WARD is ruining the game

Exceptional for Shaman, which isn’t saying much. The Spriggan Form build is actually really bad compared to masteries like Necro, Warlock, Runemaster, Paladin, and Falconer.

That depends on what metrics you are judging by. All you seem to care about is an arbitrary leaderboard that doesn’t do anything. I care about having fun and not giving myself carpal tunnel while doing so. I think Runemaster is awful because of the skill juggling that must be done to make them work.

I don’t know that I agree that Necro is stronger. All of the other examples you are complaining about are people exploiting bugs, as if its intentional.

You are basically making an argument that if hackers got into bank accounts, instead of fixing the vulnerability that was exploited and targeting the hackers as the problem, you should just burn down the bank.

Are you a commie by chance?

lol OK, not sure that was necessary

Potentially. It was mostly in jest. I can edit it out if it distracts too much from my point.

nah, all good. It was amusing but seemed kind of random. Leave it there.

I never mentioned the leaderboard. I’m talking about Empowered Monolith, you know, the main endgame activity. Which bleeds into Merchant’s Guild. Being a trash Mastery feels bad atm.

Are you a commie by chance?

Yes, wanting a slight amount of balance in a video game makes me a communist. Best take of the day.

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Have people flipped on the CoF vs MG thing? For at least 2 weeks leading up to 1.0 everyone was screaming how brokenly OP CoF was and how trash MG was. It’s always funny to see both sides screaming about how the other side is brokenly OP.

But Ward is re-ward-ing! And I like it! :rofl: :partying_face:

Always go for-ward?

Yes, going for-ward with ward is very re-ward-ing! :rofl:

That wasn’t my point or what I was saying. Being a crappy mastery hurts in MG. Like Warlock clearing 3x higher Empowered Monoliths at 3x the speed than a Shaman.

Why does it hurt? Where does it hurt?

You’re making less gold, while prices increase since almost everyone is playing a Lock/Falcon/RM.

I see. You’re saying your farming efficiency is lower.

Yeah a lot lower. Also who wants to be exponentially weaker than then masteries almost everyone is playing?

Who cares as long as there are enough fun classes to play? I hope they don’t nerf it so I can play some “broken” build for my next character. Sounds fun to me having builds of various power levels in the game. Couldn’t care less if someone wants to flex playing an easier build as long as I’m having fun. Maybe if they really wanted to show how good they are they would play some build labeled as inferior and see how far they get with it.

I agree that ward is way op and the answer to almost all builds. It should be a defensive tool or option that u have to heavily invest in to make it good and in balance with other options. I don’t necessarily think a cap based on health is a great idea because u may want to invest more into ward than health, and i definitely don’t want some chaos damage bs mechanic that bypasses it. But is it grossly imbalanced atm and is a big detriment to the game? Absolutely

Just another “agree with op” post.
If you look at the suffixes in support of life, they are taken up by things like armor, dodge, etc.
Given this, not only am I in support for a ward nerf, I’d be in favor of one of the major “life support” affixes being moved to a prefix. :wink:

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Who would have thought. A BRAND NEW skill that wasn’t tested by the player base is over tuned. IT will get patched and fixed and everything will go back to normal.

Honestly if they did that I would uninstall the game immediately.