Will patch 0.9.1 rebalance the game?

Currently items in LE serve no real purpose since there is already so much power given from passives. Enemies in LE are also way too weak, dealing way too little damage and being killed too easily. Will 0.9.1 finally rebalance the game to a playable state?

While the power distribution between passives, skill spec trees and items is skewed a lot towards skill spec trees, that doesn’t make LE “not being playable”.

Gear progression and feeling of accomplishing somethign and bringing a character to new heights with gear is something that is lacking right now for sure.

But balancing is something that is always done step by step and I wouldn’t expect that one singular patch will “magically fix” all of this.

I would assume that all patches leading up to 1.0 will contain minor balancing adjustemts and maybe 1 or 2 patches before 1.0 will be a bigger patch focusing a lot on balancing.

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Kinda disagree with this. In general, you’re pretty able to get massacred in LE. If you stand still for a few moments, something will eat your lunch. I still get randomly pulverized on my paladin in Empowered Monolith despite a myriad of defense stats. Primalist has way more of those issues.

Now, if you’re playing Acolyte that’s a different issue. And I think to some extent in the game’s philosophy, it’s supposed to be overpowered because it’s fun and feels good to play that way, for the most part. That’s why bosses exist to be more challenging than regular mobs for those players. In that regard, the game isn’t really about “balance.” It’s about what feels fun to play based on the style and build of the character you’re playing, as I think it should be. As long as something feels good and offers interesting gameplay, that’s what matters.

I can not relate at all. My first character was Shaman (which is considered the weakest mastery in the game) and I had no issues, I dont think I died a single time until the monos. To me, playing a game with 0 challenge is just not fun, also what is the point in grinding items in the end-game when the items make no real difference? I dont think I ever was excited by a single drop in empowered monos.

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I didn’t die a lot on my Acolyte and it was a ton of fun because what I was doing was interesting and engaging. If the game was boring and you weren’t having fun, it might have been better to physically stop what you were doing and play a different character or build. Maybe there’s more of a challenge in something else one of the other classes or specs has to offer. Or, maybe there’s something you find more fun to do on them in general. You also have the option of restricting which items and idols you use to make the game harder on yourself. If you’re playing a build that doesn’t die, make it die. That’s a completely valid option and something that people do in plenty of other games they’ve played to the point that they aren’t challenging anymore. (Think Dark Souls.)

I also think that if you need a game to be punishingly difficult constantly in order for you to enjoy it, that’s not a balance issue with the game per se so much as a lifestyle choice or a personality trait you have. They could accommodate that desire for extreme difficulty by adding a mode where everything just does 500% more damage specifically for people who want that, without making the game insanely difficult for everybody else. To do otherwise would be to violate of the core philosophy of the game as it exists today.

Speaking for myself here: I’m personally not mechanically gifted enough to play a game that’s trying to kill me rapidly and constantly, and I would stop playing if it got that way. I think so would a lot of people.


I think it’s crucial to first define the part or stage of the game we’re talking here. Is it about the campaign, early (non-empowered) monoliths, default empowered monoliths or high corruption (300+) monoliths? Without that information people will most likely talk past each other.

IMO the campaign is easy. Not too easy but about right for a new player to get familiar with the game’s systems. And easy enough for experienced players to rush through it with a new character, in order to get to endgame quickly.
Non-empowered monoliths are on the same level as the campaign but I consider that part pointless. It should be removed for another kind of progression. Therefore their difficulty doesn’t matter to me.
When it comes to empowered monoliths, I usually stop at ~200-300 corruption. That’s me sweet spot. After that I usually get bored and start a new character.


Also coming from someone who doesn’t disclose the circumstances of play. Was is group play? (that makes it a lot easier)
Starting gear? Nothing or boosted from alts/friends?
Was the campaign completed? There have been tons of threads about how difficult Majasa and others are. People screaming for a nerf.

Just an FYI, Shaman is considered the weakest because of its specific nodes on the back half of its tree. You can spec a Shaman and still play on easy mode as a spriggan or something.

While there is always room for “balancing”, the game is not “too easy”. You just haven’t bothered to get to a point that is “difficult” for you.

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The game is too easy. I dont understand why you keep trying to make this into a “me” problem. I am not asking for dark souls difficulty. Considering it is impossible to make a bad build, I really dont understand how this game can be stimulating for some people. Like I really TRIED to enjoy it but I keep falling asleep due to how boring it is. And I am not going to handicap myself just because the devs arent good at designing a game.

The game offers great challenges in it’s current state and will only become better as more content will be add. T4 dungeons are difficult, empowered monoliths become deadly as we get more corruption.

Of course there is room to optimization in the campaign& game, maybe a new difficult after finishing it one time, maybe balancing enemies power, we need some way to avoid doing normal monos in every single character, we need a rework in endless Arena, it could be something much more interesting (take grim dawn crucible as a great and fun arena with waves for example, I think the devs could take inspiration from it).
And many more has already addressed they miss endgame content, but I have confidence they are working on this, but it’s not a night to day solution.

but this is in no way a a flop or lazy work by the devs as you are trying to paint. You have a poor and blurred picture of the situation.

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T4 dungeons and empowered monos really arent that hard, but that is beside the point, the majority of the game is BRAIN DEAD EASY. How can you think that a game which is only challenging towards the very end is a well designed game?

You’re actually not giving the devs any credit at all. The game has gotten better by great margins in the past couple of years and it’s still in beta because there’s still a lot of work to do. They are working on balance and I’m sure it will get much better in that aspect but one of the priorities should be fixing all the bugs that are in the game, which they are working on also.

There is a lot of work that goes into creating a game and making it good, EHG is a small company that is growing and getting better but still doesn’t have the resources as Blizzard or any of the other big companies and those companies still take a long time to put out a game and sometimes they still end up putting out crap.

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Sometimes = Most of the times*

Regardless, the game is great but it’s not finished and there are probably many things before a rebalance will happen to the degree people expect it. Plus a rebalance also doesn’t happen over night. So patience is virtue.
When the game is finished with its full functionality you can probably expect fine tuning, right now, its just running around and killing everything with whatever stick you find.
PS. The running around and stick part wont change much, youll just swap that stick often and grind more. ARPG difficulty is a meme, just have fun with it.

Well the game is priced as a fully finished indie game. perhaps if the game only costed 10 euros I could forgive that the game feels like an early alpha with none of the core mechanics fully completed. But since the game costs 35 euros I at least expect the game to be playable, in its current state I literally cannot play it for more than 20 minutes without falling asleep. that is how BORING it is.

As Ive said before, the game is as stimulating as playing cookie clicker but I guess gamers just have really low standards these days. Last epch is one of the least Innovative games Ive ever played, EVERYTHING is copied from somewhere else YET all of this is implemented poorly. How come Diablo 2 WHICH CAME OUT 20 YEARS AGO have a much more engaging gameplay loop??? Why should I give credit to the devs for releasing the most soulless ARPG ever created?

Certainly don’t agree with the game is too easy. You can scale it as much as you want with corruption. Besides I like how you can play almost any kind of build and still feel like it’s fine. I would hate to see it turn into a PoE where you can only play metabuilds or else you are f*cked. I think you should go play PoE and do you own build there. See how that works for you.
As for copying other games. Well it seems to me they have taken the best and from other games and put their own twist on it. I think they are doing a great job. Game still has issues, but it’s beta. Balancing all aspects is gonna take time.

You obviously don’t like the game, but lucky for you there are lots of other games out there you can go try out.


I feel like this whole point is drifting away slightly from your OP.

While I also think that the difficulty for the most part is on the low and and I definitely hope there is some more challenging content soon. (Especially more fixed scaled content without “infinite scaling” that serves as some kind of milestone)

I think your opinion is a lot on the extreme end of the spectrum. While Last Epoch does not have everything and it does some things pretty well and some things not so well.
I never heard someone saying it feels soulless.
Also boring is somethign that I have not really heard a lot of time. Most people seem to dislike the monolith grind and the actual in-echo experience.
But that the game as a whole is boring is something that I never really heard a lot of times in my years being in the forum.

Quite the opposite for me personally. Last Epoch ahs a pretty high TTK for mobs and even a basic White/Magic Mob throws telegraphs at you that you need to dodge, if you are not a super tanky build.

So I feel like when you think the game is soulless and the gameplay loop is that bad, you should maybe make a dedicated thread about it and explain that in detail.

The moment to moment combat got a huge upgrade with Patch 0.9 with all the new death animation, dynamic death vfx based on damage type, vfx, sfx. But how you portray it, Last Epoch is massively lacking in that department. And if you really think so the devs might need some more details.
Last Epoch is still not the visually most mind blowing ARPG, but I still think it has a lot of character and soul.


Your points with accurate question to answer
Is the game playable? - Yes, even if the multiplayer having some issues. The game is fully playable. The price tag is average, but most of us decided to trust it because its been in works for a long time.

You can’t play the game for 20 minutes before falling asleep? - Go to sleep. It seems 20 minutes is practically your limit as stated. Every ARPG is grinding. It’s not a genre that in general handles well difficulty curves for your hardcore needs, speaking of which, play hardcore on 300+ monos, call me later.

Everything is copied? - Pretty lame point, The father of ARPGs Diablo, copied content from so many places so that the game can exist your point is pretty moot. In general RPGs share the same elements with little alterations to make them unique. Being visually/tech-wise/system-wise. Maybe you are tired of RPGs.

Most of the people that come across this come from Diablo or later released games inspired from it. Diablo is legacy, amazing to this day, even the resurrected. But with all respects, it has many flaws. We all return to it and play it. Its iconic, but don’t think it has engaging gameplay loop.


Then don’t. Don’t play, don’t give credit, whatever. All you do is post on these forums about how boring the game is for you. How mindnumbingly easy it is. Yet, here you are, post after post, reply after reply. I have to ask, why are you so emotionally attached… to this game? A game that holds zero entertainment value for you – other than as a sleep aide. Or, is that your schtick? You play a game (or not, who knows), then you go to the forums to incessantly whine about how unfun it is for you?

Just because a game is priced at something, doesn’t mean it’s required to fit your needs. You aren’t buying just the beta version with your money, your also allowed to keep playing when it officially releases. That’s how these things work. If you don’t want to pay for a beta, then… don’t pay for it. Wait for the finished product to be released. But, even then, it’s not guaranteed to meet your particular requirements of fun.

Jesus, get over yourself, and give the rest of us a break from having to hear about how much this game (and the devs) have failed to meet your definition of fun, challenging and exciting. Move on, find a game that does cater to you, because I seriously doubt this one ever will.

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I have no issue with grinding in video games, the issue that it is not even close to being engaging in last epoch. Besides the fact that the rewards are complete ass, there needs to be some kind of challenge, there needs to be some risk, running around monos knowing there is literally 0 chance that I will die, how is t hat fun? how is that engaging? I shouldnt have to grind until the latest part of the end game to face SOME kind of challenge, that is just flawed game design. There should be a difficulty curve.

My point with saying that everything is copied is that the devs have no excuses. If games from 20 years ago could do it why cant them? They arent innovating with groundbreaking mechanics, this shit has already figured out but I guess they are just too incompetent…

Some people want to fix the gaming industry while others will consume whatever garbage is produced no matter what. Enjoy the low quality fast food.

Modern gaming might suck ass but I am allowed to critique shit I wasted my money on.

Thanks, I wasn’t aware that there’s a difference in that regard as well as I play offline exclusively. I guess that would be important to know as well then.