1.0 Server Status Thread

Wrong…scaling infrastructure is easy, as long as your code can support the scale. Not only that, but this game is not free-to-play. In a F2P game, you have no idea how many people will jump in one Day 1, but with a game where you KNOW you’ve sold 1+ million copies, you should know exactly how to scale your infrastructure to meet this demand because you already know what the demand will be.

Given the length of time this is taking, I can almost guarantee you this is NOT an infrastructure problem. This is a coding issue. They had to re-write and re-compile some code and test it because one or some of their core modules fell over in Production.

Again, if this was a F2P then this downtime would be expected. Since they knew exactly how many copies they sold, they should have prepped their infra to accommodate this number. The only reason this launch was a disaster was because of insufficient load testing.

Dev 1: The code works with a user load of 5000. As long as we scale our infra to accommodate more users, the code should run just fine with 500,000 users.

Dev 2: Agreed.

Code: -_-


I understand internet sucks when comes to be reasonable. But seriously, people whinning like pigs don’t have nothing better to do in the meantime? Do you never seen people doing their best to fix problems in life?

We can be polite, even with fair reasoning to be unpleased by this. It is not a matter of being wrong at being mad or desapointed or even to complain and share your feelings and opinion, you have your right and it is fine.

It is just a matter of being respectful, at least. It is a good time to grow the fu@# up. Support helps a lot in these situations, mainly when the team shows good will, at least interest in make things right. Think about it.


I been in Maj’Elka all morning trying to get to The Oracles Abode and have leveled 8 times trying to get there. Nice little grind spot I must say.

so US servers are kinda working - but EU - with lowest latency will still not connect nor maptransfer.

donno what you did for us servers but maybe do it for europe as well?

Seems like its applying a FRC when you mouse over items. Set your limit to 100 fps and see if it still happens. For science.


Sorry guys you really made a big mistake!

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My kind of humor hahaha

what do you all smoking tbh ? this game is p2p and they have all the data they need to predict how many people will be playing on launch period.

Your absolutely right - there is nothing in the EULA that guarantees online service 24/7.

However, from a customer sat perspective, they did not set reasonable expectations and got caught out. I would ask in the post mortem, what would have made them aware of the issues and what mitigation strategy should they have used. Hindsight 20/20 of course. As a customer/playerbase, all we can evaluate EHG on, is their response and communication during this nightmare scenario.

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“Keep up the good Work” :rofl:

This is so misinformed, and not really how large scale deployments work at all. But just to touch on this point:

with a game where you KNOW you’ve sold 1+ million copies, you should know exactly how to scale your infrastructure to meet this demand because you already know what the demand will be.

This is a common take, but for anyone who has had experience building and launching a large scale product, this is impossible. It’s not about just the overall amount of users (copies) that are going to be using your platform, it’s (largely) about concurrency and where the hotspots are, which is very difficult to model in a complex system.

Anyways - I’m impressed the devs have made some decent progress since yesterday, so kudos to them.

Transitions seem faster now that I am back in

is anyone’s controllers not working? i cant even play offline mode cause the controller support is only half working. had to re install, use a different controller, but its not working

I’ve been trying to play since yesterday. I just wanna see the preorder MTX. :smiling_face_with_tear:

EU- West - Not able to connect. Stays on connecting for a long time and eventually it times out

Seems to be the worst launch ever for a game… lol.

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Can you please link an official statement in which is stipulated that Tencent owns 30% of the stocks? I have researched and the only thing that came out is the statement of Eleventh Hour Games that it has been a low equity investment followed by this: “During that time we received multiple verbal and written offers but many came with a requested level of control, stipulations, insertion into operations, requirements, or involvement”. I am really curious what were the terms and how much stock they’ve bought. Not that will answer any of the questions here. Just for my financial knowledge.

Are you 2 days old?

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I just hope that the devs aren’t discouraged seeing the toxicity in this thread. You all created an amazing product, especially with a small team. Most people, at least I hope, like me, empathize with the difficulty of launching something to hundreds of thousands of people.

I’m impressed with the progress in even the last day, and I’m looking forward to playing once things stabilize. In the meantime, I can also do literally anything else lol.


Can we get a more precise deadline when to expect to be able to play?
You write that you value our time, so how about honor that and let us know a timeframe, so we don’t sit in anticipation that it will work in the next 10 min.

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