Why keep the server status thread up if you aren't actually going to give us updates?

And nothing I said had anything to do with flipping switches or buying more servers.

But you’ve hit the nail on the head, this is frequent problem with game studios / launches, because they all arrogantly think they’re prepared for it, despite the decades of evidence that they all aren’t, as if they never spent any time researching.

And that’s the point. What’s obvious to one, is not obvious to another.

Check their official forums that’s … their official communication platform…

And where we all are.

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No, this is the official forum and they were using it to communicate. A 3rd party program should not take precedent over that.


People would have been much more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and patience if they hadn’t posted that arrogant statement about being over prepared. Seeing that was like spotting the iceberg before the Titanic.
The rule is you are supposed to under promise and over deliver. They did the opposite, if they had come out beforehand saying they were new to this and going to do their best but might have some trouble than people would have been more than willing to give them time. Instead they came out charging like a bull thinking they were hot shit and look where it got them.
The least they can do is keep us up to date with how they are trying to unfuck the situation and they were doing that until they stopped doing it and discord is not an excuse these are the official forums and they should be updated before anywhere else.

All the devs are on their Discord and giving out the latest updates there. It is ALSO an official means of communication.

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And so is Discord. They have the link when you start the game.

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It says on the Discord server that it is an official means of communication.
They are posting there frequently.
It’s up to you if you want to be informed.

Speaking of Titanic…

I find it really odd that everyone keeps saying “All games do this” … as if we should just accept that decades later every boat is bound to hit an iceberg, sink, and kill off most of their crew / passengers. Even in a lagoon. Because they’re a small crew of 100 people and they need time to figure out how to launch a boat into the water without it immediately sinking in to the harbor.

Yeah, coding is complicated. So is chemistry … and we don’t condone new researchers constantly exploding the lab and releasing bio weapons into the world.

People need to stop condoning people being bad at their job, in important positions.

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? I receive a notification every single time they share an update in discord, of course they are doing it.


Yeah in the news section on discord i did see updates. I also wish it to be on the forums though since i dont like checking discord as much personally.

Looks like last post on the thread was Feb 21 … ? It seems reasonable to expect one post per day to update us.

What are u talking about. Go check there discord news channel.

They posted 5 updates today last one was about 3pm CST NA

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I was somewhat disappointed today, I took the leap from only ARPG I play since 1997, yes the D word, and bought the game. Server issues all day, disconnect, endless loading , minutes to get from one are to another…just unplayable. I didn’t buy it at launch because I was forseeing would be a poop show with servers, with the overprepared statement and all, I thought 4 days later would be a safer bet, silly me. Not a great first impression, but the game itself the little I was able to play seems good, I understand that it could take time, but then again they already have my money for a game I ca not play.

I agree, but many of these Gen Z kids don’t want to accept the reality of the way the world works. Even the slightest complaint against EHG is an obscenity deserving of verbal abuse and censorship.

I hate to see you waste your energy typing anything to blind loyalists. They wil justify any and all of EHG’s shortcoming.

I’ve been a supporter since 2021, but there’s no way I’d excuse a company that bragged about “battle tested servers” only to deliver a shtshow on day 1 through 5. It’s pathetic & laughable.

Just an update, I was able to play for 2 hours with no issues, well , one issue, if this was working throughout the day, I would be missing couple hours of sleep, but al in all…2 hours of no issue playing time, comparing the rest of the day , it was a victory, now lets hope it continues, I wanted to see how it behaves next Sat-Sun morning - afternoon.

Your browser is… wait for it… a 3rd party program. This is the official forum, and that is the official discord. Neither of them are in game and are therefore 3rd party. Welcome to 2019

Big oof, imagine digging up this 2 day old thread to shill discord.

You can’t call people Gen Z kids and then continue to act like a keyboard warrior on the internet. Nobody is trying to censor anyone. The server problems were inexcusable. We all agree on that. The needing a “we’re working on it” post every 30 minutes is ridiculous.

I don’t think shill means what you think it means. I’m not getting some kind of kick back or benefit for talking about the discord. I’m literally telling you facts which you seem to have completely deflected. And sorry, I don’t live on these forums like some. I came back on and had a notification so I replied. Get out of your emotions.

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