WASD missing from road map

I have wrist and forearm and shoulder issues playing games like this too long with a mouse. Binding/rebinding a move/force-move action to a key on my keyboard (I use ‘F’) so that I’m almost never clicking to play is enough to alleviate it almost entirely. Give it a try if you haven’t already.

Anyway, I also agree with @iogann - A roadmap is not an exhaustive list of everything, it’s high level and targets the biggest upcoming features. WASD movement is full stop nowhere near a big enough draw for enough people to warrant being on a roadmap.


I never tried LE with a controller, but isn’t that exact DPS increase already present if you play with a controller right now? – If you are any good with a controller, that is, and I’m pretty much horrible…

As far as I’m aware (I don’t actually know how the implementation is done) what the controller does is simulate a left click in the direction you’re walking, then go back to the direction you’re aiming. Which is not the same as walking in one direction while shooting at another at the same time.

So what you have with controller is stutter strafe (or however you want to call it) where it interrupts movement to shoot.

That being said, I don’t really know how it is. I just know that Mike said it was not an easy implementation and would require changing some systems.

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