Unique Showcase #1 - Life's Journey Bandit Shield and how to get 6000%+ inc. DoT

Yeah that’s true, but still not sure why the discussion did get so big so fast :smiley:

I will not do a Unique Show Case of the low health ward uniques for sure, since they are probably some of the most used uniques ever, every time i see someone talking about “I have a low-health [insert any class]” they use those uniques like 95% of the time. And it’s getting boring.

Your suggested Unique Amulet Xithara’s Conundrum is definitely a very interesting Unique to build around, but i don’t have any pratical experience using it as the solely build defining unique. Maybe i will do something in the future.

All i can say is, that I still think it’s not worth using in conjunction with those Low-Health Ward Uniques.
The Only Time i could see some1 using this (or maybe Boulderfists if they are not a Lich) is to negate the HP Regen or Leech coming from another Unique Item they want to use together with those.

RE: Heavy’s Showcase.

I’ve completed the Campaign, gotten to Monos, and converted to Low Life + Life’s Journey shield.

See it from the beginning here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73IkP7180ZA0Rg41gIF-3PAVFBpT6rWx
(I started @ level 25 when I got Lich Mastery)

@Heavy, I strongly trust you to build something ultra fun out of McFluffin’s incoming Unique.

When the patch drops I will first observe how all the different Uniques will be used by the community and i will probably pick the ones that I feel are underused.

And I still have some Ideas for current Uniques too, so let’s see.

But there are so many amazing Uniques next Patch we already know of, can’t wait to see all the ones, we don’t know about.

I’ve gotten this build to level 86. Just about to start Empowered Monos (1 last mono to complete).

Current Build: Lich, Level 86 (LE Beta 0.8.2i) - Last Epoch Build Planner
Planned Build: Lich, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.2i) - Last Epoch Build Planner

It is a lot of fun!

Cool idea… Looking forward to future showcases…. .

Sadly this got touched quite heavily in Patch 083.

It got nerfed in a few aspects(many the pestilence node) and buffed in other aspects.

But I will most likely focus on new 083 uniques, when doing more showcases, once I found out, which uniques are very popular and well established.

Because my main goal is highlighting uniques, that seem to get very low attention.

Alluvion still needs a strong build!

It’s definitely a cool unique.

But I would not provide a full “build” anyway and just showcase some very strong synergies or interactions.

Alluvion doesn’t have any noteable interactions, it’s just a stat stick.

Too bad the Tsunami node in Maelstrom is pathetic (requires a lot of stacks to do any reasonable damage, few ways to cast a lot of stacks at once); otherwise, it’d be cool to use Allivion with Tsunami Maelstrom for a ton of waves everywhere. Or if there were a way to quickly stack Maelstrom on top of all your totems at once (I believe you can only do one at a time), you can have even more waves on top.

Speaking of which, Primalist has a ton of ways to stack Cold & Lightning damage, but not Fire. In fact, outside of the established Fire Earthquake, the only Fire Skill Primalist has is the Unique gloves that summon Fire Tornadoes. It’s odd that a Level 50+ Unique exists when there’s practically no Primalist support for it outside of adaptive spell damage. If only there were a way for Primalist to stack %Fire damage.

Tornado has the fire conversion available in it’s tree.

The devs said, that they want to keep damage types restricted and not give all masteryies too much support for too many damage tapyes.

Some damage types should not be available or just be very niche.

And just because the base class doesn’t have support, doesn’t mean you can’t build around it.

In fact the Unique gloves are not necessarily for any fire build, but rather for eitehr additional armour shred or a generic DoT/hit hybrid build.

Also most %inc. damage will come from gear anyway, so you can just take the generic passive nodes that still sacle fire damage and focus gear on fire.

The only Fire skills given to the Primalist tree at the moment are Tornado and Earthquake; while I haven’t done the math, I doubt there’s anywhere there’s enough synergy between the two for the Unique gloves to contribute much to the “Fire Tornado” path on its skill tree. Yes, Fire Resistance shred is a great option, but you need multiple flat sources of damage to be able to do the damage output necessary to handle content like Majassa, especially since Primalist in particular does not have any equipment implicits that help out Fire damage like Sentinel, Rogue, and Mage do.

All I’m saying is: there’s a big difference between keeping the classes distinct by reducing their available damage options, and making a bunch of Uniques that accomplish nothing but waste everyone’s time because nobody can find a way to build around them. If the devs make a skill branch node that emphasizes Fire Tornado, and provides a Unique built around the concept of Fire Tornado, then people are going to try to build around Fire Tornado, and if the gameplay is boring & the damage isn’t there, then the players have a right to say that.

Both Fire Tornado and Earthquake are around for a long time already.

The unique is a nice addition to possible fire damage builds, but the unique gloves are also usable by any other class.

I would not focus that much on the unique, uniques are just additional ways you can utilize.

“if the gameplay is boring” has nothing to do with the damage type or support the class has for this damage type.
This would be an issue with the base skills.

The whole point in niche playstyles/builds is, that it’s not always obvious how to utilize them.
You need to be creative to make them work, that the fun in it!

That is totally fine, I never said we shouldn’t discuss this and I just stated, what devs have previously said.
But I guess it’s very unlikely to change that much.
There might be more interesting fire uniques in the future, that might be able to be utilized by a fire Primalist, but the general direction and theme around classes will most likely not change that much.

But maybe you can hope for it.
Paladin received a lot of Lightning support in 083, which had very niche build options before.

To summarize:
Fire is not supposed to be a main damage type for Primalist.
Is a fire focused Primalist possible? Yes
Is it the "obvious choice? No
Can you make interesting builds out of it? Absolutely

I’m using one Tempest Maw on my ‘pure’ totem shaman build . Now I’m in early 100s monos and it is doing well.

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I agree with this, BUT i’ve asked for fire for a long time and its not that primalist (shaman) should have its main damage be fire, its that it should be an options.

LITERRALY every other class in the game has fire options. Why is the Primalist left out when it could indeed as well have some sweet fire stuff like:

  • Fire tornado (This exist, but needs a balance pass-over)
  • Fire Maelstrom
  • Fire Tempeststrike?
  • Fire Totems?

Lets look at all the other class that get fire… (not at home so dont have access to see EVERY fire skill (including conversions)


  • Firebrand
  • Flamereave
  • Volcanice Orb
  • Fireball
  • Fire Nova
  • Meteor


  • Cinderstrike
  • Acid Flask
  • Decoy
  • Burning Daggers


  • Smelters wrath
  • Forge strike
  • Smite
  • Warpath
  • Abyssal Echoes? i believe it converts sorry not at home at the moment, i believe theres others


  • Fire Zombies
  • Infernal Shade
  • Fire Wraiths
  • Several Fire Subtype Minions

So why is it that every class and ALMOST every mastery has access to fire skills and fire type builds even if they are niches, but shaman or (Primalist) get 0. Its highly requested and makes no sense why it couldnt be worked in.


It does.

Apart from Fire Tornado & Fire EQ? I’m not saying there shouldn’t be more but I also don’t think the devs want all classes/masteries to have access to all elements.

Yes this is what they have said, but again if you didnt want them to have ACCESS to fire why tease the class with 2 fire conversions?!

If your going to tease ANY fire at all then at least make 1 viable Fire build possible…
or remove fire altogether.

The argument that there not FIRE and shouldnt GET FIRE, but you’ve given them fire conversion skills is just… Confusing.

Ultimately it leads to this where people want more/wonder why there isnt more fire support.

Because they come up with an awesome idea for a unique that “breaks the normal rules”. And you can’t say the fire EQ build wasn’t viable.

The idea for Fire support in the shaman mastery was long before the recent release of “Rule of simoon” fire tornado gloves.

This one is back in January 10 months ago:

If the new gloves did anything it was just tease even more fire shaman, without making it into a full build.

Fire EQ is OK. But (and this is even more supported by the recent changes to sentinel class) its not a spammable skills, EQ is meant as a BIG DPS skill that you use other skills to build it up. At the moment thats kind of limited to swipe/tempest strike for mana and Leap to boost its damage.

Lets just say that it was a full fleshed out fire build (based on fire EQ) if you can have 1 build why not allow more variety? Why make it so this 1 build has no defined support in passives.
Swipe can be Physical + Lightning. Give it Fire/Cold.

I could blabber on for days… in the end its just my opinion and i feel that absolutely nothing would be hurt by build some fire into the shaman mastery. Ive ran into far more people asking for fire support than being opposed to the idea (Granted Yes, I Have not ran into EVERYONE)

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