Well, as another last hail mary I did yet another DDU removal, and reinstall of the latest nvidia drivers. Did not install either physx or Geforce experience, so they didn’t interfere.
Crashed on game client, standalone as well as Steam. In the standalone, I have checked every single executable file to run as admin on all accounts, so it should be free to wreak absolute havoc as it sees fit.
Only slight difference is that the executable now crashes only with a windows “window” and no actual debug error message, however this could also be due to all the other tinkering I have been doing over the last 3 days with my OS.
There’s no way on Earth that I can spoof a dx11.1 install on a Win7 engine, but again that;s another red herring. I’ve analysed my DX install and that is fine. I’ve sfc’d. In short I have done everything possible to see if it anything on “my end” now. I can pretty much conclusively say that it is not. I have Sherlock Holmes’d the living crap out of my OS.
In the last 2 hours I have also ran EVERY other game I have installed on my PC, and they ALL work fine without any glitches whatsoever.
The only inevitable logical conclusion is this and it is now inescapable.
The game worked fine prior to 0.8.2 on medium settings with Anti aliasing set at TAA (settings included just for reference) with the Standalone Client. There were zero crashes, zero lag, everything was buttery smooth with my old uncleaned, un-forensically examined OS.
So, 0.8.1 ran perfectly in Win7 x64 Ultimate DX11 with nvidia drivers 452.09.
Then, 0.8.2, 0.8.2B, and 0.8.2C crashes in both the standalone client and also Steam without even getting to login, login for some reason having been reached 3 times in amongst about 100 attempts. To be clear, 100ish attempts, 3 login screens, 97 crashes.
The inescapable conclusion is that this is not client side at all, but a coding or compiling issue that is causing the crash on this OS now. To find the fault from LE’s side is fairly straight forward. Look at the difference between 0.8.1 & 0.8.2 and something in those changes causes this. I thought that this is where the various log and crash files would assist. I can see line numbers are various errors in those, so I am sure that the devs will be able to make sense of those and advise further.
I am attaching the last player.log from tonights last attempt to log in on the standalone.
There is nothing more I can do on my side. This can only be fixed from the Dev’s side now.
I have put in many, many hours now into trying to fix this, most of which has been “in the blind”.
I do want it “on the record” that since my purchase (from here), I only had access to playing the game for less than 48 hours! As such, if there is no fix to this within about 90 days, I do reserve the right to put in for a refund. I will not be applying for said refund at the moment, in the very real hope that the devs can fix this problem; as the little time that I did have playing I absolutely loved the game. However, long term, I won’t leave my money in for something I cannot use, obviously.
I really look forward to some dev’s reply in here eventually. Even if it is not to fix the problem, at least to shed some light on the issue itself. Even if I cannot play the game, I would take some satisfaction in knowing what the problem was.
le_graphicsmanager.ini (489 Bytes)
Player.log (5.7 KB)
Player-prev.log (5.7 KB)
version.txt (6 Bytes)