Why I will quit last Epoch until it gets changed

Apparently you’re the one that missed the point completely. The level of improvements that I meant in the 10k hours section is a level that you don’t need for the current content. And the game isn’t balanced around it.

Do you think the game is balanced around having a 4LP red ring when one is impossible to drop? If that were the case, everyone would only do 100c.
No, the game is balanced around the possible gear, even if some is hard to get, and still presents you with increasingly harder gear, up to the point where it’s impossible to get (for now).

But right now, the game does give you all the gear you need to finish all content, usually requiring only around 100h or less.

If you disagree or not… it’s a mathematical fact that the chance of obtaining it is lower then all humans on the planet playing for 24/7 for the next 100 years. And I mean any of those, or even close.

So yeah, that’s what’s called a ‘impossibility’. A situation where you can’t trust into it ever coming into existence and hence able to be ignored for the simple fact that it’s outcome which won’t ever be seen by anyone.

As mentioned, for specific things it’s allowed and fine, but for core progression systems it’s not. Why? Because the core part needs to have at least an inkling of possibility to be obtained. Which isn’t the case in LE

Nope, even before anything but the basic currency was in the game those items were in the possible range of obtaining.
There were less tiers to be obtained first of all.
Also there were less bases to be obtained.

When not even the trade API existed and people had to ‘trade’ by throwing stuff on the ground singular ‘mirror-tier’ items came gradually into existence. Crusader plates (best armor based chest-piece back then), Destiny leather (evasion) and I think it was the Destroyer Regalia (ES based) all had specific people crafting exactly for those.

That is to take into consideration in a time where you got 5 exalted in a week and not - nowadays - divines per hour.

PoE increased their top-end accordingly as the game progressed, they didn’t implement for 5 years+ into the future and still don’t do it. Which is the state of LE currently.

This topic is not content-related.

Hence people quit, because it isn’t.
Since there’s no way to share them with the community either (they’re well past the gold-cap value) even community effort can’t help you out there.

This doubles down onto those issues. The core system is set up in a faulty manner. The trading is set up in a faulty manner and the future content implementation can’t possibly keep up with the available ‘dead developed space’ already in play. It’s fine to have ‘some’ for a cycle or 2… but not for what? Realistically? 5 years pre-made empty space?

Because make it faster and value retention of Legacy isn’t upheld and hence leads to the opposite effect of people not wanting to play because they can’t accumulate perceived value on their account, which is for long-term players there a high aspect of continued playing.

True, which is why I addressed it for example. The magnitude of the current situation is so large that any realistic time investment to get up to the already pre-made point is a unrealistic endeavor. Hence if I as a player see the possibility of ‘3T7 1T5 sealedT5’ items then plainly spoken? I’ll come back when it becomes possible!

3 years? Unlikely. 4 years? Still very… 5 years? Maybe.
That’s a baaaaad situation for a live-service game as those are their core long term audience which is potentially lost for this whole duration. The goal if an ARPG is after all ‘the perfect character’. But currently this goal is impossible to reach for the whole world together all playing 24/7 for a single person for their whole lifetime.

So it’s something which… well… makes no sense to even try, does it?

Actually… he didn’t. Time/effort equation upholds and is the most important factor, arguments you have or not.

And nobody cares about a singular unobtainable unique, legendaries are still not core-itemization progression. Keep those 2 things combined. ‘Upper limit’ and ‘core equipment’ and only those.

We can tackle Legendary balancing after that as well, but it’s not even remotely as much of a thing.

Also once more… nobody with that mindset gives a singular shit about how much content is there or not. You can have a single monolith and nothing else and those people would play on. Long-term grinders out for a goal. For them solely obtainability plays a role, which is not a given state.


I think you really didn’t read the post…
So let me help you… He explained how a LOT of things were unattainable in POE when it was in it’s first years, simply because the available content didn’t require them.

When game evolved (12+ years of development), harder content were introduced, stronger and rarer items were released, and naturally more and more league mechanics were introduced that significantly boosted the acquisition of some of the most rare chase gears, but even then, there are some ultra rares that only some people are able to get them.
And POE is the most played arpg at this time, so…?

And all this is by design in a loot-chase based ARPG. Something will always be unattainable, except for the outliers, otherwise it’s the opposite of what you’re saying: majority of people will have most valuable items within the first month each cycle, so there’s no chase anymore and people will stop chasing.

How many times do I have to explain that PoE and LE are NOT the same.

PoE is a great example as it gives the player a feeling of PROGRESS. You don’t have to gamble, it’s an option and also a risk ofc.
LE, you simply don’t know if you will ever get that upgrade. It’s a GAMBLE.

Even in the beginning there was a price on every item in PoE, it was attainable to get that item in one league. Some people actually got that “unattainable” item and would try to sell it.

That’s why POE remains one of the most played ARPG of all time. It gives players OPTIONS of playing differently.

Extremely hard and unattainable are not the same.

Also on the 10k hours comment, I know 2 people who achieved Rank 14 PVP gear in WoW. It was reachable within 5k hours. I was also geared with a lot of BiS items in WoW, people actually came to my server to inspect people who had BiS items. Total playtime in WoW? Less than 10k hours. Pretty sure I even got all that gear within 1000 hours of playing, I was the main tank of a huge guild.

The question for you guys is: How much time do you think people should grind before they give up? Let’s say you are the lead dev of LE.

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Which he can state, sure.
Still wrong :slight_smile:
This situation didn’t exist after release. Even back in ‘Ambush’ which is basically 1.2 for LE PoE already had mirror-tier items acquired by people.

So factually wrong statement. You can’t create a argument from that.

Hence everything beyond you’ve spoken about builds upon a wrong premise and is henceforth invalid since it can’t uphold the basis.

But I’ll go into the specific sentence you posted nonetheless:

Yes, in PoE that is the case, that was the case.
In LE this situation exists a total of ‘0’ times. It has never existed to date.

This is the difference. Those ‘ultra-rare’ items being possible in PoE but impossible in LE, No matter the moment you compare them starting with 1.0.


I didn’t disagree with the impossibility, just with the fact that it shouldn’t happen, but since you ignored that whole part, we can just move on.

You should pick a lane and stick to it.

LE gives you all the tools available for completing the current content in a timely manner.

LE doesn’t give you, nor does it have to, the tools for pushing content to the limits, much like PoE doesn’t for delve either, which is, as you said, side-content. Likewise, pushing 2k in LE is side-content.

Which is fine. That’s how it’s supposed to be. You’re already pushing past the content limits of the game. Why would they need to give you more progression when you’re already way way way past the limits of said progression?

They could have easily limited LP according to uniques, rather than giving them impossible odds. So a red ring couldn’t have more than 1LP. And maybe in the future they’d increase that to 2LP when it was felt necessary.
Likewise, they could have limited exalted gear to 1 exalted affix.
But they preferred to have a limitless system, even if it has fantastic odds.

And I know that you’re going to say that they should have done that instead, but that’s just personal preference. Having something limited by not existing or by not being able to get it is the same thing.
And players can more easily understand that a 4LP red ring is possible but so rare as not to be than understand why everything has 4LP except a red ring.

Nor is a 3xT7.

Unless you’re buying things in trade, you have to gamble in PoE as well. You have crafting, corrupts, enchants, etc. It’s all several layers of RNG as well.

LE’s progression is good until you reach the end of content (currently Aberoth). After that it gets exponentially harder. As it should. It’s post-content.

So yes, there is unattainable gear because you don’t need it to finish available content.

As much as they want to, considering they’re already past all the available content.
It’s like saying how much should people grind delve in PoE. And the answer is the same: as much as you want to.
Delve is exactly the same as pushing corruption in LE: they’re both side-stuff you can do past content, infinitely scaling and exponentially harder to gear up for.

So the actual answer is:
-For available content, 100h seems like a good number. Which is actually lower in LE, because we’ve seen dozens of people with dozens of different builds beat Aberoth in much less time.
-For pushing 1k+: as much as you want until you feel you’re bored. And enjoy it until EHG manages to tighten balance (though I’d say you still have at least a year for that).
-For pushing arena waves: as much as you want until you feel you’re bored.
-For creating multiple alts: as much as you want until you feel you’re bored.

This is the point of this post, you can’t buy these things in LE. They don’t exist on the MG, it’s a combination of the 1.5B price cap and people not wanting to take the risk of gambling to get that perfect item to sell.

There’s basically no way around temporal sanctum in this game, doesn’t matter if you play MG or COF.

That answer is actually pretty good, I agree with this. I just would like them to fix the feeling of progression somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, I like this game else I would not care about trying to improve it. It’s just frustrating that there’s lots of potential and people will quit because of the current system.

I would like them to give us multiple options to improve our gear and not be stuck with slamming only.

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Not what I’m talking about. If you read what I said you’d see that I said that given the infinitely scaling nature of corruption than it’s inevitable that sooner or later 2-3-4lp gear would be necessary to progress which is clearly at odds with verminrodent’s original assertion that lp gear wasn’t needed before 1.1. I don’t see how you could argue otherwise. Clearly I’m not referring to the 300c point.

2 different discussion topics.
One related to the situation in general.
One related to the argumentation line of ‘legendaries are not needed at all’ compared to 1.0 to 1.1

We hopefully can talk about several things at once without enforcing to cross over. After all ‘This is a nice day’ doesn’t mean ‘All days are nice’.

Yes, which we now combine with the provided content space for core itemization, not the content space provided for actual usage in combination with the core itemization.

So, we have specific content available to run.
We have specific contenr available for our itemization.

The content for itemization is in need to align with the content to be run in a manner where the outcome for both isn’t a negative one.

A negative outcome is one of both:

  • Content is trivialized.
  • Core itemization is not accessible in the range of ‘possibility’.

Currently we have the second problem as we can’t trivialize a never-ending content to push into. We can simply run out of option to get further.

The solution can be manyfold hence:

  • Removal of ‘dead content space’ above the current ‘possible’ cut-off line for itemization. Then gear and content aligns.
  • Balancing of content to align with content space for core itemization until also no ‘dead content space’ is existing anymore. Means massive changes in several fields, so hard to even do.
    -Or the third is to re-iterate the core itemization from the ground up and adjust it accordingly to provide one without this ‘dead content space’ in the first place. Also loads of work.

The situation is what you talked about with ‘proper planning’ in another discussion we had.
This clearly is a situation of not doing that, happens. You run into problems no matter how much you plan since stuff doesn’t come to mind.

Nope, contrary to your argument… it isn’t.

I’ll write it in a simple way you can understand :stuck_out_tongue:

Imagine it like a program. You got the values for:
-Stress resistance.

Goal is declared up-front through ‘Inhibition’. High values mean low goals.
As goalposts we can state ‘Campaign’, ‘Empowered monolith’, ‘Aberroth’, and a variable value for ‘% gear completion’ or interchangeable to a degree with ‘corruption level’ depending on player.

Inhibition and Stress resistance are static values each person has (yeah, the are slightly shifting for state of the day and so on… ease of use… static). Stress resistance is a multiplier of Inhibition (those are highly aligned to each other).

Stress resistance declared the ‘Time to quit’.
‘Time to quit’ triggers when the math behind the other 3 values reaches ’ < 1 '.

A further away goal is a higher number where you divide through. That means if the goal ‘campaign’ is a ’ 1’ and your stress resistance is a ’ 2 ’ we have ’ 2/1 ’ which returns is a ’ 2’. It’s hence ‘false’ for ‘Time to quit’.

This all stays fine and in expected variables as long as the ‘Stress resistance’ and ‘Inhibition’ stay in reasonable amounts.
Games have a natural ‘limiter’ for ‘Inhibition’ though. That’s the amount of gear progression, the amount of content… depends. Here we go with gear progression.

So, the higher your goal the higher your Stress resistance needs to be to stay above ‘1’. Now we get situations though. Someone with extremely high values of ‘Inhibition’ will set goals faaaaaar away from ‘Aberroth’. And now our ‘Stress resistance’ can turn immediately ’ < 1 '.
Hence ‘Time to quit’ triggers. Person leaves.

This becomes especially visible when we add a value with ‘Perception’ and ‘Time check’ into the equation.
Perception triggering if ‘Time check’ happens, and ‘Time check’ is a multiplier with ‘Stress resistance’ which is a direct multiplier of ‘Inhibition’ after all.
When it triggers it substracts a value based on ‘goal’ from ‘Time to quit’. The higher your ‘goal’ the higher the substracted amount.
This means the later your goal is set and the higher your ‘Perception’ value the earlier you quit.

Hence instead of letting that happen you create a situation where ‘goal’ can’t surpass a specific value. One which 99,9% of people will not reach anyway… but which is possible. That creates less circumstances in which the substracted amount causes a ’ < 1 ’ for ‘Time to quit’ to trigger.

I hope that helped in this abstract version, I can write it down in code too with more variables :stuck_out_tongue:

Base item type. Base affixes. Let’s remove the sealed one simply and we have the same situation still. That’s the core perception wise.

3 T7 is not even core hence, but 4T7 is.

Which is why the whole situation is based on existence of trading. Which is a basis that has to be taken into consideration.
And if that’s not the case then achieving the outcome needs to be accordingly higher since individual versus group-based acquision rate of items has to be taken into account. Meaning the end-point must be reachable quicker and not slower at that time.

Let’s say this is the ‘common nominator’ for ‘medium play-time’. Yes, LE is lower.

Then core content (Meaning the balance and progression rate) needs to be adjusted accordingly. This includes campaign + monolith + empowered monolith and because of positioning + Abberroth.

It doesn’t include Arena, Dungeons or anything else ‘on the side’, those are ‘side mechanics’ for a reason.

This currently is upheld. 100% fine.
The second you surpass your goal with provided content it gets awry.

Because there’s 2 distinct discussions going on which have a separate topic.

The underlying argument is ‘I don’t see a way to progress further’.
LP items are a easy way to ‘progress further’ since getting a viable 3 LP item is more likely then a top-tier base T7 exalted item with perfectly aligning affixes.
This shifts the topic to LP.

The other argument hence derived from that which is ‘overall gear progression’.
This one showcases that the core-itemization progression for exalted items is not optimal, which leads to the perception shift on blaming it on LP. Hence the alignment towards content and ‘possibility’ of them existing is the secondary topic.

One talks about the direct visible situation.
One talks about the root cause of the direct visible situation.

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Again condensing the replies.

You’re wrong. LE doesn’t have to give you infinite tools for infinite content. It has to give you tools for available content.
That content ends with Aberoth. You have the tools to finish it in a timely manner.

1k farming is side-content much like deep delving is.
And just like PoE doesn’t give you infinite gear for the infinite content, LE doesn’t either.

So your equivalency is wrong. High corruption farming is post-endgame content and, thus, is optional side-content. Similar to delve.

So, if you have a goal to finish all content and kill Aberoth, you have the tools to do so in a timely manner (less than 100h).
If you have a goal to reach 1k corruption, you have some tools to do that with increasing difficulty.
If you have a goal to reach 10k corruption, you don’t have tools for that, nor should you.

This is not a problem with the game, it’s a problem with the goals. Much in the same way that it would be a problem with my goals if I went to PoE and aimed for 50k delve.

This was a direct reply to you:

Which, again, neither is a 3xT7 or more.

OP is at 800c. He’s already past endgame content and closing in on the limit of what EHG finds acceptable. So yeah, there shouldn’t be a way to progress further.

Which is pretty good until you reach the end of content. Everything else is a bonus and should be increasingly hard to get.
People just feel entitled to it because balance is all over the place and because there were builds in 1.0 doing 5k+ and you still have builds in 1.1 doing 2k+.

So the thing in POE is that you always have multiple ways to get something. A mavens writ for example i can farm and i will be sure that every map a piece will drop. Or i can buy the whole thing in trade. In LE i maybe find a harbinger eye after the boss, but i am not certain it will drop. So i cannot plan ahead in terms of hours i need to farm bosses to attain eyes. Its a gamble/mystery. I could find 10 eyes in a row or kill 10 bosses without 1 drop. In POE if i kill shaper i know a fragment ALWAYS drops.

Same goes for gear. As stated in my post, the higher lp or finished product legendary items are not for sale, so you are forced to buy materials and then gamble yourself. In POE i have had my best league where i had 5 BIS mirror worthy items in 1 league. I had 2 mirrors drop (1 mirror in 2 different leagues).

I sometimes gamble and craft or do a alva double corrupt temple or something, but i decide if and when i want to gamble. If i just want to farm currency and buy the end product, i can in POE. And yes, you do not always achieve BIS in POE as well, but it is possible and as stated i had 1 league where i had 5 BIS items (i can proof it in standard still :slight_smile:
I am a guy who loves to do all content (without having a cheese 1 shot build) and get as close as possible to BIS. Mechanically I am not the strongest player, so every gear upgrade helps me in achieving the hard goals a lot to compensate. I tried abbaroth 15 times already and finally got the hang of all phases, but the last phase. I am not the genius who does him first try, but I train and get better. But i generally do not quit until i achieve my goal, but i need to be able to plan how long something will take.

In this game I realized very quickly that lp4 was probably even less attainable than a mirror in POE, so i settled for LP3. As stated, i actually did pull it off for my unique gear, but i had rather farmed the money and bought my gear instead of having to gamble and risk 1.5 billion on 1 slam. My friends never got any items on lp 3 and these are mostly very successful POE players.

Time vs progression in this game is based on luck. This goes for the harbinger eyes, the lp slams, the crafting with the runes (like you ever just find a perfect exalted item without gambling on it first). Even the blessing system and how they appear is rng. And then you get the blessing you want finally, and it is bad roll…., more RNG. Nothing is guaranteed at all. Drops should be chance, but other progression mechanics are ok to have some more determined end use to them with certain outcomes.

And yes i think right now after the first 100h there is not much to anymore in LE. This could be ok, but what is the use of having these unattainable items if no one will be able to get most of them within 100 hours or even within 1000 hours unless luck is involved.


Nothing does :slight_smile:
It’s just bad design since it causes interested people to not engage with your product while not affecting anyone. It’s ‘dead design space’ as mentioned. It isn’t accessed ever. It has no reason to exist but affects perception and hence is detrimental in 99,999% of the times.

That’s the whole concept behind it. It’s not related to available content to run. So any argumentation line towards including that is senseless by definition.

Core item base. Core affixes. Core progression.
Direct correlation without other factors, hence causation.

Not relevant for the ‘dead design space’ argument.

So you agree after it becomes a problem hence? Which is the whole argument?

Magnify it, too low of a numbers. We have core items not available after accumulated billions of hours.

That is mostly a result of the gold exploit, though. Otherwise you would see them for sale. Much like you saw them for sale in 1.0 before that gold exploit as well.
So I will say that you have a reason for your complaint in this specific cycle (or the previous one), but not as a fundamental issue with LE. Without the gold exploit, legendaries were being sold.

We disagree on this as well.
LE gave you endgame content and then gave you a bonus of something you can grind infinitely. Much like PoE also gave you the exact same thing with delve.
The only difference is that PoE added that after 5 years and LE included it as core.

There is effectively no difference at all between high corruption farming and delve.
Which means that you probably think that delve is bad design as well.

No. It’s not a problem because it’s post-content. Just like delve is not a problem in PoE. Exact same design, exact same issues, exact same non-problem.

It expedited the process, made it swifter to happen.
With MG setup it happens over time naturally.
No resource sink means gold to item value changes until the gold cap is hit.
RMT just makes it quicker to happen.

Delve is integer limited and it’s ‘finished’ by someone already, repeatedly even:


It is obtainable. It can be realistically reached. Some re-created the situation several times.

So that alone is ‘your difference’ right then and there.

First of all, you’re once more stuck on ‘runable content’ and not ‘accessible core itemization’.
There is no basis for even a discussion until you come to the same baseline spot.

We agreed ‘progression is fine until available changing main-goal content runs out’.
Now lets talk about ‘Beyond’ which is every single long-term player in the game being affected. Unless the skill-level is quite a bit below the 50% area of those investing that many hours.

So it’s possible to get to a corruption level so high that there aren’t enough numbers in the universe to store the corruption? Interesting, thanks for that. I’m super sure that corruption is stored with some form of magic (as Clarke defined it) not something banal like a insert-number-of-bits-here (dunno, maybe 16?) integer.

That’s lovely dear. However, when someone says something as blatantly false as “Before Harbingers and Abberoth where introduced, i have understood that the LP gear was not really needed.” when you (especially you TBH) should be able to reason out why that’s clearly not true, why would I not point that out? Why would you not point that out? You normally catch things like this. Unless you believe that pre-1.1 it was possible to take a character with “non-LP” gear all the way up to whatever limit corruption has? Do you think it’s possible to do 65,535 corruption with “non-LP” gear? No? So why are you arguing that it is?

Corruption probably is as well.

After how many years? It required 7 leagues to achieve it (so about 2 years and change) and a broken league at that (Harvest). And as the person who broke it admits “Neither I nor anybody had any idea that delve was capped at 65,535”. So everyone thought it was infinite. So, no, there’s no difference.

“Beyond” LE gives you some tools, increasingly harder to achieve. Much like PoE did for delve until Harvest. They don’t have to give you more or to give you a smooth gear progression past that.
You’re like a kid that’s given an ice cream as a treat and then complains that it melts.

LE didn’t have to give you anything post 300c. Instead they gave you a playground for you to push until you feel you had enough. And you think that’s a problem.

They could have given you infinite scaling content and not even give you exalted gear or legendaries and it still wouldn’t be a problem. If you could only realistically push to 400c, it would already be a bonus.
Bonus content doesn’t need smooth progression. It’s a bonus. And totally optional.

As for this part:

That is simply not true. Many long-term players extend their playtime by making alts, which they find much more enjoyable than mindlessly pushing numbers up.

Well this is what others told me regarding not needing lp gear before 1.1. I just play since this season so i do not know of course. It only strengtens my point though. If you want to push further, you need the better lp gear and crafts (depending on the build a bit as well).

So the whole point i am making is that i feel right now the items are needed. So it should be attainable to an extent. Also if not for progress then for fun. Nothing is more satisfying than improving your char every now and then.

And like @Amplifix mentioned he spent 100 plus hours and mis slammed 22 lp2 items and 3 lp 3 items and never hit 2 mods he needed. I was lucky as stated, but i also have bricked 5 lp 3 items and i do not even know how many lp2 items before hitting it. That was in the case of those 5 lp3 items probably 5 billion or more (and a lot of favour and time gone) wasted.

Even right now everything in me screams to go back to the game. I am truly considering farming the eyes again or even starting a second char. And then i think of all that hope that is going to be crushed potentially and not knowing something will take a finite number of hours (if i could know i would farm 1 harbinger eye per hour for example, i could at least count on that and plan a strat).

The game is so awesome in so many ways. The fact that you can add stats to uniques is so cool. But the way to get there can be demotivating because of the gambling part.


Yeah, that’s fair enough. But given how corruption works, where you set your goal, your build & player skill determines what level of gear you need to be able to do it. And luck, likely.

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The topic is about ‘possibility’ and effect on the player in regards to that.

So what are you talking about there? It has nothing to do with anything related.
It was solely to show that ‘yes, there is a way to reach the end in PoE’ when the comparison was given that ‘It’s not possible in PoE so it’s the same in LE’

It’s simply a showcase that this argument is not true. Nothing more, nothing less.

Once more. One if about progression through provided content.
That’s the different end-points related to reliable gear progression in relation to that content.
In 1.0 without Aberroth no mention of even using LP 1 items of any kind were a viable cut-off line to decide if a build could reach the 300c balance line or not, we had no other ‘end point’.
In 1.1 300c is before the new ‘end-point’ of progression. hence Aberroth has taken that place as the last place in the line.
Aberroth is for the mediocre player harder then 300c, hence it’s very likely that there’s a need for 1 LP gear by that time.
Never mentioned how good that affix has to be, never the talk about optimal, never the talk about 2LP+, never the talk about anything else. A singular, in itself close statement.
Is that one true or false?
No matter the answer you can’t ‘merge’ it willy-nilly with the other ongoing topic since those are separate topics.

The other is about overall design without taking content into consideration. It’s solely related to people passing that point and their goal-making as well as perception.

Discern between the two, you’re talking about… something… but not what I’m talking about.

I’ve solely showed ‘it’s possible’.
Which still keeps it as a side-mechanic and not core-progression.

Much like in LE dungeons are a side-mechanic. 4 LP crafts are gates behind dungeons, hence dungeons aren’t ‘core progression’ but a ‘side mechanic’. ‘Core progression’ is solely achieved through the main progression line, which is campaign > monoliths > empowered monoliths > Abberoth.

Which brings us back to ‘even a ‘limitless’ side mechanic is in PoE ‘played out’ despite never intentioned to be while the core-progression for items and only items can not be finished in LE’.

Yes, and this ‘Beyond’ is placed inside the core progression aspect hence it’s a part of the core progression itself.
So in that case since basic item bases with basic affixes are falling into the impossible to achieve list for the top-tier it’s dead core design space.

That and only that tiny weeny tinsy weensy singular aspect of the whole thing is the point to stay at.
Not LP.
Not content.
Not side-mechanics.
Not sealed affixes even.
Not experimental affixes.
Not Nemesis.

Core, 100% and solely core itemization. The basis… of the basis. Level 1 white items to level 100 4T7 items. No other singular aspect. None, zero, nada, njente.

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Agreed that skill and what the goal is becomes very important as well. In mapping i personally am very confident. The bosskilling is more of challenge. And i like to be as perfect as possible gear wise, so i usually also set my goals towards the best gear or expensive builds (also talking about poe). I do like to still have a challenge though, so i am fine with content being hard. I just feel that in this game your (end game) progression is artificially being halted based on RNG.

I owuld not even mind having certain drop rates to go down or something of the sort. As long as there is an end on the horizon and not a “maybe”.