WASD missing from road map

I was very dismayed that WASD wasn’t mentioned at all anywhere in the roadmap. It’s extremely upsetting to know something to critical for many people (including myself) doesn’t even get a mention here. D4 has it but the game is boring because of its simplicity and POE2 has it and it will be in beta very shortly. I don’t think the last epoch devs understand just how crucial it is. Controller support is not often a workaround especially with how poor the auto-tetris is. We’re always needing to manually move stuff and inventory management and ui navigation just sucks on controller. We need WASD yesterday, nit a year from now.

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Poe 2 beta isnt out shortly.

Its delayed to the end of this yr

They said early summer, i guess they delayed it. Regardless, it will have WASD and people that need WASD will leave LE for POE2 because of it. LE needs WASD now, not later. It must be recognized as a high priority need by the community.

Most players will keep cycling between ARPGs no matter what. Players will go to PoE2, then a month into the season will come to LE, or PoE1, or D4, or whichever other games they want to play.
Even with WASD in LE, this won’t change.

A high priority need by some of the community. Many people don’t care and some don’t even like WASD in ARPGs.
Most think that more and better endgame content is more important.

Devs already said WASD was coming and that it wasn’t an easy implementation. So do you want an half assed job or it done properly? Or do you want them to stop working on everything and 1.2 only has WASD?

As a sidenote, I don’t expect PoE2 to be released anytime before summer 2025 and I wouldn’t be the least surprised if it only came out in 2026. Especially considering that PoE2 has been announced to be released as early as 2020 and they kept pushing it back ever since.


Not everyone cycles. Some of us find a home and stay there. I would make my home a game I can play for more than an hour without pain.

Likewise, as I said, not everyone feels the need for WASD and some actively dislike it.

As I said, WASD will be coming. It’s not a small change and it will likely require game balancing, since WASD is effectively a DPS increase.

It might even be coming before 1.4 and they didn’t feel the need to specify it. Or they might have a part of the team working on that and it will be released when they’re done but they don’t have a timeline for it yet.

Is it important for a part of the community? Yes? Is it the most important thing to all the community? No.

Much like gendered models are also very important for a part of the community and it’s something EHG wants to do. And it isn’t in the roadmap either. And for that part of the community, having that is way more important than WASD. So who’s to say that your issue is more important than theirs?


Not being able to change the appearance of your character doesn’t limit your ability to play the game where as lack of WASD does limit play, and for some it prevents the ability to play at all.

You clearly haven’t been in these forums for long. Just search for the threads about gender locked classes and you’ll see many players that won’t play the game without it. And many that only play 1-2 classes because they can’t play the others because of it.

Likewise, WASD only limits play for some people.
Not to mention that implementing WASD will cause some players to quit as well because they dislike it. Most likely not as many as it will bring, but some will leave. And some will also simply adapt while not liking it, which causes attrition in their enjoyment of the game.

Also not to mention that WASD will effectively kill some lazy builds, which some players appreciate, although EHG has made their stance on that clear in the past, in that they don’t really like or support lazy builds.

So things aren’t just black and white as you’re trying to portray.


If WASD was this important then Hero Siege would’ve millions of players because they have this crap for years before the first person woke up and wanted to macke isoetric hack and Slash games into twinstick shooters.

I for my part don’t like WASD in Hack and Slash games and if a game forces me to use it because it’s madatory or the superior input method I’ll never touch that game. I already forgot about that ultra hyped hack and slash game that came out some years ago and died rapidly even with WASD and this couldn’t happen because there was WASD.

I realy understand when people ask where the other 2 story chapters are and why there are no announcements for mastery class reworks or why no word about adding missing skills and whatnot… but adding WASD… nah that would’ve made me laugh even more about the roadmap ^^.

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If you look at player number graphs for PoE, about ± 90% play league, and then leave. So those who play it non-stop are a very small part of the playerbase. Out of those 10%, those who would only play if there is WASD movement are probably a tiny fraction.
I’d like to see WASD implemented, but for me it’s not really a huge deal, would play the game without it, even if every other ARPG has it.

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Some people really can’t play without it. I don’t care about what is superior, i care about the pain i feel in my wrist and elbow after an hour of playing. And controller is a nightmare in menus and inventory management

Yes id say that i VASTLY prefer WASD, and the game is still very good movement wise without it.

TBH I have far more problems with my left hand and keyboard. If I play games where I have to use 10+ keys regulary my left hand hurts sooner or later and I have 0 issues with the hand on my mouse. Then again I took some time to make my home setup ergonomicly nice to have some good angles without that much unnatural movements.

You may not but if WASD is anabeling stutterstepping or shooting in one direction while moving in another and all that kind of stuff it would ruin M/K. I can’t wrap my head arround all the steps needed to make WASD intenionaly so bad it compares to M/K movement.


Maybe WASD is not on a roadmap because it’s not worth being there? Even though it’s hard to implement, it’s not a new content or a huge balance change


Which wrist and why? Honestly, I don’t see how WASD will help you with that since you’ll still have to use the mouse anyway. WASD is for moving, not for pointing.
WASD will only minimize the direction changes needed for the mouse, but you’ll still need to do that. So instead of playing 1h and having your wrist hurt, you’ll play 2-3h before your wrist hurts.

Maybe you should consider changing your mouse setup for something more ergonomic.


Its the mouse wrist, and you’d be surprised how many times you click for movement. The trouble comes from the tiny motions necessary to click to move and target enemies during combat. Doing both simultaneously is doable, but it buiods up nerve tension because its so much so quickly. With WASD its broad sweeping motions with the mouse instead of tight small quartered targeting. That make a huge difference. D4 felt way better after they introduced WASD. Went from an hour max to 4-5 hours max. Huge difference.

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I’m not trying to minimize your issue, but you might still consider investing into an ergonomic setup. Having wrist pains even 4-5h into a game isn’t good for you. WASD might help minimize it but won’t solve it.
I’ve played ARPGs for long stretches. For example, when I was in a clan in PoE, I would start the league and play 10h+ for a week and I never had wrist issues.

Anyway, regarding WASD, I personally would prefer it not to happen, since I find that having to use my left hand to keep track of 9+ keys will make the game less enjoyable for me. What I like most about ARPGs is that I can mostly just use the mouse. In some builds, I don’t even need anything else. With WASD, this won’t be possible anymore.

But, as I said, WASD will be coming inevitably. So I’ll just have to adjust, though it’s likely that it will cut down on my enjoyment of the game.

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Why would you use 9+ keys with your left hand? Most mice have 5 buttons and rolling wheel. Many mice have even more. Just bind the abilities to your mouse. I personally use a mouse that has 27 buttons. You’d be surprised how much easier it is to use abilities from mouse buttons as they typically have a unique location and feel where as buttons on the keyboard always feel samey and its not jard to hit the wrong button occasionally. Never happens on mouse use.

Because I don’t like using the extra mouse buttons. Much like I don’t like using controllers, even for platforming games. It’s a personal preference thing.
Given the choice, having to use WASD, I’d prefer to keep using keyborad for skills than the mouse.

But even if I were to use mouse buttons, the lazy builds would still be less lazy that was, since you couldn’t use just the mouse for it. Right now, if you only use 1 skill, you can place it on right click and use only the mouse. Nothing else. With WASD that’s not true anymore. You’ll be forced to use the keyboard all the time.

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That’s because it doesn’t bother you. Just like not having WASD doesn’t bother me. Which of us is “correct”? (TLDR, neither/both).

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