Why is Lagon still unfixed after years?

Yea, his hurtbox’s need a lot of work, but what I find the most annoying issue is that the fight becomes unneedlessly long for builds who rely on targeting for their movement skill. Going at him with lunge as your movement skill makes for a test of patience. It does make you learn every tell, I will give you that, but it is just dumb how long the fight takes because you cant dps him down then reactionary tp out of the way like you can with other movement skills.

I really don’t get the mentality of defending this fight, some of these also just come across as “get good”. Of course we are all welcome to our opinions but someone can beat the fight easily enough and still have negative feelings about it…

To me it remains buggy and poorly designed, it seems to be a relatively common feeling amongst the player base so why not make adjustments?

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Bugs are entirely separate from (functional) mechanics. Nobody’s defending the bugs…

Lagon is also putting an end to the game for me as well.

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Just as a general I hate Lagon with the burning hot passion of 1000 ignites:
Was killed 8 times tonight while farming for Emp. Blessings in Ending of the Storm on my Bowmage:
– Was killed at least 5 times with a OS from a Claw even though I had 100% chance to dodge AND 3 Silver Shrouds AND 8 Dusk Shrouds AND 100% crit avoid AND 75% Phys Dmg Resist…
– Was killed at least 3 times from the eye beam that trapped me into a corner and was undodgeable even with Shift Invulnerability
– Was killed twice with big Moon AOE despite being clearly out of the edge of the attack

I don’t mind a difficult boss.

I totally mind cheap deaths that should not have occurred.

Cleared Lagon 12 times during the session @ 300 Corruption. The Blessing I was trying to get, simple +cold damage, didn’t drop ONCE. NOT ONCE. After 4 hours am still stuck with non-emp version of +cold damage. 100% Super Sighs of Eye-Rolling Anti-Luck Madness

((Can’t really complain too much though b/c I had a 2LP Sanguine Hoard that I rolled an 8.5% to get both offensive stats and ended up with a +21% bow speed and +8 dex into Sanguine’s base stats…))

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Fighting him with Rampage as your main skill is also pretty silly. You constantly look like you are falling off the ledge and the screen is glitching.

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Ignoring the bug perspective (builds that can not hit him with main skill or main damage)

Lagon is not even near as frustrating as fighting T4 Fire Litch Cremorous or T4 Julra. One missclick, half a second of distraction and you are dead. And to a lesser extent I would put Emperor of Corpses to this list, witch is also a trick and chaotic fight.


His hitbox for smite and javelin is way up near the top-center of the window. I had the same issue when I first went in with my holy smite/javelin paladin, and was about to give up, until I noticed that.

Can confirm as I recently did a Paladin Smite and had to focus way up top of the middle of his head.

Haha, good luck with that…

I’ll create a BowMage post a little later to address it. XD

At this point, if the fixing him is such a chore when skills are so frequently broken (if they ever get fixed at all) then the fight needs to be completely reworked, it is utterly ridiculous that certain builds are either blocked from progression or have to ignore almost all their skills and tediously grind him down with whatever else they have.

As an interim measure, just place a target dummy on that upper platform that can be targeted properly by all skills and have the fight advance through the phases when it has taken enough damage, the player would still need to move around the platform to avoid his attacks, which is the only notable part of those phases after all.

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It shocks me that there are so many amazing and well thought out things in this game. Things that have been taken and used by other RPG, cough D4 cough. Yet Lagon has gone unfixed for so longh, it makes no sense tbh. I totally agree with other comments about removing him or disabling him if his that hard to fix. I must admit he is one of the most levelling annoyances in the game.

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I know this is a few weeks old but I have the same issues and it is 3 weeks until launch. I really hope something is done with Lagon because it stands out as the one big nagative and blocks progress.

So what is the major issue with Lagon now? The majority of the issues with him were fixed when they made the tentacles that can be attacked and having run a few characters through him recently I haven’t seen any issues. I do make sure that I use the A key to send my minions onto the platform before I go all the way up and activate him, so not sure if that’s still an issue and what’s giving ppl a hard time.

For me the biggest issue is not really about skill, but about inequality across traversal skills in being able to dodge the moonbeam. Having Lagon as a major blocker in monolith progression is a major “This is not fun” moment for viable builds that are trying to fix mobility issues. I know there are ways to cheese the fight by standing in certain areas but that’s not really the point. I am not sure if some of the earlier issues with hit box have been fixed but the addition of the platform tentacles seems to have helped greatly.

You don’t need a movement skill to dodge the moonbeam. Just don’t trap yourself against the edge. He always does the same 4-5 attacks then does the moonbeam. So just count the attacks then move…

This is said in the chat lots of times.
Lagon is there kind of to introduce boss mechanics to players. Maybe you know all this, but lot of players aren’t concerned that the game will need you to evolve your defensive layers. You are not supposed to tank every attack from bosses, you need a good HP pool, some resistance, but these two are just the primary defensive layers, and you should also get other layers (armor, endurance, dodge, block, damage reduction passives).

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Then you’re doing it wrong. There’s more than enough time (unless Lagon is hasted, possibly) to move to the other side once you see the telegraph & you can probably do that just by walking (with some movement speed).

It’s not cheesing it, it’s obeying the mechanics. This is how the mechanic is intended to be dealt with.

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It amuses me that you are still here defending this fight. Like, laughing out loud level of amusement. What’s your gut say about this fight getting any changes for launch? Do you think it should be changed, or is it fine?

I feel like I shouldn’t ask you questions unless I’m willing to answer them myself so here’s what I think;

I’m thinking 5% chance it’ll be changed, they simply have too much to work on and they’ve already spent so much time on this fight. Why I think it’s especially bad game development is because it’s the first boss fight to really teach/punish the player about the importance of dodging attacks-with-tells, it blocks progression, and yet the fight plays out very differently simply based upon the skill set of your character. And that variability gets players arguing with each other about whether it’s a problem or not. It’s toxic.

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