1.0 Server Status Thread

No need to, kid. That applies anywhere and everywhere, if $34 for a game is a struggle then that person needs to re-evaluate the situation and maybe gaming is not something they need to be doing. IJS

I was replying to someone’s post about the $34 but I must not have done it correctly

Yeah, had that one too, just switch the timeline to end times

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I just got in, may be back now

true, that’s not an indie game, they’ve obviously recruited a lot of experienced devs for investment money

That’s not entirely accurate, and TenCent isn’t a development company and has never developed a game, they just invest in them which is what they did here.

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IE they have the solutions for scaling but they don’t want to hurt their margin and they boasted about scaling in comments a lot from devs, which have been proven false by launch

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IMO You should close the serwers, and launch the game when serwers will be ready. For 1, 2 maybe 5 days if You need time. It`s wasting time for all players… infinite, loading, LE-61 and reopening game many times since 26 hours…

Just do something else then ^^.

To put things into perspective for the whiners about the servers they had on average 20-30k active players just the week before launch, I’m sure they didn’t expect ~200k+ players to want to play the game all at once.

Scaling infrastructure takes a lot of time, its not just “press button = more throughput”. I’m sure anyone actually in the software space understands that.

What I do want to highlight is the level of communication that they have given in addressing the issues. In case any of you forgot about the Diablo 4 release, which is owned by a billion dollar company, we got 1/10th of the communication that we see here and it took a week for the servers to stabilize.

Please be patient, its only been ~24h, and try not to keep spreading hate here :slight_smile:


the scaling isn’t the problem, it’s the package loss because they fricked up some lines of codes which lead to server issues while high load. They should have made a stresstest before officially calling it launched out of EA. But then, there are enough who would just wait for the stresstest to be over and it to be launched, and the Problem would be the same.

i cant even play offline

when I create the character I can’t get past the first loading screen

if I stop the game and restart it the character is present in the list but if I select it and click “enter game” nothing happens

dude, i dont think u understood what he said :)))
…but anyway, i dont think that would be a great ideea

That’s the next level fix :smiley:

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Servers are working great for me now

well ofc, u cant.
they wortkin on it, is normal now to have those issues

yeah, as responsive as it’s been the whole release rn

I completely believe you if you’re not currently in game

Huh? A 10x increase on the big launch day? Isn’t that exactly what they should have expected?

And it’s likely not a simple matter of scaling. As moxjet200 said:
“Another thing I’ll share because it’s interesting and something I didn’t understand before being in game development (before LE) - it’s nearly never the game servers that have issues at launch as those are easy to scale as long as you have the funds and willingness to pay the server providers (typically Google or Amazon), it’s more often an issue with services like login/authentication/database rate limiting. We use Steam and other services that are battle tested at scale for these things.”

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yeah, sadge that they say they workin’ on it, but didn’t say for how long.
It would have been nicer to know, okey in 1-2 hours i’ll be able to play

UI is broken right now. Check my video, as you can see moving mouse over items, skill bar, comparing makes FPS go down by a lot (30-40 FPS in my case). This is rly bad, please lets make them notice this. @EHG_Foton @EHG_Kain