What is the point of Merchant Guild?

So you’re telling me once we buy an item we can’t sell it ? Lol… At least let it be tradable if it was crafted.

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To discourage RMT.


More like discourage to be in Merchant guild… CoF faction already semi helps with that and now that I found out its not tradable after purchasing, very discourage of the use of MG… Helllo CoF !

There is no way you are affording the end game gear costing tens and hundreds of millions if you cannot trade back an item you purchased in the market.

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You can made your own item and sell it.


The Trading Guild should never be a Guild. Trading should just be trading.
You should not need to level up to use it, you shouldnt need favour to sell or buy items, just gold, or if implemented, any other item you ask for.
Every item in the game should be tradable, any time with anyone.

I dont care about ur bot sellers, i just want to be able to trade for what i want, when i want, and also sell.

For ex, i farm 2-3 days and i dont get what im looking for, then i would really want to buy it to save time.
I would like to sell the items i crafted, or buy crafted items, and so on.

The current trading ssytem is against the player that prefers trading to ssf.

Trading atm is trash, when it will be as in poe, the playerbas will triple (1/3 of them will be bots yes, but that still means it will double).

So yeah…UNGA! hope the game gets better soon, dragon dogma 2 is around the corner, PoE2 ios coming soon, probably other games that will deserve time investment.
If LE pushes players away with LIMITATIONS (which are the worst things in a virtual world where u go to escape from the real one cause…you know…it has LIMITATIONS…:))) )

UNGA to you all and hope everyone will BUNGA in the game when it gets better. Unga!

check out my 1st utube video (its my 1st i know its sh*tty act like its not pls) i go into a little bit more detail there, and will be making another video LE soon) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLVWheZbEFo&t=591s&ab_channel=UngaBunga

also follow me on twitch pls help me become BUNGA big : Twitch

TYVM ! Unga.

I care

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I agree that trading guild should not even be there and should be open to everyone but its unique and I do see the factions as a pro to how a person wants to play. It’s just crazy how its even a merchant guild when you cannot freely sell the items, i wish ive never picked this faction to level up, now i will need to change to other faction and level everything from scratch after spending so many hours.

The whole point is concering items that ive purchased. What kind of merchanting is this if someone invested in a item and cant sell it back. The idea is to use the guild to help pr

This, exactly this. I agree 100%

Locking bought items is absolutely fine! But going through hoops to get into trading?
Fells like shit and is a ridiculously bad system in general.

Albeit a few things I have to disagree with:

Depends on what you mean.
If you mean ‘being able to buy powerful items’ then no, it isn’t, the option is there with enough farming.
It shouldn’t be limited through farming methods though but instead by how hard it is to get it, proper supply/demand chain simply.

Given how GGG handles PoE trading I don’t have much hopes for PoE2.
The LE system is despite all shortcomings actually still better then what PoE offers.
The simple reason being you don’t have to sit around frustrated waiting on people to get their asses up.

Unique /= good

One without scalpers and people creating an artificial scarcity.
It’s not bad, just different in that case.
Actually I would argue for a game of this sort it’s a massive upside.

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Well i feel you, i started as the worst possible desicion.
1.Trade 'Guild" (which should not be a guild/faction it should just be d2/poe trading like free player friendly)
2.Bladedancer (which is only good up until you reach 200-300 corruption on each mono - meaning its good until the real game starts)

Not saying that the campaing isnt good, personally i had more fun in the story rather than in the endgame. WHY ? Cause of the ongoing progress, cause of the good lore, cause of the new game, cause of the new experience…UNTIL…i hit the wall(s)

  1. 1st wall, bladedancer cannot progress farther than 300 corruption. In fact it can, but it takes ages cause u have to lose a lot of dmg so you dont get 1 shot, which is pathetic, bladedancer should be buffed 10 times more than anything else.

  2. 2nd wall is cause i chose trading guild, not knowing its against the player base that chose it, and if i now want to go CoF, i have to destroy my build and find new items, and level up again in CoF, or start new char. NOT COOL ! NOT FUN !

That’s why I’M BATMAN now, and waiting for LE to get better soon, if not ill be lost in Dragon Dogma 2 until PoE2 comes out, and LE will have to deal with everyone that will do that, cause they implement mechanincs in the game that pushes people away form theyr own game.

SADGE ! Unga.

Correct. This trade system was designed for people who want to play the actual game and use trading as one of the available ways to get gear that they want, not for people who want to roleplay as time traveling Wallstreet bros. Trade Lord is not a class in Last Epoch, and it’s not a valid way to play an action RPG. Sorry.


I dont know if im replying correctly, but im replying to this :
“Given how GGG handles PoE trading I don’t have much hopes for PoE2.
The LE system is despite all shortcomings actually still better then what PoE offers.
The simple reason being you don’t have to sit around frustrated waiting on people to get their asses up.”

→ Answer : VERY WRONG !

PoE has the best trading system in the world, with some minor downsides.

I played poe for 5 years, stopped around like 2.5 years ago, because i startted work then, but also cause poe, not including poe trading, became to difficult, and because of that it required too much time to actually get to a point of satisfaction. (poe campaign is very bad)

TRADING in poe is extremely player friendly , free, fast, smooth, and the most important thing is , i can trade whenever i want, with whomever i want, any item i want, ofc beeing in the same cycle/league/season, without any restrictions. THAT IS TRUE TRADING.

As i said earlier, dont know if in this thread, people come to games (other worlds) to escape the real world, which has limitations. Yes i agree trading in the real world should have limitations, thats how you are sure you eat healthy and so on.

BUT IN A VIRTUAL WORLD where i come to free my mind, where i dont want to WAIT (awful), where im expeting things to go fast, cause after all im “traveling with my mind” in that world, and patience is very low.

Trading in LE is against patience, it’s like they stood down at a table an said “how can we make a trading system that pushes players away from the trading system, and eventually those who started in trade guild, away from the game ?”

SADGE ! Unga:( !

Again…PoE, best ARPG so far, best TRADING system (yes i do agree it encourages not so heroic actions, but its good and free and fast).



Factually wrong, many games offer a better one, just not ARPGs, they fail hard.

A system based entirely on friction to push people away can’t be called ‘great’ in any capacity.
If your limiter for people interacting with the system is - by the devs actually said this way - how frustrated someone gets before giving up using it then it’s by design a shitshow.

And I played PoE for 8k hours, doesn’t mean that my opinion on it is any worse or better… just more informed then most people since you can be sure I interacted intensely with it.

I also in reality am a smaller scale stock trader since I’m interested in how markets work and wanting to experience it first-hand rather then just through theoretical knowledge.

Also I’m (or rather by now was) a big-scale trader in Eve Online, working with general market movements as well as all it entails since I wanted to see market changes in a an environment which isn’t dominated by huge companies with 5-10 million times more funds per investment then a single person could ever handle, hence a system which is closer to pure supply/demand based situations.
By the way, the game is also used in market research and has brought forward several behaviors which would realistically be disastrous… but in a game you can just start over instead of your population starving after all.

So in terms of experience I guess PoE won’t affect overall economic knowledge much I have to say.

Outside of free you’re factually wrong there.
A consumer friendly, fast and smooth system is intrinsically automated since we’re at that technological stage nowadays. Everything below is by design the contrary.

In reality it has less limitations then in any of those games mentioned, which is an entirely other problem, it’s why we have ‘bubbles’ bursting sometimes and those cause millions of people to starve and die. Not a good situation I would argue.

So if you don’t want to wait… you’re using PoE as an example?
It’s the worst one available of all examples! Why shoot yourself in the foot with your own example?

I can actually agree there, because that’s how it feels.
‘Please don’t interact with our system, we provided it so we can say we have it, nothing else!’ is the notion I get.
And that’s an awful feeling.

Nah, just the biggest. It’s very aged by now and they’re falling behind the times. It’s why LE could gain traction in the first place.
If GGG had their shit together then EHG would’ve never even had a chance to make this game in the first place.

No… no they aren’t.
You just need to know where you need to limit, and especially what you need to limit.
This system focuses on the wrong limitations.

It would be fine if it was not a faction option and just the mechanic behind it in general. A big common argument is to control the economy and stop RMT/p2w but there will always be hackers, bots, RMT sellers. What can be done to help with the control of huge of an issue and impact it is having on the game by pumping resources to tackle against banning cheaters and RMT.

Disagree. This is the same big debate and problem I had with D4. People ALWAYS have the option to progress how they want to but not vice versa. I picked MG because it’s the playstyle of how arpg came about, you are not progressing joining MG at even a fraction of the speed of CoF unless you P2W. If anything, not locking the item after purchased would do more good than harm. You will not find items to sell and purchase to progress at even fraction of the speed of CoF, maybe even slower.

I would agree with this if it wasn’t a choice or route you have to choose to use the function .

The entire merchants guild and the way trading is done is just a bad idea. You have to have the faction for everything and trading is one item at a time at the cost of faction. These are pointless mechanics that were over thought and add no value to the game. Trading should be open and there should not be an auction house at all using gold. PoE does it the best where all the value is on the resource you need for crafting so there is little to no inflation in the auction house. This is just a bad idea to try and fix something that was not needed to begin with. I should be able to openly trade with anyone and it is debatable if there should even be an auction house.

Trade method argumentation in ARPGs is usually about progression and acquisition speed, not RMT
RMT is not affected since it’s related to gold, and you can simply put up a specific item for a ridiculous amount of gold for the guy which is giving it to you, or use the party function.
At best it slows it lightly, doesn’t solve it though.

The sole reason is to yes… control the economy, in this case the main function is influencing the market artificially, which it does a good job to hinder.

A prime example happens in PoE regularly where either prices are artificially kept low and those items not sold, hence scamming people in underpricing… or buying out the market to raise the price artificially for something.
Both absolutely awful things.

You progress ridiculously fast at the beginning, then it slumps, and in the end you have a ridiculous sudden boost again in progression since people can’t access the absolute end-game items, causing them to be for far too cheap on the market.

A 4 LP chase item shouldn’t be 50 mil but 500 at least, that’s a fitting price.

Overall the trade system has so many flaws left and right pushing things in the wrong direction it’s baffling it made it through quality control.

It’s a direct trade option, not a auction house. In an auction you place bids in a time based manner. It’s a market simply.
No, the high-friction method you’re proposing is what’s one of the biggest downsides of PoE since they’re not properly thinking up alternatives.

That LE has provided one but executed it so poorly isn’t helping the whole topic along. So much potential currently wasted there.

I agree that it should be open but while the AH is not the worst and end of the world, locking items after purchase is just nonsense when you had to choose it as a faction… Do they not see the other faction and what it does? If I’ve known it was locked, I wouldve never chosen the MG faction. It’s a no brainer for anyone and everyone to join CoF faction if they want to progress at the best speed that they can.

Exactly, its suppose to be about progression and acquisition speed but if you compare both facations, CoF is milestones ahead in helping you progress faster, do we need to go further in as to how and why? I totally agree with the locking if trading was not locked to a faction choosing and just a feature for everyone but we need to put it to comparison since its one or the other.

What do you mean? CoF is ahead in terms of progression speed the whole way unless eventually where you farmed up enough gold.

A 4 LP chase item isnt 50mil, where do you see that? Just 3LP chase items go for 8mil, averaging 20+ mil and as high as high as hundreds of mil. 4LP chase items I’ve seen for 200+ mil and upwards to 1BIL. There is no way anyone can afford that, at least not legitimately.
My friend on the CoF facation has around 200 hours so far and farmed < 15mil and that is including blessings. I have around that much time too in MG and farmed probably < 5 mil. How is that market working? You cannot farm gold nearly at a rate to progress that is comparable to CoF. It’s clearly showing the gold is getting cleaned and transferred through botters or what not. The only control they can really do is getting back at those RMT sellers and botters by finding them, blocking them and removing them to limit the influx of gold and lower it. Locking the item after purchasing helps with the rarity and scarcity of items but the real problem is the people supplying them. The solution to limiting items just puts the 2 factions further apart from equality in terms of progressing.

Yes, the other faction locks items after obtaining it from it.
So both sides can’t be traded.

Actually the base-level items which you get during CoF should be able to be traded and all items in a way upgraded through CoF should be tagged.

The system is ridiculously inconsistent and switching is a disaster.

Progression through the game content is where CoF shines.
Pushing your build to the max is where MG shines.

Both shouldn’t shine so extremely in their respective places, it’s awfully made.

Is it though?
It’s just that MG is utterly broken in all ways, not just one.

Rank 3 of MG:
Acquire all Rare items with 4 T5 + all uniques in the game without LP:
Boom, build is done! You’re finished. That’s the status for a finished character without pushing it.

Then comes… nothing. CoF in the meanwhile showers you with exalted items and uniques with some LP.

Suddenly Rank 8 in MG arrives.
You get access to all exalted items and all unique items with LP, you just have to make em into legendaries.

If that’s not broken in all the wrong ways at all the wrong times I don’t know what is.

So the conclusion for the system is:
Day 1 CoF is superior.
The longer a cycle lasts the worse anyone choosing it has it.
CoF is only useful for enjoying loot showers and for early competitions.
MG is better for making a ‘perfect’ character as you personally probably won’t ever find a single 4 LP item, or at best a few common uniques having that in all your playtime, even with CoF.

That’s why we have to get into exact that, to make a proper suggestion on how to fix the situation and EHG not putting a hat on the golden dung-pile there and calling it a day. I saw the community being burned in far too many games to trust in proper changes beforehand, no matter the dev nowadays. That’s why yes… we need to get into detail for those things, as many people as possible need to note those down and make huge topics about the issue with more or less overlaying solutions to get exact those rather then an amalgam of the worst parts of each one.

Yes, and gold-farming is no issue if you know how to do it with MG… at all.
Grab every idol, slam it inside your listings, watch that number go up into heaven.
Nearly no favor cost and you can sell each for around 25k. Just remove any idol drop limitation from your filter and look through the base types you need manually, blindly slapping all the others into the market.

250k per hour roughly. And that’s with a miniscule fraction of them actually being sold (10 to be exact), so you’ll get money passively even afterwards.

So gold with MG is no issue. Just focus on idol monoliths. You limiter is favor, not gold.

I made 24 mil from level 85-100 while switching over to CoF to compare in the middle of that as well, ranking it to 6 from scratch.

3 LP Wraithlord’s Harbour, an item which is nigh impossible to get with 3 LP.
40 mil on the market currently in legacy.

People have - plainly spoken - no fucking clue how to price items in LE yet, that’ll gradually change.

The main issue is that those items sit there for ages since the majority can’t access them, not because they have no need for them or even the funds. Since the artificial limitation on buying items (rather then listing, which would’ve been a smart option actually, and fine) is there it makes it seem for them like there’s no demand, hence the prices get ridiculously low despite the actual market demand which would be there.

That helmet? Worth minimum 150-200 mil if not more.

CoF has just no means to make money. Because in a marketplace 99% of people loose and 1% of the people get rich by using all the methods to make them rich, putting effort in looking around where the money is hiding out so to speak.

Misconception as you see at my above example.
I’m a trader at heart, I go where the money is, where I can acquire the most… not in the smallest amount of time but overall.

Because you don’t know the methods to acquire great results you think it’s related to botting to even be able to acquire it. That’s jumping to conclusion and not the case.

The point of the MG as I see it is not trading but to give players a different system to hunt for items other than pure luck. That’s it, that’s the whole reason why it’s there. Maybe real trading will be added in the future without locking half the player base out but as for now, they wanted to offer two different ways to get endgear faster and that’s CoF and MG.

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