Uninstalling. Thanks for not giving a sh!t

Have my fourth character in end-game, so gave it a good run. Wasted the last few hours trying to get a controller working (again, after giving it several months to get sorted out after the last bought of frustration) and wasn’t that a joke. Not that anyone has ever complained about poor controller interface. How many threads were opened on the subject to be completely ignored and auto-closed after 60 days? Same with pleas for basic quality of life improvements like not having to click on shards to pick them up, or heaven forbid, having them auto-inventoried when you do click on them instead of having to stop playing the game to manually click another button that says “do you want me to move all these crafting resources to the crafting inventory?” Instead, spend your effort giving us a “pinnacle boss” straight out of Monster Hunter that spams the screen with AoE and DoT and one-shots you with half-a-dozen moves that you need to fight him 20 times to memorize. Nerfing ward because you didn’t “intend” for people to use the mechanics you put into the game for survivability in high corruption where you bypass every other defensive measure we’ve built onto the character. Funny, I can go to YT right now and find 50 shorts of people murdering your new boss in 30 seconds with still-broken builds. I guess you just want people to migrate to the same few builds? How very Blizzard of you. Boss “difficulty” I can absolutely chalk up to a lack of skill on my part. But quality of life is 100% on you. There are thousands of indie games from Mickey Mouse developers that somehow manage to get controller interface figured out. Maybe hire one of their people to teach you how it’s done if you cant figure it out yourselves.

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Answer = M&K > Controller


I read threads like this, while playing my 132nd character.

Does the game have problems…

… or do I ?


5 chars


First post. Check.
Toxic in the title. Check.
Feels the need to tell everyone he’s uninstalling. Check.
Misrepresents Ward changes. Check.
Lies about the dev intent behind Ward changes. Check.
Lies about average pinnacle boss fight length. Check.


maybe try it with keyboard and mouse? :slight_smile:


:sob: :sob: :sob:

Good luck, and have fun where ever you are heading.


im sorry, but playing games like that on controller is just peak degeneration

Disagree. Reclined on the couch with a gamepad is optimal gaming experience.

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You’re already late. Goodbye

The game feels worse to play on controller but being able to play on the steam deck is always a big factor in me buying games on pc. The only horrible thing about playing on controller over M&K is targeting is a joke on controller. Otherwise it’s largely the same game.

Agree, playing on controller is one of the reasons I think I’ve played Elden Ring for so long. I can’t play LE like that, but there’s just something to holding a controller and relaxing.