WARD is ruining the game

Having let’s say 5k Ward cap isn’t changing anything if you make 5k Ward in split second ^^.

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Not Ward. Some ward skill !! Bone curse, OSSIFY NODE need to be rework. like give some dmg reduction to bone prison instead of more life.
it will result in 6 times less ward => 30K ward instead of 180k for endgame build.

but I’m pretty fine with my 180 K ward.
When you pass 65K ward, game interface bugg and you fill another 65K ward bar.

I think they didn’t think that we could ever pass 65k Ward !!

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A week is good going, I’m impressed.

I can lend you one to save time, Spriggan Totem, level 99, very strong indeed. Should be a good start. I think I took it 800, been a while.

Easier to take any Mage-based build though, if they spec into the… ahem, really broken ability. Should manage 3000 easy with that (my friend did). No ward required.

Yes, a niche activity causes all this hassle. Every time. Been happening for the multiple years I’ve played this game.

No!!! I demand they nerf everything that anyone higher than me on the leader board is using that I am not.

I have 3k HP… why they has to tank 5 times more than me?

Situation when ward is absolutely essential for any end game build is blatantly stupid and create way lesser build diversity, which is (supprise here) very bad for the game. It has to be addressed heavily next cycle. And of course warlock needs to be fixed right fucking now.

They have already said there will be no balance fixes this cycle. And Warlock will not be fixed.

“Next cycle” philosophy is unthinkable. First comment on patch notes has more than 100 likes against it.

Bugs has to be fixed yesterday.

yes and reduce falconer dps 4 x times please, so the class will be fair, thx

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they should replace the falcon with something like a … sparrow or finch, that would fix the issue



I have 3k HP… why they has to tank 5 times more than me?

Because the red thing and the white thing work very differently. About as differently e.g. as a combustion engine and an electric engine.

For example you “have” life, without even pressing a button. Its just there. Op, right? Now imagine you had to press a button every 5 seconds to get your life, and that your life would instantly start draining afterwards.

Don’t get me wrong, the bugged stuff atm is giving way too much Ward, there is no question. But you have to take the different mechanics into account, when thinking about drastic measures like a cap. As long as Ward is something you need to build up and something that you loose automatically, its peak pool needs to be bigger than an average lifepool, or it isn’t worth building Ward at all. This argument is supported by years and years of experience in early access, when Ward was complete trashtier.

Just to be very clear , i’ll say it again: Yes, the bugs are crazy op atm. Runemaster, Twisted Heart and maybe Spellblade too are problematic cases, because they open avenues to fast in-combat Wardgeneration.

But to demand that Ward gets capped to something like 5k means essentially to remove the mechanic.

And this is what i don’t understand: Do you really want to get rid of a very interesting mechanic, that produces really cool build archetypes, just because it is hard to balance?

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I invite the devs team to do a survey about ward and leaderboards issue. we should make a decision not them.

i have to read it

I’m taking mechanics into account.
Still, there is no reason for it to be 5 times bigger than health pool.

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What would be a reasonable number then in your opinion?

The number must be in accordance with the performance of classes that invest in HP.

If a class that invests in HP reaches 400 corruption and 400 arena waves.
The amount of ward must be regulated so that the final result hits the average of classes that do not use ward.
It could be 2 times HP, 3 times. i don’t know, but the final result should be similar to HP builds.

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OK, if you must have it measured in x-times hp i’d say 3 times a Druid or 3.5 times a Lich :D. That imo would result in functional numbers for Ward.

I’m not a fan of using Arena as the only metric for the quality of a build (or a stat) however. Imho that’s a bit like judging a car solely on its performance in a Paris-Dakar Ralley.

Arena is objectively a content which tests the peak quality of a class. There is no better way to measure the quality of a class than arena. It calculates power and does not allow players to skip content.

However, knowing that there is a prejudice regarding this, I mentioned corruption in advance, which despite being less efficient, also serves as a parameter, after all, if one class hits corruption 900 and another hits 500, it means that something is not right.

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This sounds reasonable to me. But to be fair, the caster classes that rely on ward do not have the armor and other mitigations that melee do. That needs to be considered before any adjustments are made.

Personally, I’m mystified how classes even get so much damned ward. I have a 90 sorcerer and use flame ward and attributes to get ward on mana use. But it’s really only about 1.5-2K ward when I’m blasting away. It’s not like tens of thousands of ward or anything. If anybody playing a sorcerer reads this, let me know how much ward you can generate.