Unique Showcase #1 - Life's Journey Bandit Shield and how to get 6000%+ inc. DoT

As @Llama8 pointed out, the Amulet doesn’t give much benefit, if you don’t have any HP Regen (which you should not build anyway) and don’t have any other sources of heal or hp gain, you will sit around 20-50 HP.

If you take all the HP Drain Nodes in Acolyte and Lich (which all grant very usefull benefits) your HP will be even lower.

While the amulet is great for a pure ward regenerating physical build, just for the Low Health Ward Builds that use Last Step of The Living and Exangunious it’s not worth using, at all.

We are talking about 5-15 more ward/sec with that amulet. That’s not a lot. Having a good T5 Health Roll on a regular amulet, will give you 66-88 More maximum health, which will translate into roughly 20-30 Ward/sec more.

Agreed… The amulet isnt that much of a benefit… However it does help in certain situations = like the number of times i have died because of auto pickup potions that heal me and therefore drop my ward low life generation at precisely the wrong moment. I really would like a game setting that disabled auto potion pickup cause its seriously irritating for low life builds… At the moment the ammy is the only way to negate this irritation…

I usually get a “Potion Health converted to Ward” Affix as Belt prefix, that does not convert all, but it’s enough to keep your HP down.

But yeah Potion Auto-Pick up is a bad thing, when there are builds that don’t want to do this at all.


I remember having a very bad experience with this. I don’t know what gear I had exactly, but it quickly became unsustainable.

In the context we are talking about here, you WANT to be as low health as possible.
(Because missing health = more ward/sec)

And since it all current health drain/sec you will never die from it.

If you want to use this on a build, that don’t use low-health ward uniques you defintiely want to use Crimson Gluttony 5/5 in Acolyte and 10/10 Volatile Blood in Lich, to reduce the Health Drain by 75%

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I am not sure if you know or understand the interaction we are talking about :smiley:

If you play with any of the “% missing health gained as ward per second” uniques (Shroud Of Obscurity, Exsanguinous and Last Steps Of The Living) you will become more tanky the lower your health is.

EDIT: Now you deleted your comment :imp:

Yes, sorry, I did not see you were responding. I deleted my comment because it was not relevant to the situation, as you’re showing.

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It’s ok, this is a bit off-topic anyway, since that specific interaction doesn’t even is the main focus point on my OP, since you don’t have to play “low health ward” for the Life’s Journey Interaction.

I am not even sure how we get to this point of discussion LOL

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try it on a mage instead.

This is not relevant to the main topic in this thread, so i will not dive deeper into this.

Feel free to start your own discussion.

I am still wondering how this thread ended up talking about those unique mechanics, when i not mentioned them in one single word in the OP. (I only used them in the video showcase)

this is how

Yeah that’s true, but still not sure why the discussion did get so big so fast :smiley:

I will not do a Unique Show Case of the low health ward uniques for sure, since they are probably some of the most used uniques ever, every time i see someone talking about “I have a low-health [insert any class]” they use those uniques like 95% of the time. And it’s getting boring.

Your suggested Unique Amulet Xithara’s Conundrum is definitely a very interesting Unique to build around, but i don’t have any pratical experience using it as the solely build defining unique. Maybe i will do something in the future.

All i can say is, that I still think it’s not worth using in conjunction with those Low-Health Ward Uniques.
The Only Time i could see some1 using this (or maybe Boulderfists if they are not a Lich) is to negate the HP Regen or Leech coming from another Unique Item they want to use together with those.

RE: Heavy’s Showcase.

I’ve completed the Campaign, gotten to Monos, and converted to Low Life + Life’s Journey shield.

See it from the beginning here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73IkP7180ZA0Rg41gIF-3PAVFBpT6rWx
(I started @ level 25 when I got Lich Mastery)

@Heavy, I strongly trust you to build something ultra fun out of McFluffin’s incoming Unique.

When the patch drops I will first observe how all the different Uniques will be used by the community and i will probably pick the ones that I feel are underused.

And I still have some Ideas for current Uniques too, so let’s see.

But there are so many amazing Uniques next Patch we already know of, can’t wait to see all the ones, we don’t know about.

I’ve gotten this build to level 86. Just about to start Empowered Monos (1 last mono to complete).

Current Build: Lich, Level 86 (LE Beta 0.8.2i) - Last Epoch Build Planner
Planned Build: Lich, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.2i) - Last Epoch Build Planner

It is a lot of fun!

Cool idea… Looking forward to future showcases…. .

Sadly this got touched quite heavily in Patch 083.

It got nerfed in a few aspects(many the pestilence node) and buffed in other aspects.

But I will most likely focus on new 083 uniques, when doing more showcases, once I found out, which uniques are very popular and well established.

Because my main goal is highlighting uniques, that seem to get very low attention.

Alluvion still needs a strong build!