Why do they keep insisting on making SPELLBLADE squishy vs the other mages?

Correct. Except Endurance and “Mana before HP”, everything else applies to Ward too.

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the other malarky is that if I choose to DW—
I TAKE 9% MORE damage! wth is that?

if anything if i DW id like a bonus to parry or some sort of defensive.

It used to be 15% lol.

The reasoning behind it is you’re literally adding a second weapon. Dual Wield in this game is just adding a second stat stick and two weapons are very powerful, so you take the hit of taking increased damage. There are traits in classes like Bladedancer that give defensive bonuses for dual wielding iirc.

i mean are sentinals and primalists penalized for dual wielding?


Parry Chance

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DW increased damage taken penalty is homogenized for all class/Masteries.

Currently it is 9%, it used to be 15%


It is tanky, you need endurance and mana shield. Mana absorbs dmg and recovers on hit. The other question does it do any DPS and can it kill 1000 corruption bosses.

that’s incorrect, my rogue isn’t penalized at all.

spellblade implies a melee, bruiser.

but the only. defense spellblades have access to is ward.

and ward generation is lousy, period.

I’ve got all ward nodes maxed from skills and passives, and ward generation is ultra low.

the spellblade tree has terrible defensive

we should have a dodge and parry combo node that is 10 points, and gives us 10% dodge and parry per point.

also that aegis node we have is terrible too.

when you spec into it fully it decreases its effectives 60% but stacks 4 times, which, looks like it’s still a negative.

I like mana shield

but go try find it.

it’s ultra rare, and very difficult to get for a spellblade.

which again is why I’m seeing that a melee. sorcerpr is a lot better

All dual wield passives increase the damage you take by 9%, not sure what else to tell you buddy.

Ward generation on Spellblade is very good, actually, but if you think otherwise I can’t convince you.

5/5 Arcane Shield is -10% damage taken and +20 ward per second for the duration.

5/5 Shatter Aegis reduces effect by 60% (-4% damage taken and 8 ward per second) but let’s it stack 4 times (-16% Damage taken and 32 ward per second) while also granting 20% armor per stack (80% armor total)

Shattered Aegis is straight up a buff to Arcane Shield, more evidence that you don’t really get Spellblade as a class.

Edit: Looking at your character again, you’re 1 intelligence point away from +15 Ward per Second (you’re at 60 per second from Prodigy, next threshold is 75 intelligence and you’re at 74). You also converted Mana Strike to ranged so (I think) you lose the +12 ward per melee hit from being a spell blade and +15 ward per elemental melee hit from Essence Duel. Frost Claw and Lightning Blast also aren’t melee hits. So you’re only getting ward from Shatter Strike on melee hit. You still get +9 (before bonuses) from the Mana Strike tree, but you’re not getting the additional +27 that would would be if Mana Strike was a melee attack.

Edit 2: this is more build dependent, but since you’re not going for Flame Aura (even converted to Lightning Aura) you’re losing out on the potential +3 ward per second per stack from that. Again that would require restructuring your tree. But I was able to easily keep 3-5 (average 4) stacks at lv 26 (only video I have on file) and that’s +12 ward per second for free.

I’d also take 5 points out of Sphere of Protection and put them into Transcendence in the Runemaster tree. This gives you +12 (x3 for being over 60 Intelligence) passive ward per second. Or +36. While also giving you some HP.

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im telling you
im looking at the dw node on the rogue and thre no penalty like mage/sentinal gets.

my understanding of mana strike, is that when its converted to range-- it still acts/counts as a melee skill.

I can confirm, much like Scipo0419, that “Twin Blade”, the dual wield node for Rogue, does indeed include “Damage Taken While Dual Wielding: +9%” in it, just like Spellblade, Sentinel, and Primalist.

Mana Strike loses the Melee keyword and gains the Ranged keyword, when you change it. Thereby, it is no longer a Melee attack. That is part of the in-game UI, showing you what the ability scales from/counts as.

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mana strike on mousever still says melee,. it doesn’t say ranged

No. It keeps the Melee keyword. Not to mention “Ranged” keyword doesn’t exist.

The DW node has the penalty:


Spellblade implies a magic knight / spellsword archetype, a melee oriented spellcaster. Bruiser is usually melee or short-range with the primary goal being both to deal and receive damage, but it’s not a term used in ARPGs much.

Awe Strike node exists if you want parry for passive points. And nobody is preventing you from speccing into Dodge, but I don’t see your character doing it.

Mana before Health is the same affix for Sorceror and for Spellblade, it is “ultra rare” for both.

You keep mentioning your melee sorceror, but you still haven’t shown us this “much better” character.
Is it supposed to be this?

Because that’s a Spellblade.

YOUR spellblade has terrible defensive. The Spellblade class is fine.

Comparing this https://www.lastepochtools.com/profile/Lord-Inquisitor/character/Sigillite to this https://www.lastepochtools.com/profile/Lord-Inquisitor/character/Arcaneblade

  • “Sigillite” has more Ward per Second, much higher Ward Retention.

Moving to skills:

  • “Sigillite” has 5x higher attack speed on Mana Strike. That means additional ~325 Ward per Second from attacking, compared to your 127.
  • It has Flame Rush, which you aren’t using. That’s another Ward per skill use.
  • Frost Claw has the “1 Ward per 40% Freeze Rate Multiplier” allocated. “Sigillite” has over 800 Freeze Rate Multiplier, that’s 20 Ward per cast of Frost Claw, compared to your 80 Freeze Rate Multplier, which translates to just 2 Ward per cast.
  • This also means that “Sigillite” can reliably freeze enemies with Frost Claw and Shatter Strike, while you cannot. So he’s taking way less damage in general.
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That’s odd, but thanks for the correction. I wasn’t sure, but if it did lose the melee tag it would explain some of the Ward issues he’s having. Your other reply covered advice in much more detail though.

When I make my builds, I personally rarely play with skills outside of my chosen Mastery, not sure why, but it just feels wrong lol. So I would never have thought to suggest Flame Rush, but it’s a great suggestion

I think this is his melee Sorc. But the fact that his only “melee” skill is converted to a ranged attack with both builds is a bit counter intuitive?

That Sorc was lvl 14 two weeks ago when this topic started. I mentioned it in my first reply in this topic:

That you did!

I’d have gone with a maths issue myself.

Then you need to pay more attention to the words on the node. Every dw node has 9% increased damage taken in red text.