I posted this a view weeks back (after 0.8 was released):
Is there any official statement if this is actaually a bug or intended? It feels really bad, I really hope it’s a bug.
Just wanted to refresh this topic since I think it’s really important. The nice feel of Warpath (or comparable skills like Whirlwind, Cyclone, etc in other games) is really not there at its current state, and that it therefore lacks one of its rudimentary elements: smoothness. I feel like most of the players who decide to go with it, choose it because of the smooth playing style, and can live with the fact that it can’t keep up with other skills (in terms of damage output). But now, when that smoothness is simply not there anymore (that delayed damage output really effs it up), Warpath loses its soul, that’s just how I feel about it.
I play arpgs since Diablo1, I’ve seen it all, and I also almost exclusively play melee characters in these kind of games. So I think I have a fair share of experience when it comes to melee-combat-feeling in arpgs. That first-hit-miss-thing is just a killer, seriously. Please do something about it.