Upcoming Bugfixes to overperforming Builds

THe problem isnt how many builds can do absurd amount of dmg, the problem with profane abuseers is how much dmg they did while standing in everything. Falconers like Agromroph gets 1 shot if an enemy even looks at them, thats not the case with bugged warlocks. Skill issue.

That will be nice thanks you for the hard work.

You never knew that Profane Veil was a bug until LE told you it was a typo. People knew it was overscaled, just like DPS of Falconeers or some Healing Hands Shennanigs of Paladin.

At its core it is a balancing nerf of Profane Veil, that is not technically required. I have no issue with this at the end of the cycle. Singling this out now, while not adressing other immensly overscaled stuff is weird.

I don’t comment here usually, but this is a huge W and the right course of action imo. You guys are doing such a good job with this game.

I hope you will be able to maintain close communication with the community in the future as well as it has worked well thus far.

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Here you can see minion base stats. You can easily calculate minion life and how much ward it would give you.

In addition to that, i knew it was a bug and not a scaling issue from years and thousands of hours playing other games (ARPG and non-ARPG). Just from experience, that this is not right and it wasn’t a scaling issue.

To me this farcical. I have disconnects from hell for weeks and submited lots of bugs reports, been active in technical support forum threads pertaining this issue and i see 0 communication or feedback from the Devs.

Then do your quick math for Falconeers now, so we can be certain that they won’t be nerfed midcycle. Not so easy, if LE does not serve you the issue on a silver plater.

But it actually is easy to understand, where the high DPS numbers are coming from. It’s called “DMG effectiveness of added dmg”. Dive bomb for example has 850% of it. So if you buff your falcon like crazy with added dmg, give him 100% crit chance (pretty easy to do), stack up your crit multi and stack up on “Exposed Weakness” stacks (10 Stacks = 250% of your crit multi) and play it right, Dive bomb for example does millions of dmg. Why? Not because of one talent or one skill, but because of a combination of talents, affixes and buffs. As said - the dmg may be too high, and maybe it will be scaled down. But you can easily deduce where the dmg is coming from and how it all is multiplied. At best, that’s a scaling issue. Looking at all you have to sacrifice and all that min-maxing you have to do with affixes on your gear, the dmg seems reasonable.

I’m baffled at all the people complaining about other bugs/issues specifically in relation to this.
As if it’s some herculean effort to remove an extra 0 from quite possibly a single line of code, as opposed to fixing what are claimed to be major performance/server errors.
Like it’s one or the other, and fixing a broken build by changing one number and one other minor issue has somehow evaporated a week’s worth of development time on anything else.

Maybe it was typo and 850% damage effectivenss wasnt intended. Maybe they tested it internally and forgot to reset the value to 190%. How could we ever know … ?
Maybe it is just a bug that should be fixed next hotfix and we can dance around all those juicy Falconeers crying.

ah yes, finally i can play with a friend that is using squirrel build… it’s annoying that i can’t play with anyone with summons as a wraithlord build.

Because it i a non issue that should be balanced in relation to other heavily overperforming interactions. Besides that they went back on their word and far more serious technical difficulties and bugs that actually impact people are not communicated as well as this issue.

We know by comparing how much effort you have to put in to achieve that dmg number, compared to other builds that require the same effort for the same dmg. If you’re clearly overperforming compared to other builds with comparable effort and comparable defenses, then you know that sth is not right.

So generating 3k Ward while attacking (18k in ~6s) as a Paladin vs. generating 60k every ~6-7s, the 60k clearly have to be nerfed by a factor of 10. Or shouldn’t it be more by a factor of 3 …
It has to be seen in relation to other things.

I don’t even know where to start on your post, I think 0 things you said make any sense at all.
It’s apparently not a non-issue if there was a huge outcry over it and people overwhelmingly voted for it to be changed in the survey.
I literally just explained that if other issues are “far more serious” then there’s probably a greater effort required to fix it than whatever minor touches they had to fix the problem builds.
And also, they didn’t go back on anything

I’m getting tired of having to quote this over and over for the people wearing blinkers who are physically incapable of reading the last couple of sentences.


Yeah nice, for maybe 10% or more of the playerbase the game is borderline unplayable in online mode and nobody gives a shit.

But a majority of envious players that had a huge outcry about one of the overperforming builds suddenly makes this balancing the most important issue ever.

This fix will ruin the game for a part of the warlock playerbase, while not adressing real issues and satisfy envious crybullies, that actually think they lost out on something, because some skill in a PvE game was overtuned.


Great news everyone.

It’s not that nobody cares, it’s that these issues aren’t even related a tiny bit.
Complaining that an extremely small (and therefore easy to implement) fix is made, as if that makes whatever work may be going towards bigger fixes magically disappear, is nonsense.
You might as well be complaining that the servers aren’t being fixed to the people who design cosmetics, it’s about as irrelevant.
And I really don’t care if the experience is “ruined” for someone because they’re outraged that they have to play the game the way it’s intended, without skills that are leagues more powerful than they’re supposed to be making it braindead easy.

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Thank you for your empathy. You might realize it or not, but you are the embodiment of people i critiziced in my previous comment.

Far worse impact issues for players aren’t discussed as well as this nerf.
People like you not caring about proper balancing of skills and classes just because a quick deletion of a 0 puts those pesky warlocks in their place. Well, it is perfectly fine and dandy because it is such an easy fix and so many players derrive pleasure from that OP thing being nerfed. So it has to be the right way to go forward.

If you play for 7 hours without any progression you are either very endgame already, by which you need very specific rolls or drops to progress, or you’re farming at the wrong places.