Why keep the server status thread up if you aren't actually going to give us updates?

It actually gave me some hope seeing regular communication but it seems you have now gone dark. Guess that means we shouldn’t hope for things to get better anytime soon.


They keep it up so there’s somewhere to post updates when there are any. If there aren’t any updates, what are they supposed to post?

Because we both know if they were giving updates every 5 minutes that said “Still working on it”, you’d instead be complaining that the updates don’t give you any information.


Update - 2:54 pm

We are deploying a back end fix aimed at solving some of the “Connecting” issue seen at character select and long transition times when loading into towns. This fix is not expected to cause any service disruptions.

Yep…gone dark, alright.


100% agree with the OP.

I should be able to go to the official forums and get the latest updates.

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Check what day that was. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not today.


Thats from yesterday, i saw it before i went to bed last night


Which means we are quickly reaching 24 hours of radio silence. This is not a good thing compared to what we got before.

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And like a previous poster said. They’ll post an update when they have relevant information. “Still working on it” is not helpful.

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It’s about public perception and reassurance. When there were regular updates people were more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now it just looks like they are throwing in the towel when they are most vulnerable and should be doing everything they can to get people to give them more time to unsink the ship.

Bro tf you mean, they have done a great job at communicating. This isn’t something that can be fixed in a couple minutes.

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Having not made a post in 24 hours … making one saying “We’re aware of a recent issue with the servers being completely down” is something that can be fixed in a couple minutes.

It’s been 5 days “bro”.

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No yeah, they’re definitely all over there sipping expensive lattes from the artisanal coffee shop instead of fixing anything right now, as indicated by not posting more updates on the forums.

Do y’all even hear yourselves?

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If you need “still working on it” to be reassured that they are still working on it, that’s a you problem. And you need help.


I know they are aware, you know they are aware, everyone knows they are aware. You don’t need that to know the obvious.

If you tell us you are going to give regular updates and then stop doing it that is not a good sign.

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this might be the biggest cope I have ever seen in my life. “They stopped talking to us, so surely it means they are working on it harder”. Bro gtfo

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Not a single update since this morning…

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What’s obvious to one is not obvious to another.

It was obvious to the broad gamer community that they hadn’t done anything to prepare for a launch day event like this. But it was obvious to EHG that they had everything in control.

Until they didn’t.

Oh noooooo, go play offline then if you wanna play so badly. No issues at all with the offline, the game is super fun.

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