With mastery respec is there gonna be build/ gear templates for quick switch?

Cancer is spreading :stuck_out_tongue:
metastasis begins :wink:

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Em yes I’m aware that one of the most popular forum whines comes alive, but no info on restrictions

This is slowly but surely drifting into Diablo 3 and 4 territory. Please, no.

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Mike was replying there about the suggestion to allow skill respec with gold and keeping the 20 skill points, which is what was being discussed at the time, not mastery respec.

Did anyone think that? Mike himself has said on stream several times that he has ideas being shot down all the time. In fact, he said that even Judd gets ideas shot down. So how anyone thought that is beyond me.

To be fair, skill XP penalty for respeccing used to be much stricter and was changed already long before launch. So that doom spiral started even before 1.0 and long before mastery respec.


Do we know what the cost will be of mastery respec? Gold, a consumable item, a questline? How will it be limited?

I am sorry that I said we didn’t have plans for it so recently. It was a very recent change and I wasn’t sure it was going to even be announced yet. I saw the trailer for the first time when it went live. I also let me emotions get the better of me in that one.

Mastery respec and build templates might seem connected but they are targeting very different things. Mastery respec is aimed at the new player experience. Restarting your first character with the same base class because you were disappointed with the mastery selection significant hours into the game can be a motivation and fun killer. Build templates and quick switching would be aimed at end game characters to be able to quickly switch builds to do different content.

I don’t think that these are a slippery slope to one another at all. We’re basically saying, ok, there are 5 classes and if you are playing a mage, you have access to all of mage with enough effort.

Build templates still have the same major blocker that they had before, skill respec. This doesn’t change that at all.


Can you at least confirm if there is going to be any cost associated with mastery respec at all?

As far as I know it’s just gold. Like you have to pay for all your passives to be refunded after all.

Does that mean that it’s just the gold for passive respec, or is there also a gold cost for the mastery respec itself?

Just asking to know if you will be able to switch back and forth 50 times a day (not that I think anyone will), or if there will be a higher cost associated so that you’re not just respeccing at a whim and it lends some weight to the respec decision?

I’m not sure, I just use the dev command to do it.


Ok, thanks for your answers. :slight_smile:

Not sure, how many hours are significant. But I hope for something friendly for new players and No! Not so fast! For high lvl players at the same time.
Quest reward item to everyone for 1st reset per character (during the campaign ?) and a way more harder stuff later on for 2nd or 3rd, some kind of monolith challenge and empowered monolith challenge. Something like this

It’s not moving goal posts, it’s just lazy gamers being lazy gamers & asking for moar changes to dumb the game down.

Some people have, yes, likely because he’s so prominent & the Senior Designer.

:rofl: God bless you Mike, never change…


I just want to point out that you could have done that without a free-for-all respec system. You could have gone the D2 route, where you get 3 free respecs. This would allow someone to respec to the other 2 masteries and a final respec to whichever they prefer.
You might even also have rare materials drop (like rune of creation rare) that would eventually combine into another respec.

An unlimited system such as this seems to be seems more aimed at endgame players than at new ones.


Annnnnnd the slippery slope begins.

The game isnt balanced for load outs like this. Load outs of any kind imo should never touch this game. It will change how u currently as of now make builds in the game.

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100% agree.

This would have been a much better solution. As well as a good one for new players and veteran players.

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I’m not entirely sure I agree with that. I’m struggling a bit to see why an endgame player would use unlimited mastery changes since they know what they want & choise the “right” one off the bat. It would enable them to use that high level character to change to a different mastery if they wanted to play a new build at the cost of having to level their skills again (though we know that won’t take them long) plus they won’t have to fuck around with corruption/trudging through normal monos/etc. So, yes, I guess?

Exactly. It would enable people to switch builds without actually having to play the game. Which they already can, within the same mastery, but now the issue is three times “worse”.

As I said, the only thing this does is that people that do like to level up characters will look at the state of the game and feel like doing something for 10h+ that the game gives you in 1 minute is artifically inflating the game.

I can personally say that I enjoyed D3 a lot less once the armory was introduced. I know that I could still make alts, but the game was clearly telling me not to.

So this might not make me stop playing LE altogether, because it certainly has a lot of good things about it, but it will definitely cut on my enjoyment time. Once I’m done with one character, I don’t feel like I want to try another one. Instant switch turns me off and makes me want to drop that character and going out of my way to start over feels like a waste.
Most likely, instead of playing for 1-2 months per season, it will cut down to 1-2 weeks.

But that’s a me issue. I don’t blame the devs for doing this. I was just pointing out that this change could have been done in a way that would please the people that genuinely just want to switch a mastery because of a mistake and also please the people that feel like choices and identity are important.


To me this change isn’t solving anything. Imagine you made a game and players want all kinds of shortcuts to play your game less. I think there are more fundamental issues with LE and the devs should think about ways to make the experience more fun so people don’t think about playing less and want to play more.

So far I think this change helps blasters and people who have no idea what they do anyway. I think this change has little impact in the big picture but leaves a sour taste in some players mouths because little by little LE transitions into a direction that isn’t innovative but generic.

I still hope people are pleased with the changes and we see good player numbers and LE is here to stay. I just don’t think this change will have that big of an impact on player numbers as some people give it credit.
Well I was wrong many times and I hope I’m wrong again and everything works out awesomly and all the past experiences I made in over 2 decades of gaming are disproven.


This… so… soooo much this.

In general, not only for LE. The ‘cheap’ route is what far too many developers take.