Will patch 0.9.1 rebalance the game?

I really doubt they are working on these things. LE is in its last beta phase now and CORE MECHANICS should already be ironed out by this point. I have little faith in a dev team that doesnt know how to prioritize correctly.

I’m pretty sure none of those are making objective statements that say/imply 99% of the rest of the community are scrubs that just need to git gud.

How is saying that difficulty is subjective (try reading this thread, are they wrong, are you wrong, are you all wrong/right/etc) illogical? And why does that make me a hypocrite?

It’s fair enough that you don’t enjoy the game & it sucks that this is the case. But that doesn’t give you the right to lambast anyone else who disagrees with you. Especially when some of them have already said that you are right in that the devs are going to give the game a balance pass (though likely not to the degree you want).


HAHAHAHA that is so ironic

other people here have been trying to be polite too you but I’m not going too you are just a whiny child… if you don’t like the game LEAVE simple as that. you are the problem not the game

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I think that you still do not understand that it is not about critique/feedback but about your poor behavior.


Oh. Hey. It’s you again. Didn’t you already give your feedback on difficulty?

I doubt much will change for 0.9.1, but you never know…

I make a post and then a bunch of random fanboys respond with strawmans and illogical arguments. How am I supposed to react?

Ignore them and move on with your life?

Or read them and try and understand them from their point of view, not just assuming that one’s own is the only possibly valid one then saying that anything else is a strawman/illogical.

You are hilarious man. You report all my posts, gets them flagged and then tell me I am the one that refuses to understand other peoples perspective.


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In the two threads about the game being easy, you’ve had 3 posts flagged as objectionable by enough people to have the forum hide them. That’s not even slightly “all my posts”, but why let reality get in the way of a nice comforting bit of hyperbole. Just 1 person flagging a post does nothing more than let the devs know that maybe somethings going a bit funky.

I’ve not reported any of your posts. But apparently many others have.

Personally I don’t think any of the people responding to you objectively will report your posts.
They are what you think, your opinion, your vision, and something you would like to see. The way you formulate them is too harsh/direct. While that has its own upsides many people can read it as something aggressive.
When you give better points to your posts people will take you more seriously. You dont need to be an expert to explain and to have a thesis.
Reporting is one thing but when you have a proper thesis you have to provide a critique and a solution.

  • I dont like Option 1. This Option 1 is not good for me because “insert reasons”. Option 2 or Option 3 is better because it at this point and time Option 1 lacks “insert missing qualities”.

Critique is by far the most common and easy way to approach. Its not a bad way to go about, but its mostly used for things that people want fixed/repaired in the game itself.

If you want something changed you have to provide an accurate thesis and show that you have understanding other than - “I don’t like my Mage Wand, its too wandy, it doesn’t spray fairy dust on the monster and I can’t do any Harry Potter spells, speaking of where is Hagrid?”
This is just not a valid way to approach.

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Maybe you should have read my original OP before commenting then?

I did, there is nothing proposed there. As stated upwards, wanting something without offering anything let alone a simple solution is just not the way the world works in general.
Just one of many distorted things that the internet does to people.

Simply - “Please rebalance”, is not a solution.

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And now I am being gaslighted, very interesting strategy.

No you are not.

I’ll give a proper example.
In Diablo 2, the example you have given. I’m running with a nearly naked Sorceress until Hell, picking things from the ground that are not even for me.
How is Diablo 2 having a more engaging loop, when your endgame is Baal. Which dies from my Amazon in 4 hits in a 8 people game in less than 3 seconds with another Sorceress?
How is this game having a less engaging loop when it has infinite scaling?
This a proper question and lowkey the answer containing is inside.

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Practically done here. I believe.
But you do you, this has gone personal because you lack argumentation. Good day to you and I wish you the best.

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You aren’t. Your original post was “items serve no purpose because so much power is given by the passives” (which is fair and has been stated before by others), then you said “enemies are too weak” (also fair, stated by many & acknowledged by the devs), then you asked a question “will 0.9.1 rebalance the game to a playable state”. While the definition of playable is subjective, and its a reasonable question given your stated view, its not a suggestion as to what the devs could do to change things.

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My suggestion is to move more power to items, are you unable to understand sentences?

Also I find it hilarious that you are asking me to basically do what the devs get paid for, for free, just because they are incompetent. But this problem seems to only happen in gaming by fanboys, as a software developer I am expected to figure out shit on my own. Customers report issues but I cant expect my customers to give my suggestions on how to fix it SINCE THAT IS MY JOB.