March 19, 2023, 2:53pm
I’m being placed in EU West being from the SEA region. All the abilities have a noticeable delay on 200ms and it is very much unplayable at the moment, please help.
Hi there
There are some known issues with automated server allocation. Hopefully they will find some resolution to these issues soon.
In the meantime, if you would like, you can provide support by voting kn my feedback for manual server region selection
When playing in a cross-regional group (e.g. AU + EU + US East), the server region is auto-selected for the party host.
This can result in sub-optimal play experience for other people in the group. It is much more noticeable when three regions are involved as 2 players are subjected to longer latency.
It would be awesome if the party host could:
select a different server region manually based on their own ping; or
view server region latencies for each player in the group and manually sel…
May 18, 2023, 8:09pm
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