today… Next time I can play is Sunday… Hopefully it works then. I really wanted to unlock my mastery today… But the wheel weaves…

Why should I respect a company who doesn’t respect my time, or the money I have given them, enough to at least give a concrete update on when the non functional product they sold me will work.

If you bought a car and it didn’t work would you respect the person who sold it to you as long as they told you they are working on it and will fix it eventually?

I’ll start to respect EHG when they deliver the product they sold. Over 24hrs after launch and the game is still borderline unplayable.


However hard you guys are freaking out, the company is freaking out even more. I’m sure they are doing what they can


Believe it or not, the online option is working (just if you;re stuck in login in, switch to offline and back to online then press start) and the loading between arias is down to a maximum of 10 seconds maybe. I am not trolling. Hope this helps. EU Server btw

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i would totally download a car btw


So you know its the norm why expect a game to be perfect on launch