Answer = M&K > Controller
I read threads like this, while playing my 132nd character.
Does the game have problems…
… or do I ?
5 chars
First post. Check.
Toxic in the title. Check.
Feels the need to tell everyone he’s uninstalling. Check.
Misrepresents Ward changes. Check.
Lies about the dev intent behind Ward changes. Check.
Lies about average pinnacle boss fight length. Check.
maybe try it with keyboard and mouse?
Good luck, and have fun where ever you are heading.
im sorry, but playing games like that on controller is just peak degeneration
Disagree. Reclined on the couch with a gamepad is optimal gaming experience.
You’re already late. Goodbye
The game feels worse to play on controller but being able to play on the steam deck is always a big factor in me buying games on pc. The only horrible thing about playing on controller over M&K is targeting is a joke on controller. Otherwise it’s largely the same game.
Agree, playing on controller is one of the reasons I think I’ve played Elden Ring for so long. I can’t play LE like that, but there’s just something to holding a controller and relaxing.
To be fair towards the devs and the playerbase both:
Yes, controller support is ‘ok’ at best. Not fantastic, but better then for example in Path of Exile, which is the main contender. But still… not ‘good’ yet, too many issues in several places.
On the other hand it’s also a very complex topic development wise. Give it the targeting mechanism itself for any ranged skill. So… which enemy should be targeted? The one which has the highest HP? Or the one which has the lowest HP? Or should it be range-based? So always the closest one? But what about melee enemies versus ranged enemies? Might want to hit that ranged mob with a deadly attack rather then the one which has high HP and a weak melee attack since it’s not a danger for me.
There’s a lot of such fringe cases, so it’s a mess for someone, always… and really really hard to get right.
Same with minion targeting, but there it’s a bit easier, you generally want to either buff a big horde to synergize with each other… or a single summon which is especially strong. But how would the system know which one you prefer intrinsically?
We need more options to manually adjust that… or a vastly smarter system, both is development intensive though.
That one is very very fair, and a prime argument of why we can be rather pissed off in the current situation. It’s a bit of a joke, and not a good one.
Which actually isn’t true… which is the odd thing.
There’s some skills which work vastly better with a controller since they auto-target and hence hit 100% of the time while with M&K you need to actively hover over the enemy to do so.
It’s a bit of a mess overall.
Not really? While badly worded it actually was the only measure to get to higher corruption levels in a viable way formerly. Why? Because it’s a endless scaling system and ward simply was a lot stronger then life as a contender.
Ward still IS a lot stronger than life.
Majority of builds received a buff to Ward, that’s why he’s misrepresenting Ward changes.
If you really want to start debating this, start by defining “higher corruption levels” so that we are all on the same page.
Fair, albeit the ‘buff’ is at lower ends. High yield ward generation methods don’t as much anymore as the falloff is higher for high values.
And 1k+ corruption.
Yes, I know there’s some life builds which can reach it still, always was the case. But they’re far harder to sustain then Ward was, you simply had more EHP with the old system in most cases. Not without reason the corruption ceiling had come down quite a bit for many many builds.
As said, exceptions apply.
Your premise was “(ward) was the only measure to get to higher corruption levels in a viable way” but now you said that life builds can reach 1k+ corruption, which means Ward wasn’t the only measure.
So what exactly is your point in reviving this topic?
Ok, let me take a step back then to make it more clearly pronounced, since the common way to write seems to go by here once more.
First of all… there’s nigh always exceptions to rules, not without reasons there’s sayings about that.
So commonly the phrasing of ‘always’ and ‘only’ as well as similar ones in those topics are not to be taken literally. But taking things literal seems to be a form of disposition in this Forum for some people, if only to make a stance more clear rather then actually going in-depth about the design-choices behind the actual situation going on.
Were Life builds always able to reach high Corruption? Yeah, obviously! But they’re a boatload harder to achieve then Ward builds were, by magnitudes.
Was Ward stronger before? Obviously too! By friggin magnitudes again, given how it scaled formerly compared to how it does now.
Just take a build from 1.0, fully decked out and try to do the corruption level you were starting to struggle with in 1.1… and you’ll see that you’ll have a baaaaaad baaaaad time.
So don’t tell me what ‘my premise’ is if you can’t even deduct it from my post. Yes, I used ‘strong’ types of words… but to achieve 1k corruption with a Life build did take magnitudes longer then with Ward since… yes… Ward was overly strong. Is it good? Is it bad? Up for decision, Life should’ve been adjusted upwards a bit together with the nerving of the upper limits of Ward to create a more balanced environment. Wasn’t done though.
Were the best builds Ward? Yes? So that holds true, doesn’t it?
Are Ward builds still the strongest available ones? Actually… yes, they are, even if not as pronounced, which showcases Life needs a bit of a nudge upwards, not much but a bit.
As for the last bit:
How about reading the other bits of my post? I mean… it shouldn’t be that hard to see what sort of input I made to the topic rather then just necroing it willy-nilly. I recommend taking a step back, taking a deep breather first of all.
To put it in an abstract way… “Why should I learn your language when everyone else is speaking English?”
Have you ever thought that using non-literals and then being all surprised pikachu when people respond to literals is caused by your lack of communication skills, and perhaps something you should fix on your side?
I was, obviously, referring to the topic of “getting to higher corruption levels”, that we two started to discuss. Not to this forum post as a whole.
Guess you also can’t deduct the meaning from someone else’s post
As for the topic itself
- AFAIK nobody argued that Life builds are equal / don’t have any disadvantage when compared to Ward builds, so there was no reason to open the discussion on that matter in this forum post.
- We already agreed that Ward was slightly buffed for majority of the builds (your reply), hence saying “Ward was stronger before” is both false and misleading.
If you want to convey the meaning of, for example, “Healing Hands was stronger compared to now”, then you have to say “Healing Hands”, not “Ward”.
A sub-set of a sub-set of people does have issues with it, which a minority in this Forum. The large general outcome is people understanding the connotations coming with the usage of language without taking things literal. But that’s beside the point.
The majority was about controller input issues and support. The corruption level part is a side-note… at best
I pray that one day you’ll understand when it’s appropriate to be non-literal, and when it’s not.
It’s quite simple. If this side-note is the only thing we were talking about, then that’s what our topic is.