Upcoming Bugfixes to overperforming Builds

Maybe it was typo and 850% damage effectivenss wasnt intended. Maybe they tested it internally and forgot to reset the value to 190%. How could we ever know … ?
Maybe it is just a bug that should be fixed next hotfix and we can dance around all those juicy Falconeers crying.

ah yes, finally i can play with a friend that is using squirrel build… it’s annoying that i can’t play with anyone with summons as a wraithlord build.

Because it i a non issue that should be balanced in relation to other heavily overperforming interactions. Besides that they went back on their word and far more serious technical difficulties and bugs that actually impact people are not communicated as well as this issue.

We know by comparing how much effort you have to put in to achieve that dmg number, compared to other builds that require the same effort for the same dmg. If you’re clearly overperforming compared to other builds with comparable effort and comparable defenses, then you know that sth is not right.

So generating 3k Ward while attacking (18k in ~6s) as a Paladin vs. generating 60k every ~6-7s, the 60k clearly have to be nerfed by a factor of 10. Or shouldn’t it be more by a factor of 3 …
It has to be seen in relation to other things.

I don’t even know where to start on your post, I think 0 things you said make any sense at all.
It’s apparently not a non-issue if there was a huge outcry over it and people overwhelmingly voted for it to be changed in the survey.
I literally just explained that if other issues are “far more serious” then there’s probably a greater effort required to fix it than whatever minor touches they had to fix the problem builds.
And also, they didn’t go back on anything

I’m getting tired of having to quote this over and over for the people wearing blinkers who are physically incapable of reading the last couple of sentences.


Yeah nice, for maybe 10% or more of the playerbase the game is borderline unplayable in online mode and nobody gives a shit.

But a majority of envious players that had a huge outcry about one of the overperforming builds suddenly makes this balancing the most important issue ever.

This fix will ruin the game for a part of the warlock playerbase, while not adressing real issues and satisfy envious crybullies, that actually think they lost out on something, because some skill in a PvE game was overtuned.


Great news everyone.

It’s not that nobody cares, it’s that these issues aren’t even related a tiny bit.
Complaining that an extremely small (and therefore easy to implement) fix is made, as if that makes whatever work may be going towards bigger fixes magically disappear, is nonsense.
You might as well be complaining that the servers aren’t being fixed to the people who design cosmetics, it’s about as irrelevant.
And I really don’t care if the experience is “ruined” for someone because they’re outraged that they have to play the game the way it’s intended, without skills that are leagues more powerful than they’re supposed to be making it braindead easy.

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Thank you for your empathy. You might realize it or not, but you are the embodiment of people i critiziced in my previous comment.

Far worse impact issues for players aren’t discussed as well as this nerf.
People like you not caring about proper balancing of skills and classes just because a quick deletion of a 0 puts those pesky warlocks in their place. Well, it is perfectly fine and dandy because it is such an easy fix and so many players derrive pleasure from that OP thing being nerfed. So it has to be the right way to go forward.

If you play for 7 hours without any progression you are either very endgame already, by which you need very specific rolls or drops to progress, or you’re farming at the wrong places.

This has nothing to do with nerfing builds. It’s fixing a bug. I bet if you got a bug that you couldn’t progress dungeons or monoliths because of a weird bug you’d be crying to fix it. Just because it affects you in a negative way doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be fixed. They’re trying to make the game the way It’s supposed to be. You decide to play a bugged class, you can expect it to get fixed

So just because other bugs aren’t fixed instantly that means this one bug, that can be fixed quite easily, shouldn’t? Why? Because you’re personally affected by it? Bugs in general do suck. Builds that are fun but scale worse than OP builds sucks too. You’ll never achieve perfect balancing. No game ever has, no game ever will. There will always be a couple overscaling builds out there, and it probably changes each cycle after the next balancing iteration. But once again… Warlock wasn’t OP because of scaling or unintended interaction. It was a damn BUG, and has to be fixed. IF Falconer DPS should be that high because of a bug, it should get corrected too - sucks, but as long as it’s a bug-fix and not a mid-cycle power-downscaling, i get it.

And who says, we do not care about proper balancing, just because we’re ok with fixing that warlock-bug? Those things have nothing to do with each other.

I think we have a fundamenal misunderstanding.

  1. Literally everything EHG fixes is a bug, as a bug is something that deviates from its intended state
  2. The Profane Veil “bugfix” is in the category of balancing, so it should be properly balanced in relation to other skills but it will most likely be undertuned after this fix
  3. Balancing should be done in bigger batches, to adress all overperforming skills at once.
  4. Balancing should be done either immediatly or at the end of a cycle.

Just because something can be bandaid slapped into the game easily now, does not make it inherently good.


Profane Veil gave you 40% instead of the 4% as stated and intended. How can you not see that this isn’t BALANCING but a BUG? I don’t get it. I have been a software engineer for over 20 years now, and reducing the 40% to 4% has NOTHING, literally ZERO to do with balancing.

If they fix it and notice “Hey, 4% is way too low compared to what other builds do, let’s increase it to 15%”, then yeah… that needs to be addressed too, and increasing that number, THAT would be balancing.

Nice, i am a Software Engineer aswell, do we have to argue the semantics of a bug now?
You can bandaid slap a bugfix for 40% to 4% or you can properly balance bugfix this.

We actually do, because that’s the whole problem here. If they should fix BUGS during a cycle or not. They said they didn’t want to do balance changes during a cycle, and i’d be against it if they would unless it’s absolutely game-breaking like the Shadow Bomb-stuff. That’s not a bug per se, at least in my opinion. But a) it impacts server stability heavily and b) it gives rogue not a little bit of survivability, but can make him almost immortal without sacrificing anything for it. You can get that kind of survivability on rogue elsewhere, but you have to heavily invest into it and loose out on a lot of damage (Low Life or Raxxes Health Regen with Vessel of Strife i’m currently working towards). I played Low Life with pretty insane gear (3LP Cleaver, 3LP Exsang, 3LP Peak, 3LP Li’Raka Claws), but i noticed a BIG difference. I got way more survivability, but way less dmg, inspite of the insane gear i have.
So i’m absolutely for it for them to fix that, even though i’m impacted myself. I knew, that that smoke bomb-interaction won’t survive. I even reported it as a bug.

Addressing Bugs during a cycle is something i’m absolutely ok with. Even if it breaks a build that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. If it turns out, that 4% sucks and makes those talent points worthless, we need to talk about that too - for balancing it in the next cycle.

These are two separate things. If the initial design and test was 4% and turned out to be 40% whatever the reason, the right INITIAL move is to take it back as intended and see what happens.

If 4% will turn out being too low, they will tune the value in the next cycle.

fix wraithlord bug fix now then

Funny thing, we know it isn’t because we ASKED about it when it was revealed. They admitted it was probably too high for balance purposes, but was the intended amount. Try again.