I am sorry Mike, but it doesn’t matter what you are aiming for when designing systems and features.
Even though the target for these as a solution might be different, this still contribute to the overall feeling of how characters are presented, not they are much more replaceable then before and this is clearly a step into the direction of build templates, even if you don’t aim at that with this change.
Even if you don’t think this is a slippery slope, that doesn’t change the fact that it already begun. This is not the first post I saw that is very clearly aiming into this direction and it will only get worse once this feature is actually in the game.
I am very happy if EHG will take a clear stance on this and say there are no plans for anythign like tempaltes/armory style features, but we are factually one step closer to that already. (whether intended or not).
But this is one of the things that will get brought up in the future more and more and more and even when EHG will distance themsevles from such features, it still leaves me with a sour taste, because that is exactly the same as I thought mastery respec will be. (Something that is brought up frequently, but then no plans to be implemented).
I really doubt there is anyway we are going back from here, but I personally would have liked a different solutions, even though one that is grander in scope.
I still belevie a “trainign area” where you get access to all masteries and skills to try and testt thigns would be the better solution. This can very easily be integrated into the story with timetravel and “discovering your potential futures”.
Not sure if this now would make any sense because it would not be worth the effort now and taking back mastery respec would generate a huge outrage.
Anyway, this is and will probably forever be the first major disappointment that I have with LE since I am following and supporting it, I really hope this will remain the only big one for the foreseeable future.