Why do they keep insisting on making SPELLBLADE squishy vs the other mages?

I dont understand why my melee spellblade is much less tanky than my melee sorceror?

I mean spellblades were designed with being in melee range and taking hits; while the sorceror was designed as a ranged class.

However, my spark charge melee sorceror does

  1. more damage than my spellblade
  2. can sit and tank these harbingers and not die, unlike my spellblade.

it seems to me they need to increase the defensives that spellblades have access too, as the sorceror is not just a little better for melee, its

infinately better.

Must be your build, because my Spellblade was the tankiest of all 5 characters I made (one per base class) and I played all of them sans Warlock in melee. Insane amounts of ward generation and leech for healing. Note, this was in 1.0, haven’t played in 1.1 but didn’t see any Spellblade nerfs in the notes.

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Really? Look at the ward changes.

I meant explicitly Spellblade. Ward *changes (read: nerfs) affected every ward build.

Sorry about the ignorant response saying your build is the problem due to their experience playing spellblade LAST CYCLE.

Even looking at all the recent builds etc and especially with sorc changes, spellblade is too squishy compared to others. They have updated and fixed lots of stuff but the backlog on masteries etc… there is a loooong way to go. I’m sure they are aware. At least they improved sorc this cycle but… oi. Yeah.

Spellblade can be tanky. But to say its not intuitive would be an understatement.

How to Play

minions and trash mobs

● Use wall of fire on pack, rush through pack wifh flame rush. Use your Fire Ward. Teleport far away, use long ranged mana strike to regan mana as needed.

For Bosses

● use frost wall to dot enemies up, use flame rush to consume stacks. Hitting grants you flame aura from either flame rush, or mana strike. On big damage hit, drop flame ward. Teleport if needed. The build uses retaliation. Total ward per second is abnoxious.

I only see one sorceror on your account, and it’s lvl 14.
If you show us the characters you’re talking about, we can tell you why a character is less tanky than another character.

im playing this version but with teleport skill instead of frostbite and some minor changes. 500ish corruption currently and feeling perfectly fine. Moreover, i oneshot every boss in the game, even Aberrath dies very fast. Risky but rewarding, i enjoy the gameplay, prob should be your build. Your getting a lot of ward on teleport+illusions help to tank

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Just checked my build that I saved after migrating it to 1.1, the only major change was in my Spellblade passives where they removed Elemental Bursts, so I moved those points around. Great ward generation through stacking Flame Auras, Flame Ward, and Fire Brand, with burst coming from Shatter Strike. Surge for movement and more Fire Aura but could easily be replaced with Teleport. Seems like it still works on paper with the only major nerf to the build being the ward changes every class experienced. I haven’t had a chance to play 1.1 because I’ve been playing KH1 when I have free time /shrug

Edit: forgot to link https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/oXkRyD3B

Edit 2: I also forgot to mention that I play 1h+shield because I like that class fantasy of being a tanky magic swordsman with a shield.

Thank you. I will re-look at things and find what I am MISSING because of what was TAKEN. I haven’t tried spellblade yet this cycle and wasn’t even considering it but I’m not always right and such and may rethink things.

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That explains a lot!

Seriously though, your response to my kinda snotty post made me think, I like this community.

-I JUST don’t think anything you can come up with on spellblade this cycle has the potential to feel AS powerful as you can on sorc. It’s early for me though and early in the cycle.

im playing spark charge mana blade on both.

Im not trying to stick and move around a lot and kite, rather trying to be a bruiser-- which- as a spellblade, id imagine it was the design?

It ‘looks’ like there a lot fo defensive ward generation, but not really.
its not enough to shield you from the barrage of ae and mass signle tar abilites these bosses have, not mention any time those snake tornado things are around.

On the sorc though-- im guessing it has to do with its mana specialty and the way it can use mana 1st as hp is what is causing its tankiness?

it feels not a little, but much more sturdy, while doing more damage.

seems i forgot the link - here is the link of a build im playing with minor changes, i dont use frost claw, im leveling teleport.Surge can be used aswell but teleport is generally better.
1st link is my current character second link is the original build.

St4rkiller - Delir1um - Character Profiles - Last Epoch Tools

Bloody Nib Crit Shatter Strike Spellblade Build Guide (Version 1.1.0) - Last Epoch (lastepochtools.com)

I’m not a high level Spell blade. Only around 26, but…Squishy?! Uh. So far, I’ve just generated more ward then I’ll ever need and I get the exponential nature of ARPGs, you’re telling me this isn’t enough? The fact it can hit a boss with ONE skill, and give myself over 50% of my shield in a hit seems a little overkill at lower levels. Maybe it’s a situation where they are balancing low level up to higher backwards. It needs less ward at lower level, but higher at higher level?

the spellblade was fine til you hit 100 corruption.

I put all my toons and start the monolith grind at level 35. its not until you reach 100 corruption that things go completly sideways

Checking your character profile, if I’m understanding correctly, you’re trying to use Mana Strike to have 46% chance to proc Frost Claw to have a 47% chance on crit to cast Lightning Blast. (~21% chance to cast Lightning Blast at 100% crit chance.)

Your only defensive utilities are Flame Ward and Teleport. You have 1021 HP at lv 87, 27% Endurance (274 Endurance Threshold), 6% Reduced Damage from Crits, and 7% Damage to mana before health. Your eHP against Physical damage is 1517 (1457 to be oneshot), your eHP against all other elements is 1393 (1338 to be oneshot), all eHPs are at 1123 vs DoTs. You have 0 health leech, 0 health on hit/melee hit/kill/block/stun/freeze/crit. You only have 18.18 Health Regen for sustain.

So, at all that, if “Arcaneblade” is your Spellblade for this cycle then it’s not that Spellblades are “squishy” it’s that you have 0 sustain and very low HP for your level. You’re heavily reliant on Ward, which was nerfed for every class in this patch. If you’re used to relying solely on Ward from 1.0, then you’re going to feel very squishy in 1.1

Ward below 4000 was actually slightly buffed. Going off his attack speed, that’s probably where he’s living now.

In terms of Spellblade, there was exactly one small nerf - Arcane Warden passive went from 5 Ward/melee atk to 3 Ward/melee atk, and you got Ward Decay Threshold per INT instead.

When checking eHP for Ward characters, you need to manually input their expected Ward under the Conditions button, the planner ignores Ward completely.

As for sustain, 154 Ward per Second and 82 Ward per melee hit plus Ward from FC and LB casts + Ward from crits via the dagger + Flame Ward gives Ward too.

And clearly his ward sustain isn’t keeping him alive. Meaning that underneath all that ward, his other survivability tools are lacking. That’s why I didn’t bother going into detail about ward generation (along with its nerf).

I didn’t know how to use the planner ehp w/ ward though, thanks for the information!

Edit: even back in 0.9 I never relied solely on Ward and Resistances for my Spellblade. Ward was treated as “bonus HP” like any HP shield would in an MMO. So if the enemy broke through my ward, I had ways to stay alive. Plus I used a shield, but ignoring that I never felt squishy on Spellblade and 1.1 nerfed nothing about that playstyle. So it’s not Spellblade being squishy is my point

I agree, that’s how it should be treated after all.

Unfortunately, when I joined LE in 1.0, there were some nasty rumors floating around about Ward being the solution to everything, and even today people often run around with no damage reduction.

That’s very likely why the ward sustain isn’t keeping him alive too. It’s always a function of how much damage you can take vs. how much damage you can heal vs. how much damage you’re mitigating, and people often focus on the first one or two.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t ward scale with your defensive stats too? Or is it treated separately?

As an example, am I correct in my assumption that if you have 10% DR and take 100 damage, your ward will take 90 damage just like your HP would?