Because not having a death exp penalty desensitizes dying and playing correctly. EXP penalty in PoE is extremely harsh after you hit lv90, dying is a huge deal, you lose millions exp. The closer you get to 100 the more punishing the exp loss is making it easily the reason why you couldn’t be top 5 or 10.
Also I don’t view future LE or PoE races as a sport but a race. If you trip it should have large impact on your success.
You named group play as the reason why exp penalty is a mot point. The best races in my opinion are SSF. It comes down to the player and the game, exp penalty just make this environment a lot more engaging and pushes the fear of death factor. Fear of death and motivation to do things correctly should be the foundation of these races.
Thats why there are HC! Also, impliment a penalty for a minority of the gamers (race) isn’t a good reason.
I do not care about the race, I bet most Poe/LE gamers do not.
As an analogy. Imagine if the official weight of basketball is increase by 5 pounds & the reason given was that the current basketball was too light for average 6 8" 250 pounds pro NBA players.
Imposing XP penalty so the race to 100 will be more exciting feels just like that.
Also, 99.9% of action games do not have exp/progression (beyond last save/checkpoint) lost as death penalties, so I guess 99.9% of action games desensitizes dying and playing correctly? Including supposely hard games like dark souls, Doom Eternal, hollow knights etc
One should not conflict NO death penalty (which no one is calling for) vs a specific type of penalty. where you can lost massive progress. The point I am making is the penalty should be harsh enough to make sure players play better/having better gears/build etc, & not to point of ragequit, hyperstress.
An EXP Penalty does not only contribute to racing, but to general softcore gameplay.
Hardcore and Softcore are so far apart form each other without exp death penalty, i think having a exp death penalty really does make softcore gameplay alot more interesting.
Having to think a bit more tactical and appraoch the endgame with slightly more caution when you really want to reach those last few levels makes the game alot more interesting.
Without exp penalty, everybody can reach lvl 100, but i think it should be a true feat to achieve that.
And i just want to emphasize, that i think those few last levels should only give minimal power, like it is currently, (a bit of base hp and mana + extra passive points).
Not being able to reach those few last levels does not prevent or lock you out of any build possibilities,
Yes, I am HC in this game but I was SC SSF in PoE. PoE death penalty was something that was harsh enough that kept me from playing HC. I felt like my decisions I made in SC SSF in PoE playing and gearing had an impact; it highly influenced how I viewed the game. When I play LE in SC (which right now I view as a sandbox) I don’t care at all how I play because it’s pretty pointless. The success I feel from doing correctly in SC for the first time hands down is decreased in value. You die, barely anything happens so I care less about gearing correctly or putting in skill points when I have them or making sure I really pay attention so I one shot a boss; this experience would significantly be changed if there was a death penalty that punished me for being careless. It doesn’t have to be harsh but it should be significant enough to passively push me to progress with learning game mechanics and doing them correctly the first time around.
So yes, I am SSF HC in this game but it’s only because I need more incentive to be successful and that wasn’t true in any other ARPGS I played. Exp penalty is pretty healthy for a game and it makes doing everything in the game feel way more impactful end.
Most player never reach level 99 in D2, & it has little to do with XP loss as uts very hard to died in D2. Its just grindy.
A good penalty should be one that works at any point of time, not just a few final level, 6 should also hurts when you reach level cap.
Also, I thin most people who are oppsing xp lost has not interested to reach level 100. I certainly do not. What people dislike is losting hours even days of progress, &
I do not think anyone is opposing death penalty. There certainly need to have one that is harsh enough to deter people from playing glass cannon, ignore playing well etc.
I just do not think xp lost which is especially harsh on people who do not play exp groups or have limited time gaming, (kids, mother in law, business to run etc) is the right direction.
The occasionally 2-3 hours time lost may not be much for a full time streamer or young adults, but for older gamers, 90s kids like me, that could be 1-2 days of play time & definetly dealbeaker for many my “maturity”.
99.9% of action games manage to provide challenge & discourage dying without harsh time heavy progression lost.
Honestly, I really hope this is not the case. AH ruined the game for me. And while I agree GGG stance is bad, if I have to choose between GGG system or D3 AH, I would pick GGG system any day.
I just think everyone looks at exp penalty as an inherently negative feature in games but it’s actually quite the opposite, it makes everything in the game also feel more rewarding once a player overcomes an obstacle(s).
There should be some fear of death; it’s completely healthy for games. I personally feel strongly that SC/SC SSF in LE really needs this. It would highly influence how I perceive my experience within this mode in a positive way.
Maybe you are still young. If you are older, with limited time & gaming time is a premium, you may think different.
Again, there is HC for people who enjoy trial of living on edge (in gaming). Also I play Fortnite. I do not “fear death”, otherwise I wouldn’t be palying a game where every moment could be your last.
I served 3 years in the military, I do not need the more “fear of death”, I just not want to lose days worth of progress.
Also, “Fear of death” is not something gamers universially enjoyed. In fact without statistic, I bet most arpg gamers do not enioy this.
Same here, gamer from the early 80’s and I support some kind of penalty. D2 had too high penalty because you dropped all gear when you died. Try getting back to the monster pack without gear setup if you did not have spare parts to use in your stash. However, e.g. Grim Dawn has xp penalty and althoug it can be bit frustrating when playing on Ultimate in later levels (90+) it keeps you more focused.
I still play a space MMO called Eve Online (it was released on 2003). It’s basically a free for all sandbox PvP enabled sim. In the early days it had full penalty, meaning that in death you lost EVERYTHING including all time gated skills you had learned if your clone was not up to date. And I mean all the skills in there are time gated to learn, some can take months to learn. They have changed it to be more tolerant in that aspect since then. But in the past it sure did cause you to take things bit more carefully and not to go to unknown places without taking some precautions first.
As for HC mode, I’m not a big fan of hardcore modes. I can spank myself with a whip anytime I want a punishment. As for games, I usually just want to play for fun not worrying about loosing everything you had.
same but yea. SC without xp penalty just doesnt feel right. I know people are arguing about monolith penalty. But I want the character itself to face a penalty. Level 100 should not just be time gated. But somewhat skill gated as well.
Maybe you are still young. If you are older, with limited time & gaming time is a premium, you may think different.
I am 31 years old. I feel like a grandma gamer at this point in my life. I have to balance my full-time job, family responsibilities, pet responsibilities, and a relationship. I would say I have limited time to do what I want to do too. I personally don’t think age is a factor in how I feel about this at all though.
I served 3 years in the military, I do not need the more “fear of death”, I just not want to lose days worth of progress.
We are talking about death penalty in a video game to motivate players to down a boss the first time around. This wouldn’t result in days of the progression but a tenable degression that a player visually sees and is influenced by.
Also, “Fear of death” is not something gamers universially enjoyed. In fact without statistic, I bet most arpg gamers do not enioy this.
Not saying they do, all I am stating is the there are benefits to this feature that actually result in creating a positive atmosphere in video games.
As for XP penalty, I am fine with that as long as you can’t loose a level with it. I mean there were games in the past where you could loose a player level in death. Can’t remember names of those games at the moment tho.
Fair enough. But this perception is not equally the same over the player base. You can tell me and write down why I should be happy with a XP penalty because it makes me value overcoming obstacles more.
But it doesn’t work . No argument can change how it feels for me when I loose hours of progress.