What reason is there?

Did you mean to reply to someone else? I mean I agree with almost all you typed but it doesn’t really make sense as a reply to my post.

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To that point, I do actually question if the OP played these games in context of when they were original and if their investment really does go back to the original games like they claim. It’d be even more interesting to know what similarities they think exist between those games from back then and the one that just came out, and if they’ve made positive changes or not.

Also I guess the most important thing is just not to let people wear you down. Having the moral high ground is really important for that also. When someone is unable to make things personal and drag you down, that’s always the best outcome. Good ethic to live by in life, not just online.

Sorry m8 I replied to your comment instead of my original post. Old age I suppose


I think games in the older days where better and worse. They where better because more time and effort seemed to be put into them on launch because the internet was very early and very few could afford it. These days the games look better and most of the titles play better but there is such a rush to get them out, there normally launced with bug after bug. How many games launch with day one patches? All because gaming companies rely on the internet to fix game breaking bugs they Didnt give the development teams time to sort.

So whats better?

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I’m not gonna look for where he said it, but Judd said more than 25% and less than 33%.
Still a small number


Oh, it was Mike that said 25 and 33. Wasn’t it about this? I’ll have to look

Edit: NOPE. I don’t know why I got that number and Judd’s mixed up.

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Interesting. I feel the way you do.

Actually what’s weird about me is I enjoy older games more, for whatever reason. I could blow a whole afternoon grinding in D2 or Titan Quest and not even feel it. That’s why I try to avoid playing games during the week, I’ll never get anything done otherwise.

Diablo fans have a tendency of flocking to one ARPG to the next complaining its not Diablo.

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I find hard to believe that a bunch of “old gamers” (like myself) have gotten so delicate regarding bugs. Anybody that was alive to play the classic MS-DOS RPGs like Daggerfall, or the SSI AD&D series, should’ve developed a pretty hard skin already to endure the modern, smaller annoyances. Which are probably going to be corrected anyway.

That said, everybody is free to do with their own time and money whatever he/she wishes. To play a game from the competition is a perfectly valid choice for your free time, and I don’t see why you guys feel forced into choosing one or the other.

This game is still early access for a reason. Its coming from a much smaller developer, and comparing it to the 3 largest producers and publishers in this business, companies valued on the dozens of billions of dollars, might not be entirely fair. Right? the best we can do, is to play either this game or others, while avoiding to make a drama out of that choice. I’m having a blast with LE despite its flaws and rough edges, and I know I’m not alone. The chat is full with people complaining about -that other game-… so I know the competition isn’t perfect either.

For context, I played the game for iOS from that reputed franchise (wasn’t exactly “early access”, right?), and got a crash every 10 or 20 minutes of play which forced me to manually restart the app, over and over, for two long months, until I lost all hopes and dropped the game altogether. They ignored this critical bug all the time I was there, despite having constant bug reports about it in the forums, and tons and tons of cash to fix it. To my knowledge the bug is still there, but if it isn’t, I just don’t care anymore. Hard to believe… but nobody reads those forums over there, or they just don’t bother about the users.

Some of the mechanics here blow the larger studios out of the water, in my opinion, while the mainstream video game companies have been missing the mark in design choices and quality for far too long. That’s my reason to play this game, but if you value well debugged code over game design, that’s valid too.


Why do people think that independent games can put out content without money? Why do people complain about optional cosmetic shops? Why do people think that game developers can work for free?

Complaining about the MTX shop is like complaining that the game is successful. If you want them to make it better, add content, fix bugs, then you want them to release the MTX shop. Because businesses cannot operate without funding.

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You think that’s proprietary to Diablo fans? Then you obviously weren’t here when LE chat was just a non-stop shitfest about pro/con POE.


Every complaint I have seen about the shop is that fact that the game isn’t full release, yet they still added it. I’m in the same boat, I have no issue if the game has cycles (seasons) as the game is actively being worked on. However, adding stuff like this in before full release feels like the priorities are out of place.

D4 has a soul-sucking effect too once you get past level 50. Buy it and you’ll see what I mean.

Few things annoy, but juvenile as fuck attitudes shown brilliantly in the op are the worst. Whaaa there are bugs in an EA game so I am going to go spend $70 on something objectively inferior, take that EHG! Bro nobody cares, EHG has got your money already so do as you please. If you want to be objective, thats one thing, but that op was a literal grown ass man throwing a fit plus an ultimatums (lol) cause of bugs. Adios.

Enjoy your stay with Diablo 4, may I also recommend Minecraft Dungeons if D4 is your marker for quality arpg? If you think this EA is bad, just you wait for whats in store for you with D4. Its a great, complete, fleshed out game. I promise.

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It’s almost like people (in-general) are tribal & don’t like other people (having fun with other games).

And they aren’t the only company to do that. It’s almost like making games is expensive these days.


It was planned like this from the very beginning and communicated in that way.

Also they didn’t implemented a fully fleshed out shop. They merely implemented a beta version of the shop to gather feedback and suggestions, so that they can apply that to the fully fleshed out version that will come with 1.0 or after.


Not the best wording on my part, as I don’t believe EHG is trying to be predatory or anything. Just giving the perspective of what a lot of people thought when they saw this. Before purchasing the game I scanned the steam reviews and many of the negative ones were on the topic of the shop being in the game before full release. Again, I don’t have a real problem with it but I can understand someone just joining or looking from the outside in and getting upset about it.

Just because other companies are doing something doesn’t necessarily make it good practice.

They could have accomplished the same thing with ‘free’ currency that could be used to buy cosmetics that would be removed after beta ended. You know, like is happening to all our characters/progress already (on the online servers). That’s normally how beta testing works. Not “here, spend some MORE money on helping us test the game you already spent money on to help us test”.