What does it do for the gameplay experience?
First it creates a sense of connection to your class and your fellow class enjoyers. I love paladin, I play a lot of paladin, paladin is considered decent in the early game and mid game, with mid level end game performance. other sentinels do better during the end game. So to me when you click the paladin mastery, you are accepting and theorizing around how to utilize that strength. Maybe you farm 300c early with no need for gear and you just cap out there. it allows you early access to the market and better able to position yourself. Or maybe you prefer a forge guard that needs specific gear to push higher, but eventually can hit 700c. And when you select forge guard you understand that you will be slower at progression but with a better top end.
Without mastery lock, why would I discuss the nuance of a build that is able to easy and quickly hit a good farm pace without a strong end game? instead thats just a given, your progression is paladin for campaign/early monos and then swap to your prefered end game build.
In an mmo I played I played a very bad character, a character who had an entirely different control scheme to the rest of the cast, I had to learn and discover my characters strengths. If I could just change class on the fly, I would have never bothered to learn how to play, id just simply swap to whatever was best for the given situation as thats the most logical course of action.
The benefit is exactly the same as the current restriction on why skills need to relevel. To prevent people from hotswapping left and right, ill just say right now, a gold cost is not enough of a cost, for MG players, they will have plenty of ways to get gold, and after a point for many CoF players gold is an after thought. So they wont mind spending 1m gold on swapping classes to blow up a boss.
I guess my questions is, why is swapping mastery for a small cost a non factor, but hot swapping + skill levels was made obtuse to stop hot swapping. its okay to spend 5 minutes + X amount of gold to completely trivialize a boss you were struggling with, but its not okay to do the same with a simple gear swap?
The logic does not add up.
I think if you limit the class swapping to characters under level 65, then you can easily open up some power leveling strats for those that want them(start paladin, swap to FG at monos etc) and allow new players to freely try everything.
I see 0 value or reason for why a level 100 character suddenly needs to become another class other then laziness/power gaming stand points.
You claim the choice was made for new players, new players have plenty of time to try everything out by level 65, ill even accept 75. Around 75~ you can be done with normal monos. if you “made a mistake” it should have been corrected by then. Hell TL:I lets you respec passives for free till level 90, even that is a decent starting point of “you can try everything, but dont get free reign forever”
This is akin to eating your entire hamburger then saying “well sorry i asked for no cheese, make me another”
Thats just my 2c on the matter, I much prefer games where you cant change class, as it means you as the player must learn and play your class to really understand it. its not a hill id die on either.