When you lose +skill

Search is your friend.

It does make sense. I’ll let you do a search to find out why.

Too many to look through I cbf

This is my opinion idc if you don’t like it. You could share your opinion instead of deflecting to other posts or if your not invested don’t respond.

If my skill is 20/20 with my intended skill point allocation and I equip an item that gives me an extra skill point and I invest that point into a throwaway slot so that I’m 21/21 then remove the item so that I’m back 20/20 it should remove that last invested skill point not a skill point I invested before it was equipped. Now I’m slightly inconvenienced, unnecessarily too imo, because I have to remove the incorrectly allocated skill point and relevel that skill. I just think this is bad design.

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It could, but it doesn’t & there are good reasons for it.

Which is your prerogative, but it makes for a much shorter conversation.

He wasn’t deflecting, he was just asking that you give others the basic courtesy of doing a basic search. If you’re not going to be courteous to others you shouldn’t expect them to afford you the same.

It’s not. I could explain why, but I cbf.

If you cbf to make a search, I cbf to write my opinion yet one more time. And I didn’t say you could search for players’ opinions, I said you could search for the devs statement on why this is the way it is and why it won’t change. Not devs opinion. Their statement.

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Ok goodbye leave the thread I made then. You didn’t even share an opinion you just told me to go look through hundreds of posts. Gtfo.

I heard somewhere that it is done to prevent switching gear mid-combat, pretty much what the 1st reply said. Also don’t know the exact quote but hope that helps.

Something along those lines. Plus to avoid the “optimal play” being to switch from clear ato single target just before a boss.

Here, I save you the trouble.

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bad game design. The points should be removed in order of acquiring them. There is nothing to exploit in a single player (offline) game.

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Too bad this is a multiplayer semi-competitive (ladder) one, then.

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This is an offline game for me. They should simply leave as it is for you online players and make QOL improvements for people who play for fun - i.e. the offline players.

Even for offline and solo players that don’t care about leaderboards there is such thing as bad design, when the design forces you for the most optimal strategy to constantly fiddle around with gear and menues between different types of content.

That would be way more annoying for me then anything else.

The change you are requesting is not “Quality of Life”, it is a change that will impact gameplay and character building.

If you’re that desperate for the BiS chase items you could just edit them.

Well, I guess I’ll stoop to your level and answer in the same tone.
QoL improvements are needed for the people that play the game, i.e., online players, not for the hackers/cheaters that just want to edit their character to get stuff.

Annyoing, isn’t it?

It’s still really weird to me that these systems were even put into place. Want to stop players from gaming a boss? Simply make skill points have a cool down from the perspective of the experience you don’t want players gaming (boss fights, arena, whatever). I.e. you just changed these points and they work in mono and world, but aren’t available for a boss fight or arena for a half an hour (or some amount of experience).

I find the existing system just as non-immersive as what I suggested, and far more annoying and (initially) confusing.

The system was put into place to prevent free respecs. The point that gets taken is always the same, so if you’re switching +skills for +skills you already know which one it is after a while. And you don’t switch +skills that often, so it’s not that big an issue for 99% of the time.
The node that gets taken is supposed to flash red when you check the skill tree, it’s just not working properly. But that’s a bug which will be eventually fixed. Other than that, there really is no issue with this. At most, it’s slightly annoying.

Why would you think I didn’t know why it was put in place?

I mean, I’m almost positive that we’ve had this conversation before. I still have the same opinion, and occasionally I’ll read a thread that makes me care enough to state that opinion.

Because you seem to think that “It’s still really weird to me that these systems were even put into place.”. Unless I’m misunderstanding which systems you’re referring to.

My post is literally, “it’s weird these systems” and “here’s how I would have done it”. I’m confused that you are confused.