Where can I find more Harbinger's eyes?

I used all 10 eyes, but I couldn’t clear the Final boss.
and I´ve been killing 8 Harbingers on Corruption from 200 - 400 but didnt get a single one, is there anyone with the same problem, or has any infos?

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im curious as well. i couldnt even find a guide on killing the pinnacle boss so its probably really hard to do. i dont know how to get more but you might want to hold up until a decent guide comes out on youtube

Each harbinger has a 25-75% chance to drop it depending on corruption. So you could have just been unlucky.

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I just lost a couple eyes without clearing. Feels really bad and knowing there is a grind for more eyes is even worse.

I get that after you’ve cleared Abberoth that you shouldnt be able to instantly fight him. But for learning the mechanic they really should just have it not consume eyes until you’ve beaten him once (and don’t guarantee eye drops when progressing). Or do a story mode fight where he’s weaker for people to learn the fight. The current implementation is just very bad especially if you fail to clear it in 10 tries.


Hard disagree, this is supposed to be pinnacle content and should not be accessible infinitely.

Also hard disagree on a story mode fight. This is the first fixed difficulty fight and the great addition and one of the purposes was to finally have a non scaling fight with a single difficulty.

Giving you basically 10 guaranteed tries is already very generous.

I feel like these request for even easier access are just moving goalposts even further.

I think the current implementation is extremely generous.

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Enjoy your constant white knighting. Glad you got to experience the fight 100s of times in testing.

For the rest of us, it feels really REALLY bad. Anyways, between this and the Temporal Sanctum constantly breaking I’m probably going to quit.


Agreeing with a lot of game design decisions of a dev and thinking they are good is not equal to white knighting. There are more than enough changes that EHG did that I critizied and still don’t like.

Yes I did, but we also test progression and accessability.

And I really especially enjoyed the first few runs. The learning curve for the fight was incredibly satisfying. Probably the single best learning experience I ever had in any ARPG Boss fight.

Having those 10 tries really gives the ability to experience the first few mechanics a couple of times. If you didn’t get into the later stages of the fight within those tries you have to work a little bit more, that is how this kinda of stuff should be.

Don’t speak for other parts of the community. This is a typical case of people being unhappy with something will speak up, while people that are happy will not say anything for the most part.

There already were a couple of other people posting very positive feedback about the current implementation and being very happy with the boss fight itself.

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Why? 10 tries is very generous already. If you look at PoE, you get 6 tries per grind loop. They also don’t let you keep trying Sirus or Maven forever. You got your tries, if you fail you need to grind it again.

I would agree with this if it were an option and the boss wouldn’t drop any loot. Like, you enable “I want to test the boss fight”, you get the full fight as normal and in the end he doesn’t drop anything.
And even then I’m not sure if that would be a good idea, because it kinda dillutes the whole “pinnacle” thing.

This thread is 10 days old…
OP was already able to clear Aberroth, so we can all go home now.

You’re assuming testing gets unlimited access to the boss without cost. You’re wrong.

Actually, most people will just quit without saying anything. Sorry I said something. I’ll let you go back to an echo chamber.

If you look at PoE, you get 6 tries per grind loop.

So now you do a grind for a single try? How is that remotely similar? 2 grinds in POE is up to 12 tries (let’s not forget the fact that they also have easier versions) and each follow-on gives you another 6. There is a reason that POE has had a ton of backlash on single portal bosses as it’s a really bad design choice. I’d always rather have 6 tries than a darksoul one shot regrind. This game isn’t a dark souls genre and designing it in that manner is a bad choice.


You grind one harbinger, you get another try. If you want to grind Maven, you have to kill 10 different bosses for another 6 tries. You’re not being honest with your comparison there.
If you want more tries, you can grind more harbingers, just like you are forced to do in PoE.

I killed 5 harbingers and got zero eyes. It’s not a guaranteed drop after the first 10. So no, it is a fair comparison.

So similar to how conquerors used to work in PoE when they were the pinnacle of maps?
And similar to how Maven worked when she was introduced?
Basically like PoE always does until a new “more pinnacle content” comes along and they then make the previous one more accessible?

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